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In Support of Our Community

During these deeply disturbing times in our world, we are called to be together in community -- guided by our shared values to care for each other, condemn violence and stand against hate including acts and expressions of antisemitism and Islamophobia. Thank you to all in our community who continue to be compassionate and thoughtful leaders in support of each other and especially our students.


Please take advantage of the resources to support mental health and well-being found at the Every Hoya Cares website. Also, as a reminder, use Georgetown’s bias reporting system to report any experiences of bias or hate.

Feature Stories

School of Health Students Practice Community-Led Approach to Health with Alaska Natives

Global health program students Alaina Anderson H24 and Seareen Maaita H24 trekked to the Matanuska Glacier during their time in Alaska

When considering global health challenges, practitioners in the field often say “what’s global is local” and vice versa. This fall, global health students Alaina Anderson (H’24) and Seareen Maaita (H’24) took this theory with them while interning with the Alaska Native Tribal Consortium.

School of Nursing Faculty Receive Provost Innovation in Teaching Award

(pictured from left) Pam Biernacki (DNP and FNP-BC and associate professor) Lois Wessel (DNP and FNP-BC and professor) and Elke Zschaebitz (DNP and ARPN and assistant professor)

At a ceremony in the Bioethics Research Library, the Georgetown University Provost recognized School of Nursing faculty members Pam Biernacki, DNP, FNP-BC, Lois Wessel, DNP, FNP-BC, and Elke Zschaebitz, DNP, ARPN, with the Innovation in Teaching Award for their work as part of the Virtual Interprofessional Education (VIPE) collaboration.

Georgetown Recognizes Faculty, Honors Distinguished University Professors at Faculty Convocation

Georgetown President John J. DeGioia and Dr. Anthony Fauci is a Distinguished University Professor in the School of Medicine’s Department of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Disease

Three GUMC faculty members were honored as Distinguished University Professors at the fall faculty convocation, an annual ceremony that brought together faculty members from the main, medical and law campuses to recognize those who attained the rank of professor, associate professor or assistant professor.

Computer Models Fill Critical Knowledge Gaps To Help Reduce Cancer Disparities

Jeanne Mandelblatt (MD and MPH)

Reducing health disparities in incidence and mortality for major types of cancers can be aided by sophisticated computer modeling efforts, according to new, wide-ranging perspectives from researchers at Georgetown University’s Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center and colleagues around the country.

Heritage Months at Georgetown

Celebrating Jesuit Heritage Month

Jesuit Heritage Month at Georgetown University

Each November, the Office of Mission & Ministry invites the community to celebrate Jesuit Heritage Month through opportunities for faculty, staff and students to deepen their connection with our Jesuit values and the Spirit of Georgetown. Since its founding in 1789, Georgetown has been a home for all faiths, and our commitment to interreligious understanding is rooted in our Catholic and Jesuit identity. Learn more about events celebrating Jesuit Heritage Month.

Mental Health and Wellness Resources

Every Hoya Cares

Every Hoya cares about mental wellbeing

With mental health and wellness resources for staff, faculty and students, the Every Hoya Cares website can support you on your journey to mental well-being. Learn more about enhanced well-being resources for faculty and staff, including Journey, a proactive employee assistance program, Georgetown’s faculty and staff assistance program and Calm, a mobile app that supports resilience and mental fitness.

Wellness Resources for GUMC Faculty

Following a recommendation from the fall 2022 Wellness Task Force Report to consolidate wellness resources, the new GUMC Faculty Wellness website includes resources on the multiple domains of well-being: emotional, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social and spiritual.

Calls for Nominations

Submit Nominations for the President’s Awards for Distinguished Scholar-Teachers

All members of the Georgetown community are invited to nominate exceptional full-time faculty members for the President’s Awards for Distinguished Scholar-Teachers. Awardees will each receive an annual grant of $10,000 for three years to support their scholarship. Nominations are due by December 4. Learn more about the President’s Awards for Distinguished Scholar-Teachers.

Due Friday: Nominations for the GUMC Staff Community Award

Gold Star

Do you know someone who demonstrates positivity, perseverance and resilience in their work and goes above and beyond on behalf of our community? Nominate them today for the GUMC Staff Community Award. Awardees can be nominated by students, staff, administrators or faculty members, and will be chosen by the GUMC Staff/AAP Caucus committee and select others. Up to two awardees will be selected each quarter to receive a $1,250 cash award and recognition celebration with GUMC leadership. Learn more about the award and submit nominations by November 17 here.

Ombudsperson Resources and Updates

Introducing the New Georgetown University Staff Ombudsperson

Staff talking to each other

This fall, Linda Brothers joined the Georgetown community as the first university-wide ombudsperson dedicated to working with staff/AAPs on all Georgetown campuses. In this role, Brothers serves as a neutral advisor and confidential resource for informal dispute resolution for staff and AAPs. Learn more about the Office of the University Staff Ombuds.

This Wednesday, November 15 at 1:00 p.m., Brothers will participate in a virtual staff/AAP community forum via Zoom. RSVP and submit questions in advance for the virtual staff/AAP community forum.

New Website Launched for GUMC Faculty Ombudsperson

The GUMC Office of the Faculty Ombudsperson was established in 2022 with Bassem Haddad, MD, named as the inaugural faculty ombudsperson. The office serves as a confidential, independent, impartial and informal resource for the Georgetown University community. Visit the new GUMC Faculty Ombudsperson website to learn more about the role, services offered by the office and additional resources, and contact Haddad by email if you wish to speak with him.


This Wednesday: Virtual Staff/AAP Community Forum

All Georgetown University staff and AAPs are invited to a virtual staff/AAP community forum this Wednesday, November 15 at 1:00 p.m. via Zoom. The agenda will cover updates on the cultural climate survey results as well as the current staff/AAP classification and ongoing career pathway study. In addition, Linda Brothers, the university staff ombudsperson, will discuss her work. RSVP and submit questions in advance.

Announcing the 2023-24 Equity Forward Faculty Workshop Schedule

Centered around the theme “Equity in Assessment,” the 2023-24 Equity Forward faculty workshop series covers fundamental principles for faculty, fellows, residents and staff on the basics and core values around creating equitable and inclusive learning environments. The workshops can be joined at any time and participants who complete four or more will receive a certificate of completion on Teaching for Equity and Inclusion. CME credit will also be offered. The workshop schedule is available here.

Holiday Giving Opportunities

Nominate and Sign Up to Sponsor Families for the Eileen Fenrich Sponsor a Family Program

Eileen Fenrich Sponsor a Family Program

Administered by the Department of Human Resources, the Eileen Fenrich Sponsor a Family Program offers members of the university community an opportunity to assist Georgetown families in need during the holiday season. The program is entirely confidential and no identifying information will be shared with sponsors or sponsored families. To recommend a colleague to be a program beneficiary or volunteer to sponsor a family, please complete this form by November 17.

Announcing the 2023 Georgetown Angel Book Drive

The Angel Book Drive is an opportunity for members of the Georgetown community to bring the gift of reading to children and young adults in the Washington, D.C. area who have limited access to reading materials. Please join us this year by donating a copy of your favorite new or gently used children’s book, or select a book from the Angel Book Drive wish list. Books may be dropped off at collection sites in the Building D lobby, the Pre-Clinical Science Building in front of Dahlgren Memorial Library or the front lobby of St. Mary’s Hall.

To donate to the Angel Book Drive online, visit the Angel Book Drive wish list, select the books you would like to donate, and mail donations to: 

Attn: Angel Book Drive, 3700 O Street NW, Healy Hall 204, Washington, DC 20057.  

In addition, volunteers are also needed to help sort donations on December 13 at 5:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served. Please complete this form to confirm your participation.

Mary’s Center Toy Drive Seeking Donations

In partnership with the School of Nursing Committee on Mission and Values, the Mary’s Center Holiday Toy Drive provides gifts for more than 1,000 children during the holiday season. To participate, bring a new unwrapped toy to dropboxes in St. Mary’s Hall in the main lobby and west entrance. Donations may also be made through the Mary’s Center Holiday Toy Drive Amazon Wish List.

GUMC in the News

Medpage Today Claudine Isaacs, MD, on the Limitations of At-Home Genetic Tests for Hereditary Breast/Ovarian Cancers (Claudine Isaacs)

ASCO Post Computer Models May Help Reduce Cancer Disparities (Jeanne Mandelblatt and Lucille Adams-Campbell)

The Hoya HOYA Clinic Summer Sports Camp Returns for 10th Year (HOYA Clinic)

The Hoya Spotlight: Georgetown Honors Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Louis Weiner)

STAT News As extreme heat soars, laws to protect outdoor workers are bubbling up — and facing resistance (Rosemary Sokas)

Calendar of Events

Find more Georgetown seminars, talks, concerts and other activities on the university’s events website.

“Addressing Perinatal Health Inequities – Operationalizing Principles of Reproductive Justice in Health Services Research and Policy Advocacy”

Monday, November 13

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Christine Marea, PhD, GHUCCTS KL2 Scholar and assistant professor, Georgetown University School of Nursing. Part of the GHUCCTS KL2 Visiting Scholar Series.

“Global Partnerships and Building Human Resources for Health Capacity”

Monday, November 13

12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Maguire Hall 304 Conference Room

Presented by Christian Hunter, MD, director, Georgetown’s Global Infectious Disease master’s program and professor, Center for Global Health Science and Security. Part of the Global Health Security Seminar Series. Sponsored by the Center for Global Health Science and Security, the Department of Health Management and Policy, and the Global Health Institute.

“A Manifold Approach to Clustering Multiple -Omics Datasets”

Monday, November 13

2:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Debashis Ghosh, PhD, professor and chair, Department of Biostatistics and Informatics, University of Colorado and Colorado School of Public Health. Part of the Center for Metabolomic Studies Seminar Series.

RJCC Open House

Monday, November 13

6:00 p.m. 

Research Building Auditorium

Join the RJCC to discuss its successes to date, future plans and provide critical feedback. Refreshments will be provided.

“Measurements and Standards in the Development and Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals”

Tuesday, November 14

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Basic Science Building, Room 341 and via Zoom

Presented by Michael J. Tarlov, PhD, chief of the Biomolecular Measurement Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Part of the Bhussry Seminar Series. Sponsored by the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular & Cellular Biology.

“Using the AirID Proximity-Based Biotinylation System to Detect Novel HDV-Host Protein Interactions”

Tuesday, November 14

12:15 - 1:15 p.m.

Medical-Dental Building, NE301 and via Zoom

Presented by Susannah Stephenson-Tsoris, PhD, postdoctoral fellow, T. Jake Liang Lab, Liver Diseases Virology Section, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH. Sponsored by the Department of Microbiology & Immunology.

Progress and Peril in Global Laws on Same-Sex Sex: Community Discussion of New HIV Policy Lab Report

Wednesday, November 15

8:00 - 9:00 a.m. 

Via Zoom

Join the O’Neill Institute, UNAIDS, UNDP, GNP+, UKPC, and C-HELP for a conversation on the new HIV Policy Lab report. Experts will discuss the recent historic decriminalization of same-sex sex and more. Sponsored by the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law.

10th Annual Ruggles Lecture in Military Medicine

Wednesday, November 15

6:00 p.m.

Harvey Amphitheater

Featuring LTC Bradley Dengler, MD, FAANS, FACS, US Army. This event will not be recorded or via Zoom.

7th Annual Karen Gale Memorial Lectureship for Outstanding Women in Neuroscience

Thursday, November 16

2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

Schering Foundation Library (Medical-Dental Building, NE401)

“Translation of Anxiety into Action by Cortical and Dopamine Neurons” with Bita Moghaddam, PhD, Ruth Matarazzo Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience, Behavioral Neuroscience Graduate Program, School of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University. Reception to follow.

A Reading and Conversation with V. V. “Sugi” Ganeshanathan, Author of “Brotherless Night

Thursday, November 16

5:30 - 7:00 p.m. 

Maria and Alberto de la Cruz Art Gallery

V.V. "Sugi" Ganeshananthan, an American fiction writer, essayist and journalist, reads and discusses her critically acclaimed novel “Brotherless Night,” which follows Sashi, a 16 year old girl who dreams of becoming a doctor amid the Sri Lankan civil war. Reception to follow. Presented by Georgetown Medical Humanities Initiative. RSVP here.

14th Annual Ruesch Center Symposium: Innovations in GI Cancer

Friday, November 17 and Saturday, November 18

2115 Wisconsin Ave NW

Topics include the microbiome and biological basis of early onset GI cancers, young adult cancer survivors' unique needs, and developing prevention strategies for early onset GI cancers.

Thomas R. Schafer Memorial Lecture

Friday, November 17

1:50 - 2:40 p.m.

Part of the Ruesch Center Symposium, Luis A. Diaz, MD, of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, presents “Immunotherapy and Mismatch Repair Deficiency.” Register with promo code HCP23.

“Time-to-Event Models”

Friday, November 17

12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Via Zoom

Presented by Paul Kolm, PhD, associate director in the Department of Biostatistics and Biomedical Informatics at MedStar Health Research Institute. Part of the MHRI-GHUCCTS Monthly Statistical Seminar Series.

Foundational Principles for Equity in Assessment in Health Professions Education

Tuesday, November 21

12:00 - 1:15 p.m.

Via Zoom

Mun Chun Chan, PhD, associate teaching professor, Department of Biology, and STEM pedagogy specialist, CNDLS, presents this workshop for fellows, residents and staff that provides a foundational framework and tools for designing and redesigning assessments as part of a more equitable and inclusive course in the health profession fields. Part of the Equity Forward Faculty Workshops series.

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