Health Update ~ Minyan Temporarily Closing
Dear Friends,
Out of an abundance of caution for public health and safety, we will be closing our Minyan for a period of two weeks starting today, Monday November 16. We had one person present at Kesser on Friday night, Saturday morning & evening as well as Sunday morning who tested positive for COVID-19 shortly thereafter.
The Kesser Minyan is a non-exposure environment since everyone is wearing masks and is appropriately distanced. Minyan attendees are NOT required to quarantine based on having been at Minyan at the above times. However, if you develop any symptoms of illness, please immediately isolate and arrange to get tested for COVID-19.
Kesser Israel adheres to excellent standards of health and safety at all times. As cases of COVID-19 surge in Oregon, this precautionary measure will help ensure that our Minyan is a place of safety without virus transmission.
Be well,

Rabbi Ken Brodkin
Congregation Kesser Israel | 503-222-1239 | |