Delaware Area Career Center
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Dear Families,

Today is a new day for our DACC family. Our teachers and students are settling in to a new way of working, learning, and communicating. I understand that remote learning puts a new burden on our families that none of us have experienced before. We are here to support you. While much of our staff is working remotely, they are remaining stedfast in their commitment to our students.
Yesterday, you and your student should have received an email from your CTE instructor and if you take academic classes with DACC, you should have also received an email from your academic team lead. Please be sure to read through the information they sent you as it serves as your orientation for this remote learning platform. Parents have been asking about the expected time commitment and timelines for remote learning. Here is a brief outline of what this should look like:
  1. Teachers will be posting information for our students daily. Please check for updates by 9:00am every day.
  2. Teachers will be checking in with their students using a web-based platform. Information about access to that platform will come directly from your child's teacher.
  3. Students are asked to fill out a daily log of the assignments they are working on.
  4. Assignments are due by midnight of the posted due date.
  5. For CTE classes, we anticipate about 1 hour of work per day.
  6. For academic classes, we anticipate 3 assignments per week per course.
As we continue our education online, we are also continuing support for our students' mental health and emotional well-being online as well. Our counseling department is prepared to continue providing support remotely. If you feel that your child is in need of our counseling services, please contact us at 740-203-2214. If you feel that what your child is experiencing is an emergency, please call 911.
Our IT Department is also prepared to offer support for students as they work through utilizing technology to learn remotely. If your child is  experiencing difficulty, please send an email to [email protected] or call 740-203-2218. I hope this transition to remote learning is seamless for all, but if you experience problems, our technology team is available to help between 9am and 3pm. Please be patient as their response time may not be immediate, depending on demand.
With new information coming out daily, please make sure you have the most up-to-date news on our COVID-19 Information page on the DACC web site.

Information specifically about the COVID-19 situation can be found with the Center for Disease Control and the Delaware General Health District:
It is important we all do our part to flatten the curve so that life can get back to the way it was. As more people are diagnosed with COVID-19, it is likely someone you know may be impacted. Do not panic. Your health and safety are important; therefore I encourage you to follow the practices of social distancing, frequent washing of your hands and staying home. 
Best Regards,
Mary Beth Freeman
Delaware Area Career Center
The Delaware Area Career Center, in partnership with community, is an innovative model for developing lifelong learners, quality leaders, and critical thinkers for the dynamic and global environment.

The Delaware Area Career Center (DACC) affirms that equal opportunities are offered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, military status, national origin, disability, age and ancestry of person.  No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity conducted under its auspices.  This shall extend to employees therein and to admission thereto.  Inquiries concerning the application of the policy may be referred to the Superintendent or designated coordinators.  This policy shall prevail in all Board Policies concerning school employees and students.

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