Friday’s Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v Wade has set into motion a variety of potential impacts on individual health choices. No matter how you feel about this decision, we believe it is important to continue to fight for every person’s ability to choose health care that is best for that person – no matter what gender, race, age, socioeconomic situation or faith.
We understand that this one decision will disproportionately affect people of color, disabled people and those with less economic means. It will also impact those in our country who have historically struggled to access many health care services.
We are committed to supporting and helping all people get the care they want and deserve through health advocacy.
At HealthAdvocateX, our mission is to help people understand and be involved in their health care to make the best choices for themselves. We are committed to engaging people in health advocacy in all respects.
We support all people’s right to choose medical care appropriate for themselves. Like other
treatment options, we support a person’s right to choose an abortion and to be able to access care safely. Especially during this Pride Month, we highlight that gynecological rights are the rights of all women along with trans and intersex people. We believe it is important to continue to fight for every person’s ability to have a choice in making their own health care decisions.
We will continue to be engaged in the process of informing, engaging and fighting for the right to understand and ask for health care equality for all people. Please join us!
Here’s to your good health,
Robin Shapiro (Board Chair) and the Team at HealthAdvocateX