Tom Barrow Company

Healthcare - Your One Source

Comprehensive HVAC Solutions

We are your one source for comprehensive HVAC systems and solutions for healthcare facilities. 

TBCo represents hundreds of products to address a broad range of HVAC applications. Industry-leading products include critical controls, chillers, custom air handlers, fans, filters, in-duct UVC disinfection, terminal units, and variable frequency drives. 

Beyond products, the companies we represent offer expertise for healthcare environments and are excellent partners in determining the best solutions for: 

  • Achieving temperature, humidity, and overall air quality requirements 
  • Providing operating room comfort, proper air delivery, and lighting 
  • Meeting cleanroom requirements and monitoring 
  • Maintaining HVAC units and reducing energy costs 
  • Helping to prevent the spread of infectious bio-aerosols 

Contact your local TBCo branch location for more information.


HVAC & Healthcare: Engineered Solutions

TBCo Healthcare and HVAC Video

Case Study

Mayo Clinic Davis Building

Location: Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida Campus


  • Air Handling Units with FANWALL TECHNOLOGY®
  • VFDs
  • Terminal Units
  • Mixed Flow Inline Return Fans


  • All of the components had to be sized such that they could navigate a narrow pathway from a freight elevator through multiple mechanical rooms and down a small hallway. 
  • Each of the Air Handling Units could only be down over the course of one weekend during the replacement. 

TOM BARROW COMPANY | 800-229-8226

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