IPRO QIN-QIO High-Risk Medication Safety Monthly Learning Circle
November 2, 2 - 3 pm ET and the first Wednesday of each month
November 2 Topic: Open discussion on what YOU need to manage your high-risk medications – we are prepared to focus on opioids, anticoagulation, diabetes meds, med rec, antibiotic stewardship, antipsychotics
- IPRO will provide audit tools, review your data, assist with tools, resources and education
- Goal is rapid improvement with short Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles of improvement
How to Join: No pre-registration required.
Email amyrka@ipro.org to receive a calendar invitation.
Clostridioides difficile: Sharing Best Practices and Outcomes Achieved
October 5, 1 - 2 pm ET
Speaker: Ghinwa Dumyati, MD, Director Communicable Diseases Surveillance and Prevention Program, University of Rochester Medical Center.
In this session, you will learn to:
List the most recent treatment guidelines for C. difficile infection
Identify the role of diagnostic stewardship in optimizing C. difficile testing
Describe the importance of communication across care transitions in improving the management of patients with C. difficile infection
NOTE: 1 contact hour of ACPE accredited continuing pharmacist education awarded to participants
Vax Chat
October 6, 7:45 - 8 am ET
Topic: Bivalent COVID Booster
This week's chat covers the recently released bivalent COVID Booster.
Join Vax Chat every other Thursday morning.
IP3: Infection Prevention for Infection Preventionists by an Infection Preventionists (Office Hours)
October 6, 11 - 11:30 am ET
CMS National Nursing Home Stakeholder Call
October 6, 4 pm ET
Long-term care providers, facility staff and resident advocates are encouraged to attend. This event is open to the public; registration is required.