May is National Nurses Month | | |
This National Nurses Month, we would like to extend a special thanks to all nurses in the IPRO QIN-QIO Partnership for Community Health (PCH) coalitions. We are proud to support your efforts and applaud you for your commitment to enhance the quality of care and health outcomes in your community. | | |
Prevention, Management, and Care Coordination | | |
Tobacco use is the leading cause of premature disease and death in the United States. It is also a primary driver of hospitalizations for cancer, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory diseases. Quitting tobacco is one of the most important things someone can do for their health. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, tobacco use increased and cessation counseling declined.
No Tobacco Day (5/31) provides a good opportunity to revisit and refine your current process so that you can best help your patients quit for good.
Highlighted Resources:
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This month we convened the IPRO QIN-QIO Partnership for Community Health Leader Forum to explore medication management during transitions of care. Thank you to our speakers and participants for your active participation in these sessions.
We look forward to reconvening in September to explore Cross-Continuum Opportunities to Reduce Sepsis Harms.
Please reach out to your QI specialist if you are interested in learning more about the Leader Forum.
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Working to build connections for your community? We’d love to have you join us!
The IPRO QIN-QIO Local Interactive Network of Knowledge Sharers (LINKS) forum includes community organizations, community health workers, providers, and others from our 11 state and District of Columbia network who provide health education, tools, and support to consumers and patients to enhance the health of the communities they serve.
We meet quarterly to explore topics of mutual interest, share promising practices, and problem-solve. Join our next meeting on May 18 at 3pm ET. We also have a Facebook group to keep our conversations going. Check out the LINKS Portfolios for consumer-facing educational materials.
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Register Now for the CMS Health Equity Conference
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will host the inaugural CMS Health Equity Conference on June 7 and 8. Your last chance to register as a virtual attendee is May 19. Learn more and register here.
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Don't miss our May Health Equity Highlights Newsletter featuring the latest hospital health equity news, events, and tools to support your efforts in eliminating healthcare disparities within your health system and communities.
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Pain Management and Opioid Misuse | | |
Over-the-Counter Narcan Now Available
On March 29, the FDA approved Narcan nasal spray for over-the-counter (OTC), nonprescription use. Although the transition from prescription to OTC will take some time, this action allows this life-saving medication to be more accessible to consumers.
Educating patients, families, and others about Narcan continues to be a critical area of opportunity. To support these efforts, the IPRO QIN-QIO Medication Safety team, in partnership with our Patient and Family Advisory Council, developed Naloxone Saves Lives.
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NQIIC Opioid Stewardship Affinity Group Meeting
The IPRO NQIIC Invites You to Join the Opioid Stewardship Affinity Group for a meeting on June 12 at 11 am ET. Opioid Stewardship Affinity Group meeting highlight best practices, resources, and successful solutions to challenges.
During this meeting, we will go over:
- The hospital-based Peer Recovery Program and use of EPIC automatic referrals/triggers including HIPAA-compliant text messaging
- ED provider-focused quality measures focused on increased utilization of MOUD in collaboration with peer support services
- The importance of multi-sector, multi-discipline corporate and local advisory committees specifically focused on SUD
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New Quest for Quality Podcast Episode: Buprenorphine for Pain Management
In Episode 3, IPRO QIN-QIO's Tosin David, PharmD, interviews Daniel Berland, MD, FACP, Clinical Associate Professor - Emeritus in the Departments of Medicine and Anesthesiology at University of Michigan Health. Dr. Berland is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine. He practices and teaches in both departments, concentrating mainly on the management of complex, chronic pain patients who have been treated with polypharmacy controlled medication regimens that put those individuals at high risk for medication toxicity and poor quality of life.
Listen to the episode here. Explore our other podcasts here.
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COVID-19 and Care Transitions | | |
COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
The federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) for COVID-19 expired on May 11. To help keep communities safe from COVID-19, HHS remains committed to maximizing continued access to COVID-19 vaccines and treatments.
Americans will continue to be able to access COVID-19 vaccines at no cost, just as they have during the COVID-19 PHE. Because of the CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Provider Agreement requirements, people will have continued access COVID-19 treatments just as.
Want more information about the end of the COVID-19 PHE? Click here.
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Coming Soon: Care Transitions Data Reports
The IPRO QIN-QIO provides quarterly state, community, and hospital care transitions reports that are intended to be used in conjunction with other data to help identify improvement opportunities, enhance care coordination, and reduce unnecessary hospital utilization. Q4 2022 reports will be posted to the portal the week of May 15.
Please reach out if you are not currently receiving our data reports but would like to learn more.
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The IPRO QIN-QIO works to ensure high-quality, safe health care in New England, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Delaware, Maryland, and the District of Columbia.
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This material was prepared by the IPRO QIN-QIO, a Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organization, under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of CMS or HHS, and any reference to a specific product or entity herein does not constitute endorsement of that product or entity by CMS or HHS. 12SOW-IPRO-QIN-T1-AA-21-435
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