Recovery Friendly Workplaces

Video thumbnail image and link to "Recruitment and Retention: More Than Just A Paycheck"

Due to the opioid crisis and other substance use disorders, workplaces and employees are feeling the impact both on the job and at home. In this online, collaborative learning community the Healthier Workforce Center of the Midwest brought together three experts to share innovative ideas and best practices on how to create a workplace that is recovery friendly.

Feature experts include:

  • Ann Marie Dale, PhD, OTR/L, Washington University in St. Louis
  • John Narine, DBA, CEAP, founder of Recovery Friendly Leader, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping businesses become recovery friendly
  • Jamie Osborne, MPH, CHES, public health analyst from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
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The Creating a Recovery Friendly Workplace: A Guide for Employers outlines the "why" and "how" to foster a recovery friendly workplace.

The guide outlines best practices for developing a supportive culture, training supervisors, and educating employees.

Download Here

Total Worker Health® Ideas Summit

The Healthier Workforce Center of the Midwest will host the virtual Total Worker Health® Ideas Summit on August 9th from 12pm to 1pm (CT). This event will feature success stories from four Midwest employers. Programs, policies, and/or practices that improved worker well-being will be shared during this live event. 

Join us to learn how Total Worker Health® approaches can benefit your business and your people.

Register Here

Total Worker Health® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Participation by the Healthier Workforce Center does not imply endorsement by HHS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Safe + Sound Week 2023

August 7-13

Attention Region VII employers!

Let's rally and show the rest of the nation that Region VII employers are committed to safety and health! As of 7/13, only two Nebraska employers in the region have signed the Safe + Sound pledge:

I pledge to make safety a core workplace value.

Everyone has the right to a safe and healthy workplace, and I will work to ensure everyone goes home safe and sound every day.

My workplace will be taking action to improve our safety and health program during Safe + Sound Week 2023.

Take the Pledge

Funding Opportunity

Bonus Resources & Events

Upcoming Events

Recovery Friendly Workplace: Reimagining Today's Workforce

RFW Missouri

Online & Columbia, MO


Hawkeye on Safety

Heartland ERC

Coralville, IA



Visit our website for a complete event list!

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