"Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow."
The recent times have created unease and disconnect like nothing we've ever seen. Everything we've been dealing with is new for us all. As an organization, you've all been great. My message today isn't about COVID or its effect on the rhythm of our life. Over the past couple of weeks, we've witnessed and watched an uprising that speaks to the foundation of fairness and equity, the underpinnings of our movement. It has caused us to pause, listen, learn and reflect.

Systemic racism exists. Until we challenge and eliminate racism in all aspects of society, we will not achieve justice and equality. You cannot have one without the other. At Special Olympics Ontario we know that the lives of our Black, Indigenous and racialized members of society and our movement unequivocally matter. Despite this, racism continues to exist and impact their lives and health and we all have a role in changing this.

As an organization, Special Olympics Ontario upholds and commits to the values of inclusion and equity and uses the power of sport to foster social change. We also have an important role to play in the anti-racism movement.

Our organization, volunteers and athletes have always advocated strongly for positive change, on and off the playing field. This time is no different. To those who feel apathetic, let's think harder. To anyone who thinks this is someone else's problem, think again. We've been a leader in many areas, it's time to do the same again. We are committed to expanding the ways we can dismantle all barriers for our members to ensure our organization is truly inclusive. We stand with our Black and Indigenous Special Olympics athletes, volunteers and families, and with the anti-racism movement.

Special Olympics Ontario commits to anti-Black, anti-Indigenous and anti-racism work within and through our organization and communities. We understand that this work is on-going, requires reflection and a strong resolve, and is absolutely necessary. We recognize that this work is a priority, and that our organization has a vital role in creating a framework for successful anti-racism practices at all levels.

Special Olympics Ontario is committed to doing this work and taking the next steps to learn, unlearn, educate and provide platforms for dialogue to ensure that all our members and future members are given opportunities to succeed. Only then will we reflect the true definition of inclusion.

Our work has just begun, and we look forward to sharing our actionable next steps with our stakeholders soon.
Thank you,
Glenn MacDonell
President & CEO
Welcome to Ontario! With over 25,800 KM completed of the Walk The World With Me virtual walking program - Congratulations!

We are currently in Cottage Country - Bala, Ontario! Over the course of the next few days, we will be sharing stories of athletes and supporters from Ontario who have been walking virtually. Be sure to stay tuned to Special Olympics Ontario Twitter and Instagram for highlights!
Join us TOMORROW in reaching our daily walking goal together!

We are en route to Kingston, Ontario and our goal is to reach Kingston by 6 PM EDT tomorrow, Tuesday, June 16 so we can virtually have a rest and tune in to the first ever Special Olympics Ontario Virtual School Championships Opening Ceremony!
Join us in celebrating the Special Olympics Ontario Virtual School Championships
Congratulations to all student-athlete participants of the first ever Special Olympics Ontario Virtual School Championships! We had over 180 registrants from 53 schools across Canada participating in 18 different sport challenges and events.
Join us in celebrating the success and by participating in virtual events by clicking here! Open to ALL athletes of ALL ages whether you participated or didn't in these Virtual Games.
Weekly Wellness Challenge
Don't forget to complete both challenges each day and consider doing the #SOOWOD to complete more active workouts this week!
Virtual Events Highlights This Week:
Special Olympics Ontario
Click on the images below to be directed to a Facebook Event page or link to register for all the exciting virtual events we have going on this week!
Tuesday, June 16 Events
Wednesday, June 17 Events
Thursday, June 18 Events
Friday, June 19 Event
Calendar of Virtual Events
Have you been visiting the Healthy @ Home Virtual Calendar to check out what other fun, creative, and interactive online events are happening across North America?

Virtual Summer Practices Demonstrations
Week 2
Last week we released sport-specific workouts and practice routines for athletes to try from the safety of their home. This will continue for five (5) more weeks! We will be focusing in on the same summer sports each week;: athletics, bocce, golf, soccer and softball.

Be sure to follow Special Olympics Ontario's Facebook page for daily releases. Missed last weeks? Check out the Virtual Summer Practices page.
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So remember to tag Special Olympics Ontario and use #SOHealthyAtHome

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Healthy @ Home newsletter!
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