Call to Action - Make Your Voice Heard
Flavored E-Cigarettes: Tell Governor Lamont What You Think!

Governor Lamont will soon issue his budget plan. This annual plan sets out an agenda for the state Legislature, containing policies that the governor wants to see enacted.

If you would like him to consider eliminating flavored e-cigarettes, you can tell him by sending a quick email.
You Think You Know Toolkit

You Think You Know has just launched their prevention toolkit. You can download a variety of materials, add your logo and begin promoting the campaign in your community. Materials currently available:
  • Fact sheets
  • Posters
  • Postcard
  • Social media graphics
  • Logos
  • Ads

Don't forget to sign up so you receive their monthly e-newsletter here so you know when new materials are added.
Norwalk Middle School Teacher Received Peer Project Grant
Pictured above are examples from one of the My Friend Abby Peer Project Grant recipients. This young adult, who is a middle school teacher in Norwalk, her entire class journaling about their mental health in their classroom everyday.

She said, “my students crave emotional connections and I make it a point for them to always feel calm and comfortable in the classroom. Journaling and exchanging cards provides an amazing daily outlet.”

The next grant cycle begins February 15th when the application will be available and open until March 15th.
February 16, 2022 at 7:00pm
Nominated for five Emmy Awards, the video is narrated by a diverse group of young adults whose personal true-life stories are mirror images of topics that impact every person who watches the film.

February 16, 2022 at 5:30 - 7:00pm

Tobacco Retailer Resources
CT Clearinghouse wants to let all Local Prevention Councils know that they can order a number of materials for tobacco retailers from the Clearinghouse. Materials available include Notice of Law signs, “Under 30? We ID” door decals and cash register stickers, and promotional items (e.g., We ID face masks, We ID buttons, and pens). There is also an online training that explains the Tobacco 21 Law. Visit the Tobacco Merchant Information webpage to learn more or call CT Clearinghouse at 1.800.232.4424 to order materials.
In the News
The RX Opioid Ecosystem: A Novel Approach to the Crisis

We are awash in crises: environmental, political, and even infectious. While these may have pushed the crisis of fatal opioid overdoses from the daily news, and perhaps the public mind, the problem has not abated -- indeed the opioid crisis is...

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The Best Brain Foods You're Not Eating

For this week's Eat Well Challenge, try some new foods that have been linked with improving your mood. It's time to start feeding your brain. For years research on healthy eating has focused primarily on physical health and the link between diet, ...

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The Hub: Behavioral Health Action Organization for Southwestern CT
A division of the Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) 

Newsletter designed and created in collaboration with Daydream Communications, LLC