August 2020
Healthy Soil Solutions Monthly
Good Morning All!  

Welcome to the second edition of Healthy Soil Solutions Monthly.  Last month’s newsletter was drafted with a few goals in mind, namely, to introduce our network of growers and partners to this publication, communicate the mission of Penny Newman’s Farm Products Division, and highlight some of the successes this young division has realized accompanied with real results and testimonials from the field.  For those of you who missed it, you can get a recap here.  

In keeping with a couple of the themes introduced last month, we’d like to take this opportunity to introduce two of the latest game-changing innovations we’ve come across as well as present exclusive offers available only to subscribers of this newsletter.  You might recall that we declared our charge with respect to water utilization in last month’s publication as it’s far too important and difficult a challenge for us to ignore here in CA.  I wish I could say that maximizing water utilization is as simple as just following your annual application of Full Spectrum C+P and throwing your legs up but, the fact of the matter is, there’s so much more that can be done to get the most out of your water.  Truly optimizing it takes a multi-faceted approach--a full program dedicated to the propagation of soil organic matter--that if followed correctly, will only see greater returns as your soil gets healthier over time.  

That said, step #1 is pretty simple, just get the darn water in the ground.  Full Spectrum accomplishes this more effectively than any other amendment we’ve come across, but we’ve identified a complementary solution that not only further increases the infiltration rates of FS treated acres, it also helps to accomplish the end goal of propagating soil organic matter through enhanced oxygenation.  This latter component is key in that soil rich in organic matter will percolate and sustain water significantly more effectively than our typical CA soil which, in the vast majority of cases, contains <1% organic matter.  FUN FACT:  for every 1% increase in soil organic matter, your soil will retain 20,000 gallons more water per acre!  Again, our mission isn’t just to increase water utilization and reduce drought stress, our goal is to help growers achieve the healthiest soil possible (which, we might add, has a long list of other benefits), and aerobic organic matter is the bedrock of healthy soil.  

Enter, our latest solution:  EMOH by Aequion.  The EMOH system performs three unique functions that greatly enhance irrigation water:  (1) it breaks up the polymeric “clusters” of H2O molecules held together by hydrogen bonds in a manner that significantly increases the water’s mobility in the soil and absorbability to the plant, (2) it infuses the water with dissolved oxygen “nanobubbles”, and (3) it breaks up hard water/scale and even produces trace amounts of hydrogen peroxide.  Why are these functions so important?  The first is what increases the infiltration rate whereas the second promotes a more aerobic condition in the soil.  Both functions are critical to creating an environment in which soil microbes can thrive.  We view the 3rd function as a bit of a bonus considering it will keep your drip lines clean and save $$$ on line cleaners and maintenance.  For those of you who are beginning to understand our ethos, I think it will be clear why we’ve chosen to promote this incredible system, and we’ve decided to provide an exclusive offer to subscribers of this newsletter who are interested in seeing the results for themselves…  The first 10 subscribers to send an email to [email protected] will be given 15% off the already-discounted early adopter pricing (valid through 2/01/2021) on any size EMOH system they wish to purchase.  Be sure to put “EMOH” in the subject line and include your contact info in the body of the email.  **NOTE:  Participating in the email offer will not commit you to purchase a system. 

Our second exclusive subscriber offer comes by way of our partners at Aqua-Yield who have developed a nanotech-based product for increasing fertilizer efficiency.  Fertilizers are laughably inefficient when you consider how much of what is applied is lost (average of 50% in the case of Nitrogen according to this UC Davis study) and that ultimately represents an immense amount of money wasted on the farm.  Simply put, Aqua-Yield products can be thought of as a delivery system for traditional fertilizer products that dramatically increases their efficiency and uptake to the plant (between 30-50% in most cases!)  This means growers have the option of cutting back significantly on applied units and, therefore, reducing the amount of extraneous “bad stuff” they apply like salts that are laden in some of the most widely-used fertilizers like UAN32 and KTS.  You might recall from last month’s newsletter that we essentially declared war on salinity, and reducing salts applied is yet another way in which we will help our growers achieve the healthiest soils possible.  

We love Aqua Yield’s products because they’re the perfect combo of simple and effective.  You just blend AY with wherever liquid fertilizer you’re already using and apply as usual (we’ll do the blending for you!)  We’re raffling off 5 free 80 acre trials with Aqua Yield to our subscribers and will provide petiole sampling/analysis along with the trials to prove just how well these products work. Subscribers will have until Friday, September 25th to send an email to [email protected] with “Aqua Yield” in the subject line (be sure to include your contact info in the body) and you will be entered into the drawing.   Winners will be announced on Wednesday, September 30th!  

That’s it for this month, folks.  Be sure to follow us on social media to stay up-to-date with the latest offers, innovations, and stories from the field. Stay cool out there!!! 

-The Team at Penny Newman Farm Products Division
Aqua-Yield Grower Testimonials
Try our flagship product!
It's Fall Soil Amendment Season, Folks!
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Penny Newman is the most competitive source of gypsum in the Central Valley!
Sign up for the Healthy Soils Summit Sponsored by Live Earth Products
August 25-26 (Virtual Conference)
We are a proud supplier of Live Earth Products humic soil amendments and fertilizers. The company will be sponsoring this year's 2020 Healthy Soils Summit.
Penny Newman is a Proud Affiliate of The Ag Center!

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