Share your Healthcare Story
Do you have a story about your experiences with your child with disability and/or medical complexity in healthcare?
Have you ever wished you could use that story to teach medical students and residents?
The University of Wisconsin-Madison is partnering with the Bluebird Way Foundation to host and produce quarterly, virtual Family-Led Academic Grand “FLAG” Rounds focused on Ableism (discrimination toward children and adults with disabilities) in Pediatrics. FLAG Rounds flips the traditional model of Grand Rounds and adopts families as educators.
Who can submit a story?
A parent, guardian, sibling, or other family member who:
• is or has been a caregiver for a child with disability
and/or medical complexity
• lives in the U.S. or Canada
• has a story (positive or negative) about disability that
either you or your child with disability and/or medical
complexity have experienced in healthcare