April 2019                         DONATE 

The United Way of Charlotte County 
Mission:  Leading the united effort to eliminate poverty by investing in our community. 

What's happening and how our #gamechangers are leading the way
Moving the Needle
The Suncoast Campaign for Grade-Level Reading aims to boost local students' reading scores to ensure they are reading at grade level by the third grade.   
Thank you to Harbor Style Magazine for featuring our local youth in your May issue.  Click here to read the full article.
Babcock Celebrates Community Leaders!

Thank you Kitson & Partners for hosting the United Way Leadership Celebration & Concert, on April 5, at Babcock Ranch in Founder's Square. The music was fun, atmosphere amazing and food was delicious. Here are just a few of the highlights.

That's A Wrap for VITA Volunteers!     

Thank you to 38 amazing volunteers, Steve Vito the Event Coordinator, Centennial Bank, Trinity Financial, United Way of Lee, Hendry, Glades and Okeechobee Counties for over 10 weeks of service and  helping our community for free..... 5,000 volunteer hours, 562 Tax Returns and $542,984.00 in refunds were provided to residents in Charlotte County.

Women United Annual May Art and Networking Event!    

We will create an easy art project for babies born substance exposed and their mothers here in Charlotte County on Wednesday, May 1, 2019 at 6:00 PM. It's not too late to sign up.  Learn more about this United Way of Charlotte County Program, Kids Thrive and the amazing Partner Agencies that are collaborating: Drug Free Charlotte County, Early Learning Coalition of Florida's Heartland, Charlotte County Healthy Start Coalition, Healthy Families of Charlotte County.  
* Join us and learn more about Women United!
* $25 Includes all supplies, appetizers and wine or beverage.
* Please bring an infant book or soft baby book
* Bring an inspirational quote - something that would empower women
* Register today, simply click here.     
Joy Thomas Moore's "love letter" to single mothers (all women for that matter) has proven to be so meaningful to our community. Happily, Joy will be at Charlotte Harbor Event Center May 15 to inspire us once again. Please join us! 

Do you have an hour to give?
United Way