September 2019
CNP Action, Inc. presents the September edition of Heard Around the Hill . This monthly publication provides updates and news about what is happening on Capitol Hill, plus events and projects sponsored by Conservative groups around the country.

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Smear Campaign Continues for
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh
On September 16, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins interviewed Carrie Severino, co-author of Justice on Trial and Chief Council and Policy Director of Judicial Crisis Network , on Washington Watch about a recent New York Times article that alleged yet another sexual assault incident with Justice Kavanaugh. However, the article left out the fact that the supposed victim does not remember a thing. National Review's John McCormick calls it "one of the worst cases of journalistic malpractice in recent memory."

After the article was published, Democrats running for President called for Justice Kavanaugh's impeachment. Here is a petition organized by the Susan B. Anthony List that you can sign to let Congress know that the American people oppose any and all impeachment proceedings against Justice Kavanaugh.
Ratify the USMCA
During August recess, Republican Study Committee (RSC) Chairman Mike Johnson (LA-4) and RSC Members heard from their constituents about how important the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) is to American jobs, communities and the economy. RSC looks forward to ratifying the USMCA, which will add $68.2 billion to our economy, bring our trading relationship with Canada and Mexico into the 21st century and support American workers. Click here or the above video to hear what RSC Members have to say about the USMCA.
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise
Fights for the Second Amendment
According to a USA Today article, House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA-1) is "not supportive of measures posed by liberals, such as a ban on assault weapons or universal background checks. Instead, he is looked at as a leader on Second Amendment rights within the Republican Party..." The above video is an interview that Minority Whip Scalise did with USA Today.

House Republicans are keeping an eye on the three anti-gun/anti-Second Amendment bills that were marked up last week by the House Judiciary Committee:
  • H.R. 1236, Extreme Risk Protection Order Act of 2019 (also known as the Red Flag bill)
  • H.R. 1186, Keep Americans Safe Act
  • H.R. 2708, Disarm Hate Act

Plus, House Republicans are watching for House Democrats to circle back to H.R. 8, Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019, as a gateway to their ultimate policy goals. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) is the Senate lead for the H.R. 8 companion - S. 42, Background Check Expansion Act.
House to Vote on Continuing Resolution
to Avoid Government Shutdown
Funding for the government expires on September 30. The House is expected to vote for a straight extension of funding , known as a Continuing Resolution (C.R.), on Friday which would extend funding through November 21. Text for the C.R. has not been officially released, but here is a leaked draft.
Reshaping the Judiciary
On September 12, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) presided over President Trump's 152nd judicial confirmation hitting a milestone at record speed and cementing this administration's place as one of the most influential court-shapers in history. Click here to read a post about this exciting achievement on Majority Leader McConnell's (R-KY) Leader Board.
House Freedom Caucus
Names New Chairman
Last week, the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) elected Congressman Andy Biggs (R-AZ-5) as their new leader. He replaces Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC-11). Congressman Biggs officially takes the helm on October 1.

Conservative Partnership Institute Chairman Senator Jim DeMint tweeted, "The Freedom Caucus is in great hands with Rep. Andy Biggs, a rock solid conservative and a truly principled leader. He is an able replacement for Rep. Mark Meadows, who has done tremendous things for the HFC."

The Daily Signal Podcast recently interviewed Congressman Biggs.
Andy Biggs (R-AZ-5)
House Republicans Hold Hearing for Defenseless Little Babies
On September 10, more than 40 Members of Congress attended a hearing entitled "End Infanticide: Examining the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act." This hearing was hosted by House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA-1) and Representatives Ann Wagner (R-MO-2) and Chris Smith (R-NJ-4). To watch the hearing, click here or the video above.
Fifth Circuit to Hear Congressman
Steve Stockman's Appeal
Congressman Steve Stockman
Thanks to those of you who signed the amicus brief in Congressman Steve Stockman's appeal. It has been officially filed with the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. Oral argument is set for October 8. The brief concludes, "The Government misled the jury by creating confusion about complex law, and by contorting innocent acts to appear suspicious in that poisoned context. The Appellant was also improperly barred from developing facts and arguments about campaign finance and tax-exempt law - and scandalous, unlawful targeting of outspoken, politically active conservatives like him - that could have provided the reasonable doubt for the jury to acquit. Steve Stockman’s conviction should be reversed."
The next Heard Around the Hill will be issued on October 16. If you would like to submit information to be included in this publication, please send your submission to Sherri Francescon before COB on Friday, October 11. 

 CNP Action, Inc. is the section 501(c)(4) sister organization of the Council for National Policy, an educational organization founded in 1981. CNP Action, Inc. does not support candidates or political parties, but it may promote issues or specific pieces of legislation. This newsletter is for informational purposes and does not necessarily represent the opinion of CNP Action, Inc. or its constituents. 
Sherri D. Francescon
Managing Director, CNP Action, Inc.