Second Sunday of Epiphany- January 19, 2025

Coming Soon!


We have a lot going on at Epiphany over the next few weeks. Plan on being part of it!

This Sunday January 19: We will welcome the Rev. Kathleen Christopher from The Christian Healing Institute and a staff member at the Falls Church Anglican for many years. Kathleen will be preaching at both services, and also offer a brief adult education session on "Hearing God" between 9:15 and 10am on Sunday. Please sign up here for that session so that we can plan appropriately. Kathleen will also be the speaker at an upcoming Epiphany women's event in February, so this is a great chance to meet her.

Next Sunday January 26: Our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Chris Warner, will be with us for both services. He will be confirming, receiving and praying over those reaffirming their faith at the 10:15am service. It is still not too late to join those being prayed-for by Bishop Chris. Please contact me ASAP.

Marriage Ministry "Lovely Tidbits and Tapas:" Epiphany's marriage ministry is hosting an informal social gathering for couples from 4 to 5:30pm on February 1. Child Care is available. You can sign up here.

Quiet Day: Maybe all these events sound nice, but what you really need is a break from the busy-ness of your life. We also have a quiet day on the calendar during the morning on February 1. Sign-up here.

Finally, I am glad to announce Epiphany's leadership team for 2025. The vestry affirmed my nomination of Mrs. Beth Monroe to serve as our senior warden. The vestry elected Mr. Jeff Zimmerman to be our junior warden and Mr. Don Holt to be our registrar.

God Bless,

P.S. I have some great news to share. You were all so generous on Christmas Eve that the vestry happily voted to double our Epiphany gift from $5,000 to $10,000 for Uganda Christian University. We have already funded our plan to provide electronic supplies for the Department of Computing and Technology. Now we are also contributing another $5,000 from your generous giving on Christmas Eve to provide much-needed medical supplies to the UCU Medical School.

Be Prayed For By Bishop Chris on Jan. 26

There are three ways you might be prayed for by Bishop Chris on January 26.

Confirmation: Confirmation is open to youth and new Christians who have been baptized but have not yet made an adult profession of faith. Please talk to Mtr. Pamela if you are ready to take this step.

Reception: Reception is the formal step to join the Anglican way of being a Christian for those who have come to Epiphany from another Christian church. Being received is a necessary step for those coming from another Christian Church who are interested in serving as leaders at Epiphany. Please talk to Fr. Peter if you are ready to take this step.

Reaffirmation: We all reach moments in our life where our faith and practice of Christianity can benefit from a recommitment to follow Jesus. If you are at a point where you would like to reaffirm your faith, please talk to Fr. Peter.

Guest Card Translation Help Needed!

We love it when visitors fill out guest cards at Epiphany. But some are a bit harder to make out than others. We hope whoever filled out this card for us last Sunday had a great time at church!

2025 Save-The-Date Calendars Available

New "save-the-date" Calendars for 2025 are now available. These one-page calendars provide an overview to the events and special worship services we have planned at Epiphany for the year ahead. Take one home (or print one out here) and put it on your refrigerator!

Bent Reeds and Biblical Prophecy

Thanks from Coates Elementary School

Coates Drop Off

The 70 families at Coates Elementary School who received food from the food pantry send their thanks.  Your generous donations helped them to feed their children over the winter break. We had enough funds to make a food delivery this week and will be able to make another delivery in February. If you have any questions about this ministry, contact Sally Eckard ( or Melanie Kobos (

Guest Preacher/Teacher Sunday

On January 19 we will welcome the Rev. Kathleen Christopher from the Christian Healing Institute. Kathleen also served for many years on the staff of the Falls Church Anglican. She will be preaching at both services and holding an Adult Education class from 9:15-10:00am on Sunday Morning. Her class will focus on how we can hear God's voice in our lives.

Quiet Day on February 1

 "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest," Jesus says to his people. Join us for quiet here at the church, Saturday February 1. If you want to join us for Morning Prayer, come at 9:00. Stay as long as you like but arrive before noon. Direct questions to Mother Pamela Sign up using our Church Center app.

Lovely Tidbits and Tapas for Couples

Why is Virginia for lovers? Who receives the most Valentines? If you would like to know the answers and so much more … join the Marriage Ministry for a Couples Social on Saturday, February 1, 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM. Start celebrating Valentine’s Day with food, fun, and time with your spouse in community with other couples. Grab your sweetie, invite friends, sign up, and mark your calendars. Sign up in the Church Center App or the Fellowship Hall by Jan. 26. Childcare available if you sign up by Sunday January 26. Sign up online here.  For more info, contact Janice or Jim Wolfe.

October 2025 Epiphany Pilgrimage to Turkey

The Meeks will host another interest meeting for those who could not make the first one on Sunday, February 2 after the second service in the library. Even if you are vaguely interested, come hear the details and be ready to ask your questions. The deposit is due March 3, not far from now!

This Week At Epiphany

Epiphany Calendar

Jan 17- Jan 26

Friday, Jan 17

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, Jan 18

9:00am Band of Brothers

Sunday, Jan 19

8:00am Worship with Holy Communion

9:15am Adult Ed with Kathleen Christopher

10:15am Worship (Youtube livestream)

Monday, Jan 20


Tuesday, Jan 21

9:00am Morning Prayer

Wednesday, Jan 22

10:30am Staff Meeting

12:00pm Simple Eucharist

6:30pm CrossOver Rehearsal

Thursday, Jan 23

9:00am Morning Prayer

7:00pm Choir Rehearsal

Friday, Jan 24

9:00am Morning Prayer

Saturday, Jan 25

9:00am Band of Brothers

Sunday, Jan 26

8:00pm Worship with Holy Communion - Bishop Chris Visiting

9:15am Adult Ed

10:00am Worship (Youtube livestream) - Bishop Chris Visiting

1:15pm Worship at Chantilly Heights

2:00pm Worship at Chantilly Heights

If you have an Epiphany event to add to the calendar, please contact Jimmy Crawford at

Church of the Epiphany | 3863 Centerview Drive | 703-481-8601


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