We have a lot going on at Epiphany over the next few weeks. Plan on being part of it!
This Sunday January 19: We will welcome the Rev. Kathleen Christopher from The Christian Healing Institute and a staff member at the Falls Church Anglican for many years. Kathleen will be preaching at both services, and also offer a brief adult education session on "Hearing God" between 9:15 and 10am on Sunday. Please sign up here for that session so that we can plan appropriately. Kathleen will also be the speaker at an upcoming Epiphany women's event in February, so this is a great chance to meet her.
Next Sunday January 26: Our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Chris Warner, will be with us for both services. He will be confirming, receiving and praying over those reaffirming their faith at the 10:15am service. It is still not too late to join those being prayed-for by Bishop Chris. Please contact me ASAP.
Marriage Ministry "Lovely Tidbits and Tapas:" Epiphany's marriage ministry is hosting an informal social gathering for couples from 4 to 5:30pm on February 1. Child Care is available. You can sign up here.
Quiet Day: Maybe all these events sound nice, but what you really need is a break from the busy-ness of your life. We also have a quiet day on the calendar during the morning on February 1. Sign-up here.
Finally, I am glad to announce Epiphany's leadership team for 2025. The vestry affirmed my nomination of Mrs. Beth Monroe to serve as our senior warden. The vestry elected Mr. Jeff Zimmerman to be our junior warden and Mr. Don Holt to be our registrar.
God Bless,