July 6, 2022


Dear Christine

Happy Fourth of July…I know it is a little late however it is when I am writing this.


I will be going out of town next weekend, and I am so pleased that Rev Matt Purinton will be speaking on Sunday. Matt always provides a thoughtful message and no doubt he will this Sunday as well.


Lots of great events happening in July starting with Matt, then on July 17 Steph Plourde will takes us into the world of Feng Shui. She did a workshop in May that was so well received we scheduled this as a follow-up; however, you don’t have to have attended the first one to get the benefits of Steph’s knowledge and teachings. This workshop will follow the Sunday service.


Later on Sunday the 17 at 7:00 Rev Todd Glacy and his friends will be offering a Kirtan experience. To learn more about Kirtan go to sacredsoundandliving.com. It gives you a great description of what you will experience.


Now mark your calendar for July 22 for the celebration of Rev LeRoy Lowell with a drumming and fire circle at Unity beginning at 7:30 pm. Please bring a lawn chair, drum if you have one and rattles…this is a celebration of a life well lived. This will be held weather permitting. Fixings for smores will be available…


That is not all folks…following the service on July 24 there will be an introduction to a new meditation practice for some of us; it is called Sahaja Yoga and this will be lead by Jane Gagnier and Vamshi Gooje. Here is a little about the practice…it is transformational…begins with an experience that is effortless and spontaneous. With the very first experience (known as Self-Realization) you gain a new dimension in your awareness and witness the absolute truth. Anybody can do it. Practice for a few days and you should witness positive changes within yourself.


Jane and Vamshi will be holding follow-up meetings every Tuesday beginning on July 26 from 6:30 – 8pm. They are committed to transformation, which aligns with our Unity vision statement. There is no charge, however, if you choose to donate it comes to Unity Center for Spiritual Growth.


This leads right into Sunday’s message on transformation. The message highlighted biblical figures who experience transformation or awakening…they were Elijah, Paul and then the scripture where Jesus is asking his disciples who does man say I am… and Peter answers with, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” If you missed the service, you can watch it here


There are many characteristics of an awakening or transformation…here are a few:


  • An awakening may seem to come suddenly, but there are usually years of unconscious preparation for this special event.
  • A spiritual awakening can be marked by a mystical experience or at least an uncommon experience that we do not fully understand.
  • A spiritual awakening often happens when we are suffering because suffering humbles us and tends to make us more receptive to spiritual forces.
  • A spiritual awakening can cause a sudden and abrupt change in our life.
  • It is a human tendency to want to repeat a spiritual experience, but this desire is to be put aside as we purify our intent to know God. 


Let us remember that the spiritual life is not about having experiences; it is about living life from a divine center.


Have a fabulous week…enjoy summer…we waited for it for a very long time…


You are a blessing in my life,

Rev. Patricia Bessey

Unity Center for Spiritual Growth
Vision: Centered in Divine Love we celebrate a spiritually transformed world.
Mission: Unity Center for Spiritual Growth reaches in to reach out through education, service and creation of community.
Thanks for showing your love for our spiritual community through your donations.
This is a PayPal Link

Children's Program

with Ms. Mari

During Sunday Service


Please bring your children to join in.

Hybrid Sunday Service
Live Streaming
at 10:00 AM
Facebook Live Link
YouTube Live Link

Women Empowering Women

Rev Pat Bessey, Facilitator

First Thursday of Each Month on Zoom    

6:30-8:00 PM


Purpose: To create a safe environment where women can come together to explore issues relevant to their growth of body, mind, and spirit. To give and receive support for fulfilling their dreams, goals, and to dismantle beliefs that limit them from reaching their maximum potential. Invite friends to join with you…

Zoom ID: 865 8970 9495

Maybe you have been hoping to

find a group of men who share

a positive spiritual path!

Look no further...

Men's Group

with Jack Cole and Randy Sweeting

First and Third Tuesday of the month



Unity Men's Group meets twice a month on the first and third Tuesday from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. It is hosted by Jack Cole and Randy Sweeting. This is a Zoom call and to get the link and more information contact Jack at [email protected].


Hope to hear from you and see you at our next meeting.

Silent Saturday

With Jack Seery

Third Saturday of the Month


Short format 9:30 - Noon

Full Day

 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 PM

Next day of silence: July 16

We join with others to be more alone with God.

  • Join with others: At times we are drawn to be totally alone and at other times being with others supports our going deep.
  • Silence helps us to clarify our inner state, and come to a deeper understanding of our selves
  • Silence is the path to touch our soul, our inner depth, the presence of the Sacred.

Regardless of one’s spiritual tradition, there are times when a movement into silence is an essential part of the journey. This pull into silence allows us to listen to a deeper aspect of ourselves, deepen our consciousness of the Sacred, however named and may allow us to see more clearly our relationship to the social issues of our day.

Silent Saturday has been an aspect of the spiritual life of the Unity community for some years, providing an opportunity for people to enter into the silence. In order to make Silent Saturday accessible to more people whose lives do not allow for the current 9:30 am to 3 pm experience, I have expanded the Silent Saturday process so that more people can take advantage of this opportunity.

Beginning the third Saturday in July, July 16, we will be offering a shorter experience, from 9:30 – Noon, with the continuation of the full day for those who wish the longer format. The day will begin with one half-hour of shared silence. This will include a brief reflection to serve as a possible focus for the time of personal silence.

Some have found walking in the gardens, reading meaningful texts, engaging in creative activities, or other ways of prayer meaningful during the silence. It is each person’s choice of setting and way of being.

Then, from around 10:15 until 11:45, participants will engage in individual silence as each chooses until a brief time of closing together.

My hope is that expanding the ways of participating in what Silent Saturday offers will make this important aspect of the spiritual journey more accessible to more people.


Feng Shui Basics II Workshop

With Steph Plourde

Sunday, July 17

11:45 AM - 1:15 PM

This workshop is offered both as a follow-up to May's Feng Shui Basics workshop, but also as a standalone session for anyone interested in transforming a space - specifically how they feel in their space. 

Cost : $15

Sign-Up on church bulletin board

Class Flyer
Event Flyer


with Todd Glacy, Helena Nash, and Marni & Jason Prince. 

Sunday, July 17


Join us for a live, in-person event, an evening of Music - Mantra - Meditation as we participate in the practice of call-response chanting (Kirtan), led by Todd Glacy, Helena Nash, and Marni & Jason Prince. 


Kirtan is a devotional practice typically done in a call-and-response format that is easy to follow and is a powerful trance-formational experience that draws from many traditions and brings us back into vibrational alignment with ourselves and all that is. Feel free to sing, clap, dance, or just relax and enjoy the vibrations.

Cost: $20. suggested donation.

All are welcome!

Fire Circle and Drumming

in Honor of Rev LeRoy Lowell

Friday, July 22

Unity Center for Spiritual Growth

7:30 pm – 10:00 pm

(weather permitting)

Bring a lawn chair and drum

(if you have one)


Sahaja Yoga

Sunday, July 24

11:30 AM

Free of Charge

Unity Center for Spiritual Growth

Experience self realisation through inner energy awakening.

  • Control excessive thinking
  • Keep your system in balance
  • Help to reduce stress
Event Flyer

Hilary Anne Hayes

07/29/48 to 05/24/22

Celebration of Life

for Hilary Hayes

at Unity Center for Spiritual Growth

Tuesday, July 26



Coffee House Open Mic Night

Every last Friday of the Month

6:00pm – to sign in for performers

6:30pm – open mic starts

Next Open Mic: July 29

Event Flyer - Information

Healing Service

Sunday, August 6

11:45 AM - 1:00 PM

In the Sanctuary

The purpose of the Healing Service is to facilitate healing by the flow of energy through the power of grace. Those serving as facilitators of healing know that their services represent their commitment to support the emergence and acceptance of the wholeness that Spirit intends for us. This is achieved by applying Unity's principles of healing as well as other modalities.
All who attend will have the opportunity to receive a personal time for healing if they choose. Everyone is invited to remain for the whole service, even after receiving a private healing session, as to help support the service.
These services are offered as a gift to our community; no fees are charged. Your love offerings will be gratefully accepted and will support the work of the Healing Ministry and Unity of Greater Portland.
Please invite your family, friends and others who may benefit from this service to attend.


Women's Retreat - Living True to You

October 21 & 22

Friday night - Potluck and Fire Circle

Saturday - Human Design facilitated by Sue Vittner

Thanks for showing your love for our spiritual community through your donations.
A Unity Way of Life
by Rev. Airin Wolf

A Gradual Awakening

On Sunday, Rev Pat spoke about spiritual awakening. This is one of my favorite topics to speak about and I could tell that it might be hers, too. She gave some examples of spiritual awakening stories, and I will do that as well. ‘A Gradual Awakening’ by Stephen Levine, 1989 is one of my favorite books. I have had the paperback book about 30 years. I think that our spiritual awakening is gradual even if it may start off with a flash. The Divine might try to be getting our attention.

Click for rest of article
Heart Center Meditation
with Leah Rush
Every Thursday

Next Meditation: July 7

Are you interested in a heart centered 20-minute meditation? Join Leah Rush on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm on Facebook Live and YouTube. Leah uses techniques for self-hypnosis that make it easier to clear your mind and connect with your heart. This is a weekly event.

Facebook Live Link

Sing Along with Deana

Next Date: July 8

Facebook Live Link

Action for Justice and Equality Vigil

Unity's Community Responds

Every Sunday - 11:45 AM - 12:15 PM


Next Gathering: July 17

For more information contact Trish Vogel at [email protected].

Signs will be provided. Park in the Mercy Quick Care Parking Lot. Stay 10 minutes or however long you choose. Any action no matter how small has a ripple effect and creates a current of consciousness for change.

A Course in Miracles

with Rev Matt Purinton

In-Person at

Unity Center for Spiritual Growth

2nd and 4th Sundays at 11:30AM

Next Class: July 10

Contact Matt by email at [email protected].

Program Note:

Midday Faith Lift

will be on a brief hiatus July 1-15.

Weekly Prayer Service with Rev. Barbara Kowalska

Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 12:10 PM

Facebook Live Link
The Fuller Center for Housing

We are a local chapter of Fuller Center for housing, a faith driven and Christ-centered organization, that promotes collaborative and innovative partnerships in an unrelenting quest to provide adequate shelter for all people worldwide. The Fuller Center was founded by Millard Fuller, the same visionary who started Habitat for Humanity.

Founding partners include Faith Lutheran Church, North Windham Union Church United Church of Christ, Raymond Community Church UCC, Saint Joseph’s College, Unity Center for Spiritual Growth, Windham Hill Community Church and St. Ann’s Episcopal Church
Love Signs
with The Love Factory
Congress Square
Wednesday's 5:30PM
Friday's Noon
Saturday's 3:00PM
Krista Donoghue's, The Love Factory, is a creative organization that is making Love Signs and promoting "LOVE". This is the radical practice of using art, music, dance and “every thing you got now” to share love with everyone.

Come join Krista, members from our Unity community and others to share LOVE.
Facebook Link
Available 24 Hours a Day,
7 Days a Week
If you are concerned about yourself or about somebody else please call the
Maine Crisis Hotline
September is National Suicide Prevention Month. All month, mental health advocates, prevention organizations, survivors, allies, and community members unite to promote suicide prevention awareness.
On-Line Unity Directory
We are asking that you check your profile in our church directory to make sure it is updated. If you cannot get into your profile contact Christine Wolf at [email protected] to send you your user name and password.

To get into the church directory go to our website and scroll down on rightside to Church Directory to click on sign up or log in here. It will take you through steps to sign up if you do not already have an account.
Visit our website
Becoming a UCSG Member
Have you wondered about becoming a member at Unity Center for Spiritual Growth and didn't know how to go about it. We have an independent study program that you can complete on your own schedule. If you are interested please email Christine Wolf, LUT at [email protected]

Tithing with PayPal

DID YOU KNOW?  If you are giving a donation to Unity Center for Spiritual Growth through PayPal using your bank account you can use PayPal Friends and Family, there are no fees charged to you or the ministry. To learn more search PayPal Friends and Family.
Prayer Requests
Minister of Prayer: Rev. Pat Bessey
or Silent Unity Prayer Support
1-800-NOW-PRAY 1 (800) 669-7729
Click here for Silent Unity
God is our Source and provides us with many 
Some of those channels are the following:
When ordering through Amazon, if you go through Amazon Smile (smileamazon.com) and designate Unity of Greater Portland (our new name, Unity Center for Spiritual Growth, is not reflected in Amazon as of yet) as your chosen charity, .5% of your purchase will be donated to us despite the name difference. This is a great way to support us! About Amazon Smile
Staples Rewards Number for Unity Center

Did you know you can redirect your CLYNK balance to Unity Center for Spiritual Growth. If you have your own CLYNK account it is easy to do. Simply log into your account at clynk.com and in the search bar find UnityofGreaterPortl.

There is a quick tutorial that shares how to do it  If you don’t have a personal account and would like to set it up this will also help you.
Clynk Tutorial
Used Books and CDs/Tapes

Check out the gently used books in the hall by the Office. Leave a donation and enrich your library!

Thank you God for all the channels of supply you provide us with!  We are so Blessed!
Center Information
Unity Center for Spiritual Growth

Prayer Support
Minister: Rev. Pat Bessey
Silent Unity Prayer Support 1-800-NOW-PRAY 1 (800) 669-7729 
Visit our website