Hi Rob,
Everyday is a good day to show your love to the whales!
Whales are some of the most amazing creatures on the planet, and they’ve been captivating us for centuries. So, why are they so important, and why must they be saved?
Carbon Capturers. Whales help churn the seas by feeding, diving, migrating, and bringing vital nutrients from the bottom of the ocean to the surface. Whale waste acts as a fertilizer for phytoplankton, nourishing organisms that produce 50% of our oxygen and store 37 billion metric tons of carbon every single year.
Ocean Giants. Whales are some of the largest animals that have ever lived. The blue whale can grow to 90 feet or more and weigh more than 330,000 lbs!
Timespan Travellers. Some whales, like killer whales, can live over 100 years, but bowhead whales are estimated to live up to an astonishing 200 years! Bowheads are right whales' most closely related species. Whales are around to see the changing world for more than double human lifespans.
Smart and Sassy. Whales are known for their complex social structures and intelligence. They exhibit communication behaviors through songs and calls, as well as cooperative hunting techniques.
Storytellers. Whales hold symbolic and spiritual significance in cultures around the world. They appear in myths, folklore, spiritual beliefs, and even modern novels and often represent themes such as wisdom, strength, and harmony with nature.