Mary Magdalene Church

December 2, 2024

Dear Denise,

Welcome to our first ever Capital Campaign appeal. We need YOU! Heat! Air! Lights! Lift! has become our mantra because this year we need to raise $40,000 for our new furnace, air conditioning, electrical system, and to repair our lift. Not surprisingly, it is not inexpensive to bring a 20th Century church building into the 21st. 

In past appeals we have successfully raised funds to:

  • Install audio-visual capabilities enabling us all to attend Mass whether we're in the pews or at home on the sofa.

  • Upgrade our offices with new staff, phone, and computer systems.

  • Hire and enjoy our full-time pastor.

This year we have been confronted with four expensive capital improvement challenges. Here are the costs:

New Furnace & Air Conditioning                          $16,160

New Electrical System                                        $19,750

Working Lift                                                      $ 5,000

TOTAL $$ Needed                                             $40,910

Be assured that the Board and staff have worked tirelessly over several months to consider these needs, determine project specifications, obtain multiple bids, and hire quality contractors.

We guarantee that your contributions are spent responsibly.

You should know that some of these projects have already been accomplished. (For example, the new furnace was installed before winter.) We made the difficult decision to use our savings/emergency fund to pay for this. Now we need to replenish those funds.

We all treasure Mary Magdalene Church as our spiritual home dedicated to being an all-inclusive faith community. We now ask you to help us maintain our physical home at 1008 Main Street.

So, please consider making a generous gift this year. We are truly grateful whatever for you can afford. See below to make your donation.

Thank you for being part of our Heat! Air! Lights! Lift! Appeal.

With gratitude and love,

Betty Jerabeck

Chair, Board of Trustees

Bob Pizzutiello

Chair, InReach-OutReach Team

P.S. Need more information? Please contact Sue Gerber in the office at 585-586-4104 or by email

Donate Now

If you would prefer to donate by check, please note "Capital Campaign" in the memo.

1008 Main Street

East Rochester, NY 14445


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