Cheboygan Area Public Library
Welcome to the Cheboygan Area Public Library!
The mission of the Cheboygan Area Public Library is to provide quality materials and services which fulfill the educational, informational, cultural and recreational needs of the entire community in an atmosphere that is welcoming, respectful and professional.
We are a district library that is dedicated to serving the Aloha Township, Benton Township, Beaugrand Township, the City of Cheboygan, Grant Township, Inverness Township and portions of Hebron and Munro Townships.
We strive to making your visit a positive experience by providing the best collection of books and media that we can, as well as, offering a variety of programs, classes, and services for all our patrons and the community.
There is no doubt that we are living in unusual times. The Cheboygan Area Public Library’s management and Board of Trustees are fine-tuning the library’s re-opening phases and will be introducing the steps as things move forward.
Please understand that things could change based on statewide issues, executive orders, and other data that becomes available. Updates and news will be shared as soon as possible.
The Library staff and board truly appreciate everyone's patience and understanding while we navigate through the unknown.
It has been wonderful seeing patrons back into the Library building! The Library has re-opened inside services, in addition to curbside services, on Monday January 4, with various safety measures in place. Sundays will remain curbside services only.
First, like many other organizations and businesses, the Library requests that visitors adhere to the following:
If patrons wish to visit the Library, they are required to wear a face-covering during their visit (except children under two).
If anyone is experiencing any covid-19 related symptoms or caring for or near someone with covid-19 symptoms, we ask that they do not visit at this time.
We also ask that any patrons who do visit maintain the six-foot social distance between themselves and others. Hand sanitizer is encouraged and there are several dispensers throughout the Library.
The visiting process is a little different, but it is simple! When you arrive, the doors will still be locked so please ring the Library doorbell, which is the white button on the front doors. A staff
member will greet you remind you that you have an hour to browse or use the computers. You do not need to stay the whole hour of course, but because there is a limited number of people allowed in the building at one time, limiting visit times will give others a chance to come in and utilize the Library’s resources as well.
As mentioned, the Library is also taking recommended precautions including limiting the number of people in the building at any given time. This is to make sure that those in the building have the ability to move around freely while adhering to social distancing guidelines. So far, patron visits have naturally been spread out and the Library staff has not needed to request anyone to wait.
Patron visits have been limited to one hour so that others have the opportunity to visit, but if more than the recommended number of patrons arrive around the same time, visitors may be asked to wait until others exit the building.
Patrons who are asked to wait or who do not feel comfortable with visiting us inside just yet may want to take advantage of the Library’s curbside services, which will continue to be available.
What's Happening at the Library?
Kicked off on February 1, the Library’s lobby became the home of this year’s mini version of our annual Library Comic Expo and the theme is LEGOS!
LEGOs and LEGO superheroes are among the fun décor in the Library’s lobby! And everyone is encouraged to help decorate by picking up a mini-figure picture to color (or drawing/printing one on your own)! We want to know who your hero is and we want you drawing them as a LEGO mini-figure! These mini-figures can either be your real-life hero or a classic superhero-you choose!
There are other activities and prize opportunities during the Comic Expo including LEGO activity pages, a “Guess the Number of LEGOS” in the jar game, a LEGO BUILD challenge, and as previously mentioned, a Color Your Mini-figure Superhero!
Anyone who enters a guess in the “Guess the Number of LEGOS” game; submits a picture in the LEGO BUILD challenge; and anyone who turns in their colored mini-figure will all be
entered into prize drawings! There are lots of prizes to win so don’t miss out! Have fun by participating and get a chance to win a prize!
Prize Drawing winners will be announced live following the “Flying without a Cape” virtual storytelling event on February 18 at 6 p.m. with Jenifer Strauss!
Comic Expo Display in the Library
Duncan’s 135th Annual Space Race
Duncan & Tucker's Lego People
Abraham's Obstacle Course
Evelyn's Spaceship headed to Mars
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"Flying without a Cape"
Virtual Storytime
with Jenifer Strauss
“Flying without a Cape” virtual storytelling event will be happening on February 18 at 6 p.m. with Jenifer Strauss!
Jenifer has been a presenter at the Cheboygan Area Public Library in the past and the Library is happy to host her new hero-based storytelling program this February as part of our annual Comic Expo!
For a bit more of a background, Jenifer Strauss is narrative consultant, former educator, and creator of The Turning Points Narrative Process, a program that has helped her students improve their writing skills and given organizations, businesses, and individuals a resource to achieve goals through storytelling.
Jenifer is, to say the least, a master storyteller and she will be sharing hero tales from around the world on February 18 at 6 p.m. via Zoom, hosted by the Cheboygan Area Public Library! Jenifer’s presentation “Flying without a Cape” will be a free program offered virtually for anyone interested in attending!
A Zoom link to attend the event will be available on the Cheboygan Area Public Library’s Facebook page, on the Library’s Event calendar on, and if anyone would like the Library to send a link to their email, they are welcome to email Emily at [email protected] to request one. If anyone is unfamiliar with Zoom they are welcome to contact the Library for some assistance.
This event is free and open to all! Join us via Zoom on Thursday February 18 at 6p.m. for an education and entertaining event!
Take & Make Kits: Kids & Teens
Do your kiddos need a project? Check out the Cheboygan Area Public Library's Take & Make Kits!
“Take-Home for Teens” kits are also available! These kits are great for any young adult who wants a small and fun project to do!
All kits are free! Kits are designed for around ages four to twelve and are available to anyone interested!
New kits are available on Mondays but they can be picked up anytime during the week.
These project kits are all free and we try to put all the supplies (or as much as we can) together with the project so it is ready to go!
The projects will be available on a first come first served basis.
March has been a month of quilts at the Library for more than a dozen years and we don’t want to break the tradition!
Although this year’s annual quilt show will look a little different, the show will go on! Which means, the Library would love to show off your quilts! If anyone is interested in sharing their quilt with the community, they are encouraged to drop them off at the Library anytime before the end of February!
The key difference with the quilt show is that all quilts will be on display on the main level of the Library as the lower level is still closed due to Covid-19 precautions. If anyone has any questions, they are encouraged to email or call the Library anytime. Again, quilts may be dropped off anytime from now until the end of February!
Please note that anyone who comes to see the quilt show will be subject to the same safety precautions as any visiting patron. These precautions include the wearing of a mask over both the mouth and nose during the entirety of the visit, a one-hour time limit, and social distancing as much as possible.
Online Resource for Newspapers and News Outlets
NewsBank provides a comprehensive collection of reliable news sources covering a wide array of topics and issues.
Flipster App for
Digital Magazines
Flipster is a next-generation digital magazine solution that makes it easy for you to read your favorite magazines on your computer or mobile device.
Libby App for E-Books
& Audiobooks
Meet Libby. Did you know your local library has thousands of ebooks and audiobooks? You can borrow them, instantly, for free, using just the device in your hand.
Seed Library
A Seed Library is a community-oriented project that allows participants to share seeds with one another by “checking out” seed packets of their choosing.
The Seed Library is housed in the Genealogy Room on the main level of the Library and all the directions and supplies are provided there!
1000 Books Before Kindergarten
Children's Program
Cheboygan Area Public Library is participating in the “1000 Books Before Kindergarten” reading program, which is geared for families with children up to five years old!
This program offers literacy building potential to local families and encourages the love of books and reading in children from birth to age five. And all you have to do is stop by the Cheboygan Area Public Library to pick up a free reading log and get reading!
A Library of "Things"
Have a library card? Borrow a ukulele or a fishing pole!
The Cheboygan Area Public Library has more than just books!
The "Library of Things" collection includes ukuleles, fishing poles and tackle, board games, art stamps, a bread machine, a cake pop maker, a therapy lamp, and more!
Library Board of Trustees
The Cheboygan Area Public Library's Board of Trustees are volunteers that serve the Library by creating and guiding the mission of the library, setting the policy that governs the library, and overseeing the general management of the library. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. and are open to the public.
The Friends of CAPL
The Friends of the Cheboygan Area Public Library is a dedicated group of volunteers who help raise monies to support library programs and extra services for Library patrons, provide assistance during special events, and advocate in the community on behalf of the library.
The Book Nook is a used book store sponsored by the Friends of the Cheboygan Public Library.
Please note that due to Covid-19 safety precautions, the Book Nook is closed at this time but there is a cart and spinner rack on the main level of the Library with books for sale and all funds support the Friends of the Library.
The Gift of Reading is a program supported by the Friends of the Cheboygan Area Public Library that spreads the love of books within the community by giving away books to area youth during Santa's annual visit in December and at the Family Fun Day during the Cheboygan County Fair in August.
Meetings are held four times per year, usually in April, June, September, and November.
Current Hours
Mon-Wed 10am-6pm
Thurs 10am-6pm
Fri 10am-5pm
Sat 10am-3pm
Sun 1pm-5pm
Free Wi-Fi
The library offers wi-fi throughout the building as well as a dedicated 24/7 antenna in our children's garden. The outdoor signal is always on. Just look for "library" and connect!
The mission of the Cheboygan Area Public Library is to provide quality materials and services which fulfill the educational, informational, cultural and recreational needs of the entire community in an atmosphere that is welcoming, respectful and professional.