"We will be looking at the Mystical consciousness of the feminine spirit and how it has shaped New Thought." - Rev. Denise and Rev. Rosemary
Rev. Denise Yeargin
Rev. Denise Yeargin is a retired Ordained Unity Minister who continues to minister through speaking and writing and occasional individual virtual sessions. "Rev. D" (as many still call her) has grown to love Center for Spiritual Living Nashville and often tunes in to our Sunday services online.

A Native Nashvillian, Denise has over the last few years co-created a home with her life partner Judy Blackwelder in Savannah, TN on the Tennessee River. They call their estate Harmony Haven – as they are learning to live in communion with the earth and all her relations. Denise’s greatest love continues to be studying, teaching, and sharing Universal Principle.
Rev. Rosemary Cathcart
As a long time student of the Science of Mind, Rosemary has been a member of our Center since its days as “Religious Science of Nashville." She also served on the Board of RSN when the current building was purchased. She enjoys a diverse private practice which includes a number of alternative healing protocols such as hypnosis, Reiki healing, EFT (or Emotional Freedom Technique), and Stress Management. As the President and Minister Director with the Universal Brotherhood Movement, she has ordained a number of our own CSLN members as fully licensed Ministers.

Rosemary is a prolific writer and has authored a number of articles and booklets about the daily miracles of life. She is a regular contributor to the “UB GoodNews” publication, as well as writing her own bi-monthly Astrological newsletter. She is pleased and honored to be part of the speaker team at CSLN!
Jesse Powers
Jesse Powers is a self-proclaimed “Joy Reminder-er” and conscious indie pop musician in Columbus, OH.

With her tumbling vocal stylings, powerhouse melodies, and infectious energy, Jesse Powers seeks to awaken, and entertain those who listen. Her poignant and playful lyricism set atop catchy melodies create a musical skydiving experience—a long lyrical jump into the depths of the human heart softened by a parachute of body-moving instrumentation. Wasting no time, her penetrating and positive songs fly straight to the body and soul. She shares her music at country-wide spiritual gatherings and in the Unity and Centers for Spiritual Living communities, appearing at the VISTA conference, the CSL Minister’s Conference, SOAR, and the CSL Teen Summer Camp. She has collaborated with several new thought artists including Gary Lynn Floyd on their track “Resolve To Evolve” and Eddie Watkins Jr. on his track “From Fear To Faith.” 
In addition, she can be found playing at the local venues in her home base of Columbus, Ohio. She is frequently a guest singer with several bands in town, including the famed Columbus Irish group, The Drowsy Lads. She can be seen singing her solo shows under her name, Jesse Powers, as well as with Jesse Michael Barr under their duo, Jesse + Jesse, and with the local Irish/Americana group, Beir Bua.

Jesse’s songwriting chops have gained recognition from songwriting contests all over the country. Her song “The Love Song of Everything” was a finalist in the 2021 Great American Song Contest and was nominated for a Positive Music Award in 2022. Her performance of her 2020 lockdown anthem “Alpaca Socks”was a finalist in the Mid-Atlantic Song Contest for Jazz Vocal Performance. In 2017 Jesse finished in the top four contestants in the Voice For Columbus singing contest, in partnership with the Harmony Project. She had the honor of performing with her fellow finalists and the Harmony Project Choir on the Lincoln Theatre Stage. Her debut album “Begin” was released in November, 2017. Her second full-length album “To Remember” was released in summer 2021. You can stream her music on all platforms: https://jessepowersmusic.hearnow.com and purchase vinyls, CDS, downloads, and more.
Mark Horwitz: keyboard
Jimmy Lopez: percussion
Music Director: Larry Faragalli: guitar/bass
Singing a Special Song: Chris Floyd

Host and Closing Treatment: Marietta Carter, RScP
Reading and Treatment: Marla Sanderson, RScP

Greeters/Ushers: Amy Stephens & Myla Rosebaugh
Hospitality: Nancy Telford
Children/Youth Teachers: Barbara Wilson & Ola Shehat
Audio/Visual: AJ Bigler, Ray Dryden

Child & Youth Services 11:10 AM - 1:10 PM
We have a wonderful child and family team who are eager to provide services for children (ages 2-12) from 11:10 am - 1:10 pm. You can drop your child off and have time to attend our meditation services before the Sunday service. We are not equipped to provide infant services, but we will find a quiet space if needed for little ones and their caregiver. If you have any questions or comments please reach out to admin@cslnashville.org or come by and talk to Etta next Sunday!

Meditation 11:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Meditation will be held in our meditation room, which is to the right of the front doors. We will have greeters to show you the way!

Service Begins - 12:00 PM
To view LIVE on Sundays CST, Click: CSLN.TV
Here is a link to last week's service.

After Service
Join us in the Fellowship Hall for light refreshments after service.

Would You Like to Volunteer?
If you would like to volunteer to assist your community once a month, please sign up to be a greeter/usher or hospitality hostess at volunteer@cslnashville.org.

Women's Circle
Every Thursday 12 - 1 PM on Zoom

Men's Circle
Every Wednesday 6:30pm - 8pm at the house on Unity's campus

Our community has been through a lot of changes! We have had some great town hall meetings and a wonderful dialog has begun regarding CSLN's future. The foundation to working as a community to reimagine CSLN begins with us honing our skills to empathetically listen to each other and with each of us looking within to what we as individuals are creating for our own lives. From there we can work as a community to redefine the Vision and Mission for CSLN. Everyone is needed! Please plan to attend a session of a workshop titled, "Empathetic Listening- Building Bridges" and a series of Community Conversations as we lay the groundwork for us as individuals and for our community to reimagine our future.

Empathetic Listening - Building Bridges
Facilitated by Lisa Firestone

Thursday, May 16 10am - 2pm at Unity Nashville

Saturday, May 18 10am - 2pm at Unity Nashville

Community Conversations
Facilitated by Rev. Denise

A 3-part series to begin building CSLN's Vision and Mission. It begins with the journey to explore our individual vision for our own life.

Saturday, June 1: What is Your Personal Vision?
10am - 1:30pm at Unity Nashville

Sunday, June 9: Your Personal Journey.
1:30pm - 4:30pm at Unity Nashville

Saturday, June 22: Your Journey with CSLN.
10am - 1:30pm with a Bravo Brunch at Unity Nashville to celebrate CSLN's volunteers

Lunch will be provided at each meeting and workshop.
Love Offering - value received.

Please register by emailing admin@cslnashville.org with the date of the workshop or meeting you would like to attend and any dietary restrictions so that we will know how many lunches to order.
 Marla Sanderson, RScP

I love my life! It is such a blessing to realize that the life I am living is the Life of God. The "Divine Creator Of All Life" is the only life there is and it’s my life now. Knowing that I am an expression of the Divine, it’s easy for me to express this Divine Nature, and Its Nature is Love. Everywhere I go, I express Love. In everything I do, I express Love. I don’t need to hold back in expressing the good that is within me. I remind myself of the connection to this Power any time I encounter any situation that feels uncomfortable to me. I breathe in Love and I breathe out Love and I am renewed and enlivened by this Loving Presence within. I am guided by Divine Wisdom and I am confident in making the perfect choices that lead me to my higher good. Thankful for this Divine Connection and Its wisdom that guides and supports me, I release these words of Truth to the Law of Creation and know it is done. I love my life! And So It Is.
Need a Spiritual Mind Treatment? Click the link above to select a Practitioner and the individual contact form to submit a request.
Giving to our Center is a statement of support to our healing and teaching Ministry. It is also a gift to yourself and your intention to live a joyous, Spiritual, centered life.

Please make your gift online or send by mail to:
Center for Spiritual Living Nashville
P.O. Box 3247, Brentwood TN 37024
Phone 615-356-0174 ❤︎ CSLNashville.org

64 In-Person

23 Online

87 Total

$1,811 In-Person

$925 Online

$2736 Total
Have something to share with the community? Email admin@cslnashville.org
to post a note here!
May 19:
Rev. Gregory Fisher
Find treatments submitted by Practitioners: Click
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Deadline for newsletter submission is Monday at midnight.