LCCC E-Newsletter

Vol. 84, January 2024

2024 Senior Christmas Blessings Project

Thank You for your generous support of the 2024 Christmas Blessing project. Between donations received, volunteer hours worked, and seniors served, this was a historic year for the Christmas Blessings Project. This year, with your support, we served 364 seniorsup from 311 served last year. Over 200 dedicated volunteers donated over 900 hours of their time to this year's project. This project is truly a community endeavor that Livingston County Catholic Charities hosts but would not be possible without people like YOU.

Thank YOU to the Supporters of the 2024 Christmas Blessings Project!

2/42 Church, Aquatic Source, Marissa Alfaro, Margaret Anthony, John & Kathy Backhuus, Bank of Ann Arbor, Bette Klann, Brighton District Library, Brighton Ford, Buff City Soap, Rosemary Cahaney, Catholic Council on Aging, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Claire Wingate, Coalition of Oral Health for Aging, Cobb Hall Insurance, John Connell, Dearborn Sausage, Martina Eagle, Extreme Machine, Family Farm and Home, Fastest Labs, First Impressions Print and Marketing, Jim & Jeanette Freeland, Jeanne Goodrich, Gourlay, Griffith Realty, Inc., Gronow Family, Hamburg Senior Center, Hartland Lions Club, Holy Spirit Catholic School, Huntington Bank, Cathy Jahn, Karen Jones, Irv & Julie Karwick, Dan & Maureen Kunz, Kem Krest, Kensington Woods School, Knights of Columbus #8605, Knights of Columbus #12295, Knights of Columbus #2659, Bob & Kay Kuch, Tony & Meghan Kuch, Rob & Debbie Kwapisz, Lake Trust Credit Union, Mary LaPres, Livingston County Habitat for Humanity, Livingston County Sheriff’s Department: Cram the Cruiser, Livingston County Sunrise Rotary Foundation, Livingston County Veteran, Livingston County Women’s Chorus, Marion Township Hall, Patrick & Susan McCloy, Pat Macina, Kathy Maresco, David Nantais, In Memory of Marlene Newman, Pathfinder School, Maryann Pedigo, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Katie Price, Putnam Senior Center, Radke Family, Jim & Charlotte Ratke, Michael & Joleen Rebarchik, Rhetech, Kelly Riley, St. Agnes Catholic Parish, St. Augustine Catholic Parish, St. John’s Catholic Parish, St. Patrick Catholic Parish, St. Agnes Christian Services, St. John 59’ers Club, St. John Advent Tea, St. Joseph Catholic School, St. Mary’s Catholic School, Cheryl Scott

Shepard of the Lakes, Larry & Marie Sheridan, Katie Shrum, Dian Shields, Debbie Soper, Scott Stolz, Kim & Sara Stricker, Universal Container, Village Manor Retirement, Nancy Wakeman, Weingartz, Jerry & Vicki Weyland, Woodland Village Senior Community, Rachel Wright

Loaves & Fish Appeal Update

You can provide our most vulnerable men, women & children the gift of fulfilling their most basic needs throughout the year!

To date, we are at 75% of our annual appeal goal of $180,000 that supports all programs.

Your donations MAKE A DIFFERENCE in our community. Help us continue to provide professional life-saving and life-enhancing programs and services that fulfill the needs in Livingston County.

While LCCC has a special mission to provide services to the under-served, we are here for ALL Livingston County residents. And, through your kindness today, we can continue to offer these life-saving and transformational professional services. 100% of your donation stays right here in Livingston County

If you have already made your gift, Thank You!

  • I am forever grateful for this program! I have no idea how I would get my dad to all of his appointments without your volunteers helping me drive him! 
  • Paul did a great job on our windows. He was also able to fix our faucet in the bathroom. Thank you. I am extremely grateful for this service program!
  • "Catholic Charities saved my life; it can save your life too."
Give the Gift of Hope

Holiday Fun at Special Ministries

Special Ministries participants had a fabulous holiday season! There was a Gingerbread House Decorating event, a Christmas Dinner and a New Year's Eve Party! Big thanks for St. Augustine Catholic Church for hosting these events!

Contact us for volunteer opportunities.

Registration forms and the current calendar are on our website at

Coming up on February 7, our partipants won't want to miss the Night to Shine held at 2/42 Church. Sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation, Night to Shine is an unforgettable worldwide celebraiton, centered on God's love, honoring and valuing people with special needs.

February 7th - Night to Shine @ 2/42 Church 

Please register directly with 2/42 - registration link below:

Call 810.231.0190 ex. 122 with any questions.

Check out LCCC's Newest Digital Team Member

Home Heating Tax Credit & Homestead Property Tax Credit Assistance

You may be eligible for a tax credit refund!

 We only do Tax Credits NOT Federal or Michigan 1040


Beth Newman & Mary Heymes can help you to see if you qualify for these tax credits. If you have any questions please call Livingston County Catholic Charities at 517-545-5944 ext. 122 or ext. 136.

Please have available when you call:

1. Proof of all your income:  (such as social security on 1099 form, Pension’s, Annuities, or 401k for the year 2024.)

2. Proof of interest: Bank statements for year, showing all interest earned for the year 2024. 

3. Proof of housing costs for the year 2024:  Such as property taxes, lot rent, or rent.  This may be in the form of cancelled checks or statement from land lord or statement from village/township offices.

4. Proof of Insurance Premiums paid.  This does not include Medicare, only your supplemental coverage, such as Blue Cross, AARP, etc….

5. Proof of Heating costs for 2024:  This will be available through: Consumers Energy or Detroit Edison. It may be on the bottom of your last billing statement for December 2024 or January 2025. 

Save the Dates: Upcoming Events

Mark your calendar for the Salute to the Stars! This year's event will celebrate LCCC's 40th Anniverdsary at The Reserve, a beautiful new venue in Pinckney, nestled on 15 private wooded acres with a beautiful new ballroom, outdoor space and exquisite views! The evening will include a delicious meal, cash bar, music, silent auction, guest speaker, honoree presentations, and a live ask.

Attendees will be treated to a special speech by Pete Burak, the Vice President of Renewal Ministries, a ministry dedicated to Catholic renewal and evangelization around the world. Pete is a frequent speaker on discipleship and evangelization and the co-director of Pine Hills Boys' Camp. He is a monthly columnist for Faith Magazine and the host of two podcasts: Spirit-filled Leadership and The Hour

We Would Love for 

YOU to be a Sponsor!

This is our only event fundraiser to support our professional, critical services and programs that serve the entire county with a focus on our county's most vulnerable men, women, and children.

Contact Ryan Skomial at today to learn how you can sponsor!

Get Involved at LCCC!
LCCC is in need of volunteers for our programs! There are opportunities to fit any age or ability. Come and help serve YOUR community today. We have created a new form for you to view all volunteer opportunities and check which ones you might be interested in learning more about. Find out more!
Interested in work that gives you a sense of purpose and fulfills your mission to serve the greater good?Join our team of dedicated and compassionate individuals who work in Livingston County to provide professional services and programs to our county's most vulnerable.
How YOU can Provide Critical Services for Generations to Come!

Looking for ways to maximize your tax savings and charitable giving? Consider using your IRA.

If you are 70 1/2 yrs of age or older, you can make cash gifts from your IRA to your favorite charity or charities without having to include the IRA distribution in your taxable income. Qualified charitable distributions, also called IRA charitable rollover, allows you to direct part or all of your distribution directly to a charitable organization in an amount up to $100,000 per person per year. The amount of your charitable distribution to a charitable organization is excluded from your gross income and is not subject to taxes. Please discuss this option with your tax or financial adviser prior to making the distribution. 

Click Here to Learn More

On-going Groups & Meetings at LCCC

Dementia-Specific Caregiver Support Group

1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month, 5:00-6:00 pm

Email for Zoom info

Psychoeducational and Group Therapy (NEW)

1st & 3rd Thursday of each month, 10:00-11:30 am

Email for info

Special Ministries Parent/Caregiver Support Group 

Email for info

Substance Abuse Engagement Groups

Mondays 5:00-6:30 pm & 6:30-8:00 pm

Wednesdays 10:00 am–11:30 pm

Contact or 517-375-1652

Give the Gift of Hope and Donate Today
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the Foster Care Parenting Tip of the Week or the Caregiver Tip of the Week along with other great information & activities.
Livingston County Catholic Charities
2020 E. Grand River #104, Howell, MI 48843
Office Phone 517-545-5944 Be Our Guest Adult Day Phone 517-546-9910
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