August 19, 2021

The Institute for Spiritual Development
Oneonta Chapter
A Metaphysical Church and School for Spiritual Development
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Tonight, Thursday August 19 5:30-7pm

Feeling a call to expand and develop your energy healing abilities? ZOOM in and find out what's required for the ISD Healing Certification Program 2021-22. In this last class of our Summer Soulful Healing Series, you have an opportunity to Meet the faculty, look over the course offerings and the schedule and find out if this program will take you where you want to go- to enhance your skills for home use or to heal professionally.
Full Details and Registration Link Below in Adult Education
Our next magical
Metaphysical Service
will be on Sunday September 5th. Keep reading your emails, details will be provided soon!

If you need some inspiration in the meantime, check out our previous homilies on our YouTube channel: 

What's Happening at ISD Oneonta?

  • *It's Free!!* Tonight at 5:30 pm is the final workshop in our 'Touch the Earth; Reach the Sky' series! Join ISD's healing program director and faculty and staff as we gather for an 'Intro to the Healing Certification Program'. We look forward to seeing you and to giving you a peek into our ISD Oneonta Healing Certification program, its people, and its offerings.
Details below in the Adult Education section
  • Also tonight, August 19 at 7pm our monthly Magdalene Meditation Circle with Dale Capristo. The quality being contemplated this month is Devotion. Devotion is born in the heart * Devotion is a state of being that awakens within you * Devotion is an experience of oneness.

  • A couple of cancellations:
  • Our Mystical Dinner at Origins Cafe on Saturday has been cancelled. We will be rescheduling as soon as this pandemic allows
  • There will be no Allowing Abundance circle with Elke in August

  • Also, watch for announcements about our Intuitive Practitioner Program

Like us on Facebook, Follow us on Instagram and don't forget to check out our channel on Youtube
Please help us to keep offering quality classes, beautiful metaphysical services, and engaging development circles by clicking on the donate button below to make a donation to ISD Oneonta.
No amount is too small! If you are a member making a pledge, please mention that in the comments
Midday at the Oasis
2nd and 4th Fridays of the month from noon - 2pm
No, actually, in person- We wanna see your face (its been a long COVID separation!) at the new Lotus Center at the home of Tom Landon.
The Oasis & the gardens are beautiful and ready for you.

Come for casual conversation, light lunch, laughter, and library time with ISD friends and members, and the Pastor, Diana Friedell. We will be POOLSIDE in the good weather, bring your suit if you’d like, and a dish to pass if possible. Please let Tom know in advance that you will be attending by emailing him, [email protected]. If you need directions, he will send them!
More information on our Website

This just in................the spa is now available in addition to the pool.....just another feature of this five-star resort! So come, swim, soak in the hot tub, and enjoy the company!

Coming up on September 18th
Susquehanna River Renewal Kayak Trip w/Kimberly
The Susquehanna river has sustained life on our lands long before humans started using her. Join us on this collaborative, co-creative kayaking journey as we call in higher powers to assist us with making amends for past wrongs, giving thanks for the sacred water, and connecting with others who are holding the same intentions.
A short kayak trip from Portlandville, NY to Goodyear Lake followed by heart time with The Waters and some guided work to benefit nature and us all!

Full Details and Registration Link will be coming soon
Adult Education

Touch the Earth; Reach the Sky
Summer 2021 Soulful Healing Series

Enjoy your summer, enhance your spiritual journey, rejuvenate, meet like minded souls. Open your innate Spiritual Gifts. Find your path to service. 
Join us on Zoom every Thursday starting July 8th, 2021, with a different topic each time.
Zoom link sent when you register

August 19th, 2021 5:30-7pm   

Join us during the week for our open Online Development circles for anyone looking to further their spiritual and intuitive growth!
Join one/two/or join them all!
Take your pick. We have meditation and messaging or 'dream weaving'....please join us and tap into your own spiritual connection

Suggested Donation for these circles is $10 Please click below to make a donation to ISD and note what circle the donation is for
Weekly Circles:

7-8:30pm EST

Oracle Circle

With Story Ducey. These experimental circles will focus on deep meditation for healing and renewal and seeking guidance, teachings and home work from Spirit.
Click below for additional information:
email interest and to get the Zoom link:[email protected]
2:30pm-4pm EST

Learning & Psychic Development Circle

With Renee Ranke. These experiential intuitive development circles are designed to be a place to step away from the weight of the everyday world.
Click below for additional information and the Zoom link
email interest or questions:[email protected]
10-11:30am EST

Dream Message Circle

With Rev. Story Lucile Ducey. This circle is dedicated to receiving, recording and discussing the messages many of us are receiving in our ‘night school journeys.’
Click below for additional details
RSVP to Story [email protected]
Monthly Circles:

3rd Thursdays
7-8 pm EST
Next circle is Thursday August 19th
Path of the Magdalene Meditation Sessions
Path of the Magdalene Meditation sessions are an opportunity to join together monthly to activate the healing frequencies of Mary Magdalene in your own life.
Click below for additional information
RSVP to Dale to receive the Zoom Link [email protected]
4th Tuesdays
6-7:30 pm EST
Next circle Tuesday September 28th
Allowing Abundance
This circle, facilitated by Elke Saal, will meet monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Based on the Abraham Hicks teachings and using principles of intention we will deepen our understanding of allowing abundance into our lives.
Check out our August 2021 events calendar on for upcoming events and remember to like and follow us on Facebook to see our events posted there.
The Seeker by Lucy Maud Montgomery

I sought for my happiness over the world,
Oh, eager and far was my quest;
I sought it on mountain and desert and sea,
I asked it of east and of west.
I sought it in beautiful cities of men,
On shores that were sunny and blue,
And laughter and lyric and pleasure were mine
In palaces wondrous to view;
Oh, the world gave me much to my plea and my prayer
But never I found aught of happiness there!

Then I took my way back to a valley of old
And a little brown house by a rill,
Where the winds piped all day in the sentinel firs
That guarded the crest of the hill;
I went by the path that my childhood had known
Through the bracken and up by the glen,
And I paused at the gate of the garden to drink
The scent of sweet-briar again;
The homelight shone out through the dusk as of yore
And happiness waited for me at the door!

Our Weekly Astrological Forecast

Connie’s Celestial Conversations


The Leo season draws to a close this week with a second Full Moon in Aquarius. The Leo season has been about going within to your own Heart Center/Chakra. When the anchors we have always looked to for stability in our outside world are wavering, we can look within to where the Soul resides. Your own heart is your own best guide and friend.

How have you done? This week was one in which we could think very well. Have you made progress? Have you, perhaps, found an elegance to your thinking and an additional Grace that you can take into Sunday's Full Moon? You still have a few days.

The Full Sturgeon moon is also this year's only Blue Moon. It is not the more well known Blue Moon when there are two in a calendar month. It is also when 4 full moons fall within a calendar season. In that case the Blue moon is the third of four. There is another feature that is extraordinary for this Full moon. It falls on the 22nd day of August and in the 33rd week of 2021!!!

Master number 22 is considered the architect, the builder of sacred structure. Universal organization, the sacred geometry of form that joins us all together.

The master number 33 delivers the universal vision to the world. Divine service to all of Cosmic vision is the working mechanism.

When the master numbers are present in a date it is not as powerful as when they are present in your personal numerology, but they are present and available to a lesser degree to all. Having two master numbers adding their vibration to a Blue Moon is not insignificant! Try to use the universal energy available to you.

This Sunday the Blue Full Moon brings with it another plethora of beneficial alignments in the form of trines and conjunctions between the planets and signs. Remember that this is the sacred geometrical form of the entire cosmos. The forms line up, the nodes become enhanced, and the results can be incredible leaps forward in memory of our divinity, our soul mission, and our own unique contribution to that goal.

The Sun will be conjunct the Moon, while the Moon is conjunct Jupiter. That presents us with the combination of the Divine Masculine and Feminine with the great good luck that Jupiter brings with it.
There are also 3 trines on this day. The planets involved are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. Trines bring easy luck with them.
Uranus trine Mars presents pioneering new ways to accomplish goals.
Mercury trine Pluto provides great mental ability to examine and fathom the deepest subjects.
Venus trine Saturn helps relationships, both business and personal.

We are being presented with an extraordinary opportunity to anchor in all of the progress we have been able to achieve in opening our Heart Chakras and combine that with elegant, heart based thinking during this Leo heart season.

The culmination is a day that is a new beginning of another phase for us. It presents us with master numbers 22 and 33. Almost the entire Solar System will dance itself into a Sacred Geometrical pattern that will line the energetic grids up in a most benevolent pattern. Our mental abilities will be at their apex. All of these ingredients are present to help us reach new heights of divinity that will not be lost easily once achieved.

In conclusion, this does not mean that each of us needs to move mountains. We WILL grow our own Souls. That advance in our vibrations and ability to hold higher LOVE energy will naturally emanate from us unconsciously. We broadcast that love everywhere we go. So, be who you are becoming and trust yourself.

Enjoy this gift from our heavenly bodies and I wish you Godspeed!

And the Good News Is!!!!!

  • An interesting Good News Network article about a study that found that highly empathic people differ in the way their brains process music. The SMU-UCLA study is the first to find evidence supporting a neural account of the music-empathy connection. Read all about it Here.

  • Do you believe in magic? Check out This fascinating Historic Mysteries article about the history of magic from ancient times through today. 

  • Here is a heartwarming article from Sunny about Olympian Maria Andrejczyk auctioning off her silver medal from the javelin throw to contribute to an 8-month-old boy’s needed heart surgery. Make sure that you read to the end to find out about the store that won the auction.

Do you or someone you know need some assistance with mental health issues or coping. Here is a link to the US Department of Health & Human Services that will provide you with resources and tools to help deal with the stress.
by Christene Springle
The Roman goddess of Dawn is Aurora. She is said to rise each morning from the sea and rides her horse drawn chariot across the sky ahead of the sun with a pitcher from which she sprinkles dew upon the earth.

She is the daughter of the Titans Hyperion and Theia and sister of Helios (Sun God) and Selene (Moon Goddess).
Aurora is the goddess of renewal and hopeful energy. 

The Northern Lights or Auroras Borealis is named for her. They are said to look like shifting curtains or veils of light, evoking Aurora’s cloak bellowing behind her as she rides across the dawning sky.

Her herb is saffron. And symbols are the chariot and cicada.

Aurora magic
Consider adding a few strands of saffron to your morning tea or water to bring renewed hope to your day. And if you are feeling adventurous enough, get outside and walk through the dewy grass. Maybe you will catch a glimpse of Aurora gliding through the sky as the dog day cicadas hum welcoming the Summer days. Use their energy to rise your vibration! 

Did you know that there are SEVEN ISD chapters?
It all began with ISD Sparta NJ!
Now there are also chapters in Madison NJ, Washington DC, Sarasota Fla, Treasure Cost Fla, Middle Tennessee, and of course....right here in Oneonta NY.

We would ALL like to welcome you to our new Institute for Spiritual Development Facebook group:

Like and Follow on Facebook
Together we shine love and light to souls around the country and around the world with education, metaphysical services, healing and community.
We support YOU in your quest to explore, build, and develop your own spiritual connection
Got Bottles & Cans to return?

ISD has a CLYNK account at Hannaford in Oneonta. 

How can I help? 

Email Tom Landon at [email protected] and he will give you a time to pick up stickers at our new ISD headquarters.
Take one to put on each bag that you are bringing to Hannaford- Ask someone there where the bags go. With that correct tag on it, the bottle deposit money goes directly into the ISD Oneonta Account.

Just a reminder that we are continuing our Prayer Warriors group, every day at 5pm we pause to pray and send our healing energies where they are most needed right now

Each day at 5 PM EST, we will pause for about 10 minutes and meditate and pray with the intention of sending healing energy to all.
You do not have to be present each day. Requests for healing or suggestions should be submitted to our Healing Program director, Jo Ann Wormuth at the below ISD website link:

Rev. Diana Friedell, Pastor & Co-Director A popular area medium and psychic for 17 years, graduate of Fellowships of the Spirit, Lily Dale, NY & SUNY Oneonta, Rev. Diana is astounding in her commitment to bring the Institute to Oneonta as a gathering place for all who want to explore their own Divine nature & expand intuitive gifts. I look forward to chatting with you! 607-433-2089
See my brand new website! Thank you Dan Afriacano:
Also available for private phone readings/consultations during these changing times.

Our ISD Leadership
Shown Amanda Hoover, Co-Director

Amanda Hoover - Co-Director w/Diana
Story Lucile Ducey,
Adult Education/Programming Chair
Ministry Training Program
Renee Ranke – Adult Education/Programming Co-Chair
& Newsletter Editor
Jo Ann Wormuth Developing Healing Certification Program to start in September!
Many more new leaders are stepping up. . . more to come
We could use your help. If you can volunteer to help with the Bookstore, hospitality, ushering, building maintenance, website, office tasks, shopping- Just call or email! Diana!

Like and follow us on Facebook
Your gift helps to sustain Oneonta's first Metaphysical Church and learning center. . .