Fourth Quarter 2022

Message from the President of the Board

Leslie Stockel, CSP, SMS

As 2022 comes to a close, we reflect on what has been a year of growth and opportunity. With the future of the profession always at the forefront, we sought to continue expanding the reach of certification, enhancing collaboration for safety, and providing increased value for our credential holders.

Part of our focus surrounded our goal of advancing safety practice around the globe. In the spring, through the participation and support of credential holders worldwide, we successfully conducted our first Global Learning Summit (GLS), a three-day virtual event offering an affordable professional development and networking opportunity. This fall, we traveled to Dubai for our first Industry Roundtable to meet with leaders in India, the Middle East, and Africa (IMEA) for discussions on the potential impact of certification on safety in the region and setting the stage for future collaboration.

We renewed our 10-year partnership with the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health (NIOSH) and also reaffirmed our dedication to improving safety and health in the workplace through our alliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). We launched our Emerging Professionals Committee to engage the newest generation of safety practitioners and help to shape the future of the profession, and we began Onsite Exam Delivery (OED) to provide organizations with a convenient option for group examinations.

The BCSP Foundation continued to grow, investing in a year-long study on the value of safety professionals, publishing the first SHIFT Newsletter with industry news and trends from partners in the field, and focusing on workforce development through the annual Virtual Career Fair, grant opportunities, and scholarships to support the next generation of safety professionals.

It has been my honor and pleasure to serve as President of the BCSP Board for the past year. As I pass the baton to Bruce Lyon and move into the role of Past President, I am excited to continue serving this organization as we look toward the future, building upon a tradition of excellence. We remain firmly committed to our vision of a safer world through safety, health, and environmental leadership, and we are grateful to have you alongside us in that journey.

Best wishes for a happy holiday season and a joyous new year. We cannot wait to share many more exciting experiences and developments with our credential holders in 2023.

BCSP Board of Directors


Leslie Stockel, CSP, SMS

Vice President

Bruce K. Lyon, CSP, SMS, P.E., ARM, CHMM


V. Raymond Ferrara, CFP

CEO, Secretary

Christy Uden, CAE, IOM


Teresa A. Cole, CSP

Ashok Garlapati, CSP

Jay R. Harf, PhD, CSP

Mary Hjorth, SPHR

Bruce D. Hollcroft, CSP

Patricia A. Kagerer, CSP

Regina McMichael, CSP, CIT

Daniel G. Hopwood, CSP, SMS

Donald A. Robinson, PhD, CSP, P.E., ARM-E

BCSP Welcomes New Board Officers, Members

BCSP has selected new Board Members and Officers to guide the organization in 2023.

The following individuals were chosen for leadership roles to serve BCSP credential holders in the upcoming year:

Board President: Bruce K. Lyon, CSP, SMS, P.E., ARM, CHMM

Vice President: Ashok Garlapati, CSP, FASSP, CFIOSH, QEP

Treasurer: Jay R. Harf, PhD, CSP

Past President: Leslie D. Stockel, MS, CSP, SMS 

Public Member: Mary Hjorth, SPHR, SHRM-SCP

BCSP also welcomes new Public Board Member Mike Sutton, CFRE, CFRM.

BCSP thanks Joaquin M. Diaz, MM, CSP, OHST, CHST, CIH, and V. Raymond Ferrara,

CFP, who conclude their time on the Board at the end of the year.

Read More

Bruce Lyon

Ashok Garlapati

Jay Harf

Leslie Stockel

Mary Hjorth

Mike Sutton

Advancing Safety in the IMEA Region

BCSP and industry leaders from India, the Middle East, and Africa (IMEA) met Oct. 6 in Dubai for the first Industry Roundtable to discuss furthering safety practice in the region through certification for technical competency.

BCSP Board President Leslie Stockel and CEO Christy Uden attended along with Kavitha Prabhu, BCSP’s Regional Director for IMEA. They joined key decision makers from the UAE, Saudi Arabia, India, Oman, Kuwait, Jordan, Qatar, and Egypt. University representatives from the region were also on hand to provide insight into safety-related curriculum.

Discussions surrounded the state of safety in the region, educational gaps needing to be addressed, advancing safety careers in industries like engineering, construction, and oil and gas, and the role BCSP’s internationally recognized credentials can play.

BCSP also officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Kuwait Society of Engineers (KSE). The organizations entered into a collaborative relationship, committing to use their expertise, technology, and resources to increase access to certifications and educational opportunities to advance safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) practice.

"BCSP is invested in supporting the advancement of safety globally. Through these kinds of conversations, we learn some of the specific challenges unique to different countries and demonstrate the ways in which credentialing can help. We all want to protect workers. BCSP offers an opportunity to validate those who have gained the knowledge to make our world safer." — Christy Uden, BCSP CEO

Looking For a New Career or Your Next Superstar Employee?
The BCSP Career Center connects job seekers with prospective employers in the safety, health, and environmental industry at no cost!

Posting open positions for companies looking to hire individuals who hold our credentials is also free. This site is your direct route to qualified individuals!
Subscribe to our eNewsletters!

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Partners eNewsletter

For sponsors, business persons, and collaborating agencies

Collegiate eNewsletter

For university faculty and students

BCSP Quarterly eNewsletter

To stay up to date with all the latest news from BCSP

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GSP Jairus Moore Always Wanted to Make a Difference

Growing up outside of Pittsburgh in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, Jairus Moore didn’t exactly have plans to join the military.

Sure, his grandparents had served in the armed forces, his mother in the Air Force, and his brother in the Army. Moore wasn’t really dreaming of carrying on any family tradition, though.

It may seem unlikely, then, that this BCSP credential holder went on to become a field artillery officer in the Army. But when you realize his passion for keeping people safe, it all kind of makes sense.

It is a passion threaded throughout his civilian profession, his academic pursuits, and his service career – from volunteer firefighter to safety investigator for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, from a safety management bachelor’s degree to a master’s in criminal justice, and from the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary to the U.S. Army.

Click here for Moore's full story at BCSP.ORG

"I haven’t encountered a personal dramatic experience that made me want to do safety. For me it’s more just looking out at the public and seeing people are hurt, things are happening, and if there’s a way I can influence it, I want to be a part of that." — Jairus Moore, GSP

Nominations Open for 2023 Awards of Excellence & Lifetime Achievement Award

Nominations for BCSP's 2023 awards are now open. Celebrate the exceptional SH&E practice of BCSP certificants by submitting accomplishments of yours, a mentor, or a colleague for consideration.

The BCSP Awards of Excellence (AoE) recognize top CSPs, ASPs, OHSTs, CHSTs, STSs, and STSCs who best represent certificants’ outstanding leadership, knowledgeable expertise, and commitment to the advancement of the SH&E profession.

The Lifetime Achievement Award honors one credential holder each year for distinguished SH&E service over a career.

Awards of Excellence: Guidelines | Nominations

Lifetime Achievement Award: Guidelines | Nominations

Request a BCSP Ambassador for your Event

BCSP Ambassadors are available to speak at your conferences and events. These BCSP credential holders raise awareness for the value of accredited safety certification.

In this photo, BCSP Ambassador Ben Andrew, PhD, CSP, ASP, STS operates an exhibit at the Sacramento Safety & Health Summit earlier this year.

If you would like to request a BCSP Ambassador to present at your event, contact the BCSP Ambassador Program.

Prep for Your Exam!

BCSP offers exam training through BCSP examCORE. Trainings include CSP, ASP + CSP Connect, SMS, ASP, OHST, CHST, STS, STSC, and CIT. For more information, visit examCORE.ORG.

*To ensure impartiality, BCSP utilizes subject-matter experts for the development of the examCORE program and products who are independent from the certification examination development process.

Visit BCSP's Affinity Products Page

As a BCSP credential holder, you have access to exclusive products! Design custom BCSP Apparel in the BCSP store. Get unique pins and rings.

Certificants further qualify for a 20% discount on first year financial planning services with CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional members of the Financial Planning Association®.

Click here for more info!

Share Your Safety Stories with Us

We want to tell your safety story. Whether it's a personal story of how you became involved with the safety profession, or a proud company safety moment, we want to hear from you!

If you have an interesting story to share, please contact [email protected] and a member of our team will reach out to you.

Your story could be featured on the BCSP social media channels, a promotional video, or many other avenues.

Save the Date for the 2023 Virtual Career Fair

Mark your calendars for our fourth annual Virtual Career Fair to be held on April 28, 2023. This free event is intended for safety, health, and environmental (SH&E) professionals and students to learn, interact, and connect with top employers in the industry and like-minded SH&E professionals. 

Registration will open in early 2023; more information about event Sponsors, employers attending, and workshops will be available as the event approaches.

Sponsor the Virtual Career Fair

If you have career or internship opportunities in the SH&E field, join us as a Sponsor for the Virtual Career Fair. Sponsors last year included Grainger, CNA, Sunbelt Rentals, IEA, ASG, Consentium Search, and SMG. Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with your next great employee.

Sponsor the Virtual Career Fair

Give to Support the Future of Safety Practice

Certified safety practitioners are the foundation of building a safer global community. 

In 2020, there were 4,764 fatal work injuries recorded in the U.S. In 2021, employers reported 2.6 million injury and illness cases. (Statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics).

With your help, we can prevent these injuries. Your gift to the BCSP Foundation supports the next generation of SH&E professionals. It provides pathways to certification for those who seek to change the way we think about safety. It supports innovation that will make the world's workplaces safer for our children.

Your gift ensures that we are safer together, better together. So join our community of donors and help us impact the future of the profession and save lives.

Every gift matters.

Unauthorized Use of Our Credentials

BCSP pursues cases of individuals claiming to hold our credentials without permission. We pursue those cases in which there is clear evidence of the unauthorized use and the individual has a clear responsibility, control, or knowledge of the use. Evidence may be a business card, resume, letter, website, or other publication.

Report Unauthorized Use

Find Unauthorized Use on the Credential Directory

Present on Behalf of BCSP!

Presentations on safety certification can be done for recertification credit! BCSP has many resources available for certificants to use during presentations, including pre-made PowerPoints, technical reports, and videos.

These resources can be found on our Presentations and Outreach webpage.

Have you been looking for a professional development tool designed to keep you up-to-date on industry trends all year long? Do you need a refresher in certain areas? Or maybe you're looking to hone your skills?

With the latest additions to BCSP's recertPRO online platform, you can access an array of new, relevant learning modules on-the-go!

New Additions

Microlearning: Earn 0.1 points per 1-hour of videos, documents, and/or audio clips reviewed and assessed.

Video Library: Gain greater insight into the business case for safety, AI in the workplace, injury investigation, intoxication in the workplace, and more.

With 20 videos available, you can earn 0.1 points per 1-hour of video watched.

Resource Library: Extra safety-related content including: SH&E news, resources, and education, plus publications and DE&I resources.

Glossary: A glossary is provided to keep SH&E-specific content accessible and at your fingertips.

How it Works

Take charge of your learning using recertPRO's SH&E modules to stay current in industry practice and earn BCSP recertification points.

Current modules include: 41 Journal Quizzes, 5 KSA Quests, and 2 Challenge Tests

Check out BCSP recertPRO
Share Events With Us
Have an upcoming job fair, conference, or chapter meeting that you would like to share with readers? Would you like to invite a BCSP representative to attend an event? We would like to hear about it!

Submit information on upcoming events using our new Event Request Form.
Current Changes Index
Over the course of the year, a range of policy changes, procedure updates, and other modifications occur. We want to make everyone aware of these changes on a regular basis, as well as keep an archive of the announcements. 

Visit the Current Changes Index page on our website to find the most up-to-date policy and procedure information.
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Display your Certification Proudly with BCSP Affinity Products

Credential holders have access to exclusive BCSP-branded items, including custom BCSP apparel, pins, and rings, custom stamp products, and certificate framing.

BCSP Affinity Products

Save on Certificate Framing!

Framing Success is offering a 20% discount on certificate framing from Dec. 13-27 with the promo code BCS22.