Written By: God through Inspiration
Penned By: David, Asaph, Solomon, Heman, Ethan, Moses, and the Sons of Korah
Date Penned: (1440-586 BC)
Overview: Poetry for the Expression of Praise and Worship to God (c 1-150)
Theme: The First Book of Psalms (c 1-41)
Message: Man's Words Versus God's Words (v 1-8)
Psalms 12 Commentary
(12:1) We Are Never Alone - Living for God in a deceitful world can be difficult and lonely. At one time the great prophet Elijah felt so lonely he wanted to die. But God told him that 7.000 other faithful servants were still in Israel (1 Kings 19:4, 14,18). We are never alone in our battle against evil. When you feel alone, seek out other believers for strength and support.
(12:2-4) Lies Are Sin - We may be tempted to believe that some lies are relatively harmless, and even useful at times. But God does not overlook lies, flattery, deception, or boasting. Each of these sins originates from a bad attitude that will eventually be expressed in our speech. The tongue can be our greatest enemy because, though small, it can do great damage (James 3:5-6). Be careful how you use yours.
(12:5-7) God Cares for the Poor - God cares for the poor and those who are in need. He promises to rescue the downtrodden and confront their oppressors. We should identify with God's attitude. His work is not done until we care for the needs of the poor.
(12:6) Sincerity and Truth - Sincerity and truth are extremely valuable because they are so rare. Many people are deceivers, liars, and flatterers. They think they will get what they want by deception. As a king, David certainly faced his share of such people, who hoped to win his favor and gain advancement through flattery. When we feel as though sincerity and truth have nearly gone out of existence, we have one hope--the Word of God. God's Word is as pure and flawless as refined silver. So listen carefully when he speaks to you through his Word.