Destination: Ethiopia (Part IV)

We’re kicking off this newsletter with great news! We are delighted to partner with New Leaf Ethiopia Foundation again. On May 11, our fourth container was packed, shipped, and remains en route to Ethiopia. Thanks to our loading crew for lending their muscles to get the container packed so efficiently.

This shipment is valued at $666,729 and contained 2,299 cubic feet of medical supplies and equipment. To all who participated in this shipment: our donors, volunteers, staff, and board members, you are Medical Aid Supplying Hope! 
Thank You for Joining Us!

We had a fantastic time at our open house reception on May 14! Thank you for the phenomenal support and coming and celebrating with us.

If you missed this event, we still want to meet with you and show you around our new place! Please call us at (559) 324-1255 to schedule a tour. 

Farewell, Danny!
For the past four years, Danny Flores has been serving as our faithful and hard-working Warehouse Technician. He’s been the friendly face who picked up supplies and equipment and worked hard at all of our warehouses. He’s now moving on to what the Lord has next, and we wish him God’s richest blessings and thank him for his years of service to MMI.  

Save the Date:
Annual Fundraising Gala (9/10/22)

If you’ve been before, you know that this is a highlight of the year! Fantastic food, exquisite desserts, an exhilarating live auction, and an update on MMI’s impact around the world. Mark your calendar, and don’t miss out. More info to come; stay tuned. 
National Nurses' Day Celebration (5/9/22)
National Nurses Week is a great time to celebrate all the nurses who are part of MMI. We’ve got a talented crew who’ve given so much to carry out the mission of MMI. This team is truly Medical Aid Supplying Hope. Thank you, nurses, for all you do!
2nd Saturday Volunteer Days-Join Us!
Email Myra at
or call (559) 324-1255

Volunteer Hours
Broadway St. location:

9:00-12:00, 12:30-3:30*
Tuesdays: 9-12*
Wednesdays: 9-12
2nd Saturday of the month:

Shipping Warehouse (Cedar Ave):

Tuesdays* & Thursdays*
9 AM - 12 PM

To volunteer at MMI during the week or to help load a container, please call ahead and confirm with Myra Smith (559) 324-1255,

*These timeslots are tentative and subject to change or cancellation. Therefore, they are by appointment only
MMI Fresno Office and Headquarters

1501 Broadway St
Fresno, CA 93721

Volunteer Hours:
Monday: 9-12, 12:30-3:30*
Tuesday: 9-12*
Wednesday: 9-12
2nd Sat of the Month: 9-12

RSVP by calling
(559) 324-1255
MMI Fresno Shipping Warehouse

2962 S. Cedar Avenue
Fresno, CA 93725

Warehouse Hours*:
9 AM to 12 PM
Tuesdays* & Thursdays*

*By appointment only

Myra Smith
Send Correspondence To:

PO Box 11829
Fresno, CA 93775

Medical Ministries International (MMI)
