Pro-Train Innovative Dog Training
A New Year Means New Beginnings
Thank you for your continued support and confidence in Pro-Train Innovative Dog Training!
Not Your Average Dog Trainer: Our Focus is on Behavior Modification

You'll find many options for dog training from a simple Google search. But you'll find few that focus on Behavior Modification. 

Enter Dogman Mark and his highly skilled group of trainers. Dogman has spent over 40 years training a variety of dogs for many different purposes. His "secret sauce" is the focus on modifying the dog's behavior.  Want to know more? Call us today!

The Pro-Train Promise: We Guarantee Training for the Life of the Dog!
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A Sneak Peek of Mark's Book and New Website...
Be on the Lookout for Your Invitation to The Book Launch Party Soon!

2016 has been a great year for Pro-Train and for Dogman Mark personally. His book, More than a Dog Whisperer, is slated to hit the press in January. Check out the sneak peek of his book, sure to be a best seller, at

Wishing you a Safe and Happy New Year! DogMan Mark and The Team

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