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4th Quarter News

2020 Statistics

Men Employed - 321

Taxes Paid - $151,573.23

Child Support Paid - $35,629.74


Men Housed - 89

Men Employed - 70

Graduates for the Quarter - 22

Baptisms for the Quarter - 4

Letter from the Director - Chris Somerville


Good day and many blessings from all the staff at Safe Harbor of Bucksnort. Through these changing times we have faired quite well and will not stop our primary focus: Reaching out to those at their lowest through the power of the highest.

My name is Chris Somerville and I am the Director for the Bucksnort facility. As the fourth quarter of 2021 comes to a close, I am so excited to see what the new year brings. I have spent the last year and a half at our Bucksnort Facility as the Admissions Coordinator and the Assistant Director under the leadership of two great men, James Staffan and Jonathan Newcomb. I was honored when asked to take over as Director of Safe Harbor of Bucksnort. I have a burning flame in my heart for these men and want to see all the clients in our programs succeed and get their life back. I will do everything in my control to earn the clients respect, but at the same time give them the structure and accountability they need to change their lives. With the staff I have around me we are definitely going to help change lives here in Bucksnort. We are constantly on the move here; looking for new ways to improve and brighten up the property. 

Meet the leadership team at Safe Harbor of Bucksnort. Each department head is focused on their tasks while wearing other hats assisting each other to better server these men. Travis Carter, our Reliable Coordinator, works tirelessly to vet our clients and place them in the best possible job. Deeply ingrained in the recovery community is Joseph Messer. He networks with courts, probation/parole officers, life liners, rehabilitation centers, and word of mouth to extend Safe Harbor's hand to men in need.  Rick Snodgrass, our lead Program Coordinator, wears many hats and meets clients needs on a daily basis.  

Here in Bucksnort we are striving to help each man with: Knowing God, Finding Freedom, Discovering their Purpose and Making a Difference. Those core principles are a substantial foundation to build upon. To anyone reading this, if there is someone that you know needing our program, please feel free to call upon us. 

My direct cell as Director: 

Chris Somerville 931-994-9586

Admissions Coordinator:

Joseph Messer 865-410-6630

Regional Director:

Jonathan Newcomb 949-510-8960

God Bless you and may peace be upon you and your families in Jesus Christ's name.

Christmas Celebration!

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Great service delivered by Apostle- Greg Newcomb!

Safe Harbor of Bucksnort would like to give our founder Greg Newcomb and his wife Angela Newcomb a huge THANK YOU for being a huge influence on our men during this Holiday Season.

Our men are very thankful for the Message & Gifts you brought!


A look around Bucksnort

Great service this morning delivered by Hunter Harris.

Mr. Harris is one of our clients with a heart after Gods own heart. We are very thankful for how God has moved and how he will continue to move in his life!


SHOB Regional Director, Jonathan Newcomb, attended the annual corporate Christmas party today and accepted the awards on behalf of the staff here in Bucksnort.

Safe Harbor of Bucksnort received the following awards:

Program of the Year

Rookie of the Year - Joseph Messer


Sunday Evening Chapel Service!

The Cross- The Revelation of how Valuable you are to a loving Father


Sunday Chapel Service 10 salvations

"Who are you?"

Understanding, believing and embracing your identity in Christ


Friday night bonfire


Thanksgiving service and dinner!

We're so thankful that we have the opportunity to walk side by side with these men and their families as they continue to pursue a better life!

We would like to give a special thanks to all of our men who dedicated their time preparing Thanksgiving dinner. We also would like to thank one of our most recent graduates Michael Higdon for leading worship this afternoon and his eagerness to serve God!

We're so Thankful for what God has done, and will continue to do here


We are so very thankful for Robert & Debbie Powers, and for the Thanksgiving food donated


Sunday Evening Chapel


Sunday Morning Chapel

It Takes 1 Encounter with Our God to Change a Life Forever!

12 Men Surrendered their life to Jesus


Celebration Sunday - December 2021

Congratulations to our graduates - James De France, David McCormick, Brandon Graham, Kenneth Ward, Payton Plunk, Billy Faulkner & Joseph Cunningham


Partner of the Quarter - Mid TN Lumber

Mid-TN has been a God send for Safe Harbor of Bucksnort. They provide a safe work environment and the men who work there state the employees of Mid-TN are supportive and positive. The office staff at Safe Harbor appreciate the timely manner, in which documentation is received and the open communication which allows us to best serve the clients in the program. We are currently working 15 men at an average of 48 hours a week. This is huge helping the clients of Safe Harbor not only be productive and support in their recovery, but also granting an opportunity to those who might otherwise be unable. Michelle Alexander and the rest of the staff truly care about the men and they truly have a passion for helping these men, they are great people!

We are a grateful beyond measure for Mid-TN and are excited to say they are our Partner of the Quarter. Through open communication, a positive work environment, and opportunities for our men they have set themselves above the norm. Thank you, Mid-TN for all you do and we are excited to see where our partnership goes in the future!


Celebration Sunday - November 2021

Congratulations to our graduates - Dustin Deason, Daniel Wright, Dwight Turner, George Huff, John Weaver, Michael Higdon, Shannon Melton, Paul Tims & Billy Milam

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Client of the Month is James Smith! Congratulations

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Client Volunteer of the Month is Murphy Owens. Congrats

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Dorm of the Month went to Brian Russell, Justin Gately & Billy Milam. Great job guys

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Client of the Quarter - Jonathan Osborne

Before & Now


"I come from a long history of physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse. My mother was an addict and prostitute, but has been now clean 12 Years. My father has been sober 6 years. I started using marijuana around 11 years old. I was willing to do anything that would change the way that I felt. I had major abandonment issues due to my mother coming and going. Bad trust issues because my cousin who is female had sexually abused me from an early age. It seems like no matter where I went I was abused. But always told never to tell anyone what was going on at home. I've pretty much been on my own since I was 14, I had to use cocaine for the first time around 13. That was my main Escape for a little over 10 years.

I was made to go to church as a kid and even though I didn't know what hate was, I hated God. I went to my first rehab at 15 and also had my first child at the same age. Fast forward, I have been in and out of jails and rehabs my whole life, I'm 34 years of age now. I had two daughters pass away, my mother also killed herself due to a overdose done purposely. I've been in an out of a lot of toxic relationships, but mostly because I was the toxic one. But me being me I blamed any and everyone else for my problems and past. But the reality is it wasn't just the drugs, it was me, I was the problem! I have been physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually abusive to the people in my life, because I felt like I was a nobody and would never amount to anything. I've never been a father to any of my kids except my youngest son.

When my kids passed away, I started injecting heroine an meth. I have overdosed 25 times since I've been using, to support my habit. I've unfortunately robbed, stole and cheated just to get one more. I hated life and just wanted to die. But God had a bigger purpose for my life. I've always had this void I've tried to fill with drugs an other things but nothing seemed to work.

When I came to Safe Harbor of Bucksnort I was not a believer but I remained willing and open minded, and wanted a change. I wanted anything except to go back to who and what I was, so I began watching our Director, Chris Somerville and our Pastor, Jay Messer, the way they moved, the way they carried themselves and listened to the words they spoke. True leaders, and true men of God.

Since being at Safe Harbor I've started leading 12 step study classes, I'm back in my family's life and became a beacon of hope for those around me that think they will never be nothing more then an addict. I couldn't have done any of this without the help of Safe Harbor and turning my life over to the care of God. Thank you Safe Harbor for giving me something money can't buy, faith, hope an love. I've truly became the man I thought I would never be. If I can do it , anyone can! God bless! "

Celebration Sunday - October 2021

Congratulations to our graduates Martin White, Mark Burton, Mike Piccione

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Staff of the Quarter - Joseph Messer


Mr. Messer has been with Safe harbor on and off for three years. He has work at 3 locations and a number of positions from Chaplain to Program, to what he is doing now as our Admissions Coordinator.

Mr. Messer is a man of God and it shows with his interactions with the men and his classes. We are fortunate to have him on our team.

His hobbies are reading, writing and personal fitness which he uses to teach our men as they are coming out of their addiction. 

Battle in the Saddle 2022

Battle in the Saddle is right around the corner! We are looking forward to Year #9 of this event. It will once again be held in Memphis, TN at the Agricenter Showplace Arena. This is our largest fundraiser each year that helps to fund so many projects throughout Safe Harbor.

We would love to have you attend if you are able. Come out and watch cowgirls and cowboys from across the US compete!

If you are interested in sponsoring this event please get with our Reliable Coordinator, Travis Carter. His email is

Learn more at

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