Greetings! we hope this email finds you and your love ones safe,'s the plan. We are not backing down from this challenge and intend on opening up the "
Lotus Guide Healing & Information Center" right in the middle of Paradise. We have no idea how we are going to pull this off but life has taught me that if you wait until you are completely ready to do something you will be waiting a long time.
We are putting the next issue of the Lotus Guide together now and if you were ever thinking of placing an ad...this would be the time.
You will be helping us to stay strong and continue helping others like so many of our advertisers who lost everything. Our goal is to help them get readjusted and run their ads for Free for as long as it takes to help get them back on their feet.
Scroll Down for Our Special Offer
It's not so surprising that our website views have gone up dramatically because of all the views of our
Campfire videos (
over 30,000 on just one of them). So this would also be a good time for a Banner Ad on our website. Take a few moments and look into our advertisement options
Now, more than ever, Independent Media is the only way you are going to get the truth, in the last issue I said that the purpose of the Lotus Guide is to
"Weaponize Your Curiosity" because when you are armed with those pesky things called "Facts" you will be able to deal with the reality we find ourselves in.
You can also give directly to our PayPal account
Much love to all of you out there, Rahasya & Dhara