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The Retreat House at Hillsboro


The mission of the Retreat House is to share God’s abundant love in the world by holding a sacred, compassionate and inclusive space.


Personal Retreats



in community


Spiritual Direction

Spoken Word

October 7

held at Vintage Books and Fine Art

5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

We look forward to this opening night of our series of poetry nights! We’re calling this joyful collaboration of Trinity Cathedral, Easton and The Retreat House at Hillsboro: The Spirit of Poetry - golden threads in community.  

We hope you’ll be part of Spoken Word, on October 7 at Vintage Books and Fine Art, from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Bring your own poetry or work from your favorite poet, or come as a listener without reading. We’ll enjoy being community in this creative gathering offered as a gentle, friendly, and inclusive space with reverence for the dignity of each person. Learn more here.

Second Saturdays this Fall

October 8 - November 12 - December 10

9:30am - 1:00pm

Join us as we meet the unexpected in the unfolding day.

We’re looking forward to quiet mornings this fall at The Retreat House - strolling under the statuesque trees, walking the labyrinth, and simply being present as we notice nature’s transformation around us. When the air chills, we’ll light the fire.

The Sacristy Book Shop will be open. Come, sip a cup of tea, and peruse our books. On this day, we’ll have a table for those drawn to the gentle process of crafting from found objects: October is a wonderful time for gathering leaves for autumn mandala making; November invites sharing gratitude cards, and, December is our season for Gathering of the Greens on the Retreat House grounds.

We’ll close our fall days with a Celtic Prayer Gathering at 12 noon. All are welcome to bring a bag lunch for the close of the day.

Quiet Days and Retreats

The Wisdom of Aging:

Friends for Life

September 27, 2022

2:00pm - 4:00pm

Join with us as we explore the relationship between friendship, life, and aging. What role does friendship play in your life?

To register or learn more click here. We can't wait for this lovely and enlightening conversation. We hope to see you there!

Autumn Quiet Day:

Autumn's Enigma

September 29, 2022

9:30am - 2:00pm

We invite you to come to explore the enigma of autumn for our in-person autumn quiet day at The Retreat House led by Julia Morris-Myers. This gathering will explore the beauty and symbolism of bright blue skies; crisp, cool air; the plethora of beautiful colors - and how this means that darkness, cold, and even death are just around the corner. We will talk about how we can see autumn as a threshold and how best to cross it. Ecclesiastes 3 will be our inspiration as well as other poetry and music.

To register or find out more click here. We can't wait for this relaxing and contemplative day. We hope you can make it!

Re-imagining Prayer

Women’s Weekend Retreat

at The Foehliage

Friday, November 4 -Sunday, November 6, 2022

Sink into the beauty of the mature trees along the Sassafras River as we explore prayer practices that invite us to a new relationship with God, with ourselves, and with the people in our lives. We will have opportunities for conversation, silence, movement, and contemplation. Explore at your own pace what it means to bring our bodies, minds, and spirits into the act of authentic prayer.

Find out more about this retreat and how to register here. 

Save the date: The Spirit of Poetry - golden threads in community, First Fridays from November 4 - March 3, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m., Trinity Cathedral, Easton.

Read Our Calendar Here



Martin's House and Barn


The Retreat House Bookshop

To receive our newsletter, and other offerings, please sign up (here).

The Retreat House at Hillsboro

22005 Church Street, Hillsboro, Maryland 21641

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