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3rd Quarter News

2020 Statistics

Men Employed - 485

Taxes Paid - $294,245.91

Child Support Paid - $45,437.31


Men Housed - 47

Men Employed - 33

Graduates for the Quarter - 10

Letter from the Director - David Elkins


As seasons turn once again the excitement in the air at Safe Harbor Jefferson County is electrifying. The transformation of men's lives is phenomenal and can only be explained by one word, Jesus! Also amazing is the transformation of the property. Through donations and opportunities, we were able to pave our driveway as well as put in drain fields to help with our erosion. Many thanks to all those who help make this possible. Work has begun on a new kitchen that should accommodate our expansion for years to come and plans are being finalized for our first residential cabin that should accommodate 14 men when complete.

Want to give a huge shout out to our many volunteers! You men and women who invest in our clients’ lives, thank you. You are the difference that me and my staff can't make! Thanks be to Jesus!

It's amazing to see the men hunger and thirst for righteousness and how God is meeting their needs and giving them understanding into life situations that was so elusive to them in this world.

Mat 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. 

Through our Sunday morning discipleship class, I am seeing men being transformed into the image of Christ! Everyday men are making decisions based on who Jesus is to them instead of their own selfish needs.



Rom 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

Please keep Safe Harbor in your prayers as we strive to honor Christ with our efforts to guide men into a true relationship with Jesus and Freedom from Life’s Controlling Circumstances.


To God be the Glory, Amen


Pastor David

Celebration Sunday - September 2021

Congratulations to our graduates - Dustin Wheeler, James Tharpe, Brandon Lovette, Phillip Williams & Nicholas Yelverton!

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Reliable of the Month is Ronnie Watts. Congratulations!

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Client of the Month is Chad King! Congrats

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Client Volunteer of the Month is Wilbur Henning. Congrats!

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A look around Jefferson County

Many thanks to Pastor Ronnie Trent and Caleb Loy for their time and equipment to get our drainage and entrance ready for grass!


Thanks to some great graduates, clients and of course Jeff Weyant we were able to sow down and cover most of the hill before the rain!


Cherokee Lake and Barry baptism of Aarin Prichard on July 4 weekend!


Partner of the Quarter - WASCO


Wasco has been partnered with Safe Harbor for many years. Wasco has been a staple in the masonry contracting business in the stated of Tennessee since 1966. Many clients have worked thru Wasco and was able to obtain full time employment and continue on rebuilding, repairing and reconnecting their lives. As the primary point of contact it is my pleasure to report that the crew we currently have working at Wasco has been one of the most solid crews I have seen come thru our program. Specifically Mark Reed, the spotlight client of the quarter, has been especially industrious at the job. This is all thanks to Wasco's guidance and strict code of work ethics. Safe Harbor of Jefferson county would like to award Wasco with partner of the 3rd quarter 2021.

Client of the Quarter - Mark Reed

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"My life consisted of a lot of the same things most addicts and alcoholics does. I started smoking weed at 11, drinking by 14 and snorting-smoking speed at 19. I chose drugs and the fast life over everything I ever encountered. I lost my driver license at 19 and stayed in and out of jail till 26. Went to prison after jail stayed in and out of state prison till 2019. The past 7 years of my life deep down inside I knew there was a GOD. Come to find out it was my LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST standing at my door knocking. Waiting patiently for me to open the door and let HIM come in and walk with me. Through the men at Safe Harbor I've learned how to walk with GOD, the GOD them and in me, keeps bringing m back to them. David Elkins, Christian Smith, Glenn Doyle, Mrs. Jeanne, Kenny Lane, Gregg Newcomb, Johnathan Newcomb, Lance Newcomb, Chris Somerville, Miss G., Pastor Ron and Pastor Gary Kenny, they never once gave up on me, you see that is how GOD teaches us to Love each other and ourselves. Through these men's obedience to GOD was I allowed a place to set still, find GOD and to submit my life to HIS way of life. Now I have a true relationship with my LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. I entered this program a lot, but I only applied the tools of this program to my life once. Now I see all I could never see. Blessings are being poured out on my life and it comes from obedience to GOD. Things are turning around , understanding each day that it is not about me, to die daily to the old ways. I had to pick up my cross and endure the sufferings of this world. By doing so I grow more CHRISTlike in HIS image. John 10:10, Philippians 4:13, Psalm 46:10 are three of my favorite verses, my favorite chapter is Luke 15. Does HE not put it all on the line for that one lost soul. Corey Ashbury's song Reckless Love liver version says, "It is Blesssful in Everything in my day to day life has completely changed." I know I only half please GOD, Love HIM and all that matters will be with me. I found what I been looking for all my life. When I found an intimate relationship with GOD I was truly set free and born again. LORD today I live for you and give it to YOU to do as YOU see fit. I ask YOU to guide my life each day, to keep my mind and heart open to YOU. Seek ye first the kingdom of GOD and HIS righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33/Matthew 10;39." - Mark O. Reed

Celebration Sunday - July 2021

Congratulations to our graduates; Jarad Fisher, Kenneth Harvey, Hugh "Anthony Smith", Daniel Clark & Joseph Taylor!

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Congratulations to our Reliable of the Month Dustin Wheeler!

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Congratulations to our Client of the Month, Nicholas Yelverton!

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Congratulations to our Client Volunteer of the Month, Bradford Knight!

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Congratulations to our Staff of the Month, James Staffan!

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Staff of the Quarter - Christian, Glenn, Jeanne, James, Mike & Jeff!

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I have chosen this quarter to recognize my entire staff Christian, Glenn, Jeanne, James, Mike, and Jeff. They have pulled together and worked above all my expectations.

Christian Smith as Chaplain has connected with these men that is only possible through the work of the Holy Spirit through him. And not only that, he does whatever is necessary standing in the gap when needed.

Glenn Doyle as Program Coordinator has taken ownership making sure that this facility is in shape to accommodate our men with a safe and clean facility. Leading the 12 step course on Friday nights has been phenomenal.

Jeanne Williams makes sure that our payroll is done our intakes are done, and just all around keeps our office running smooth. We have grown to depend heavily on her skills.

James Staffan has taking our work program Faith Works and Reliable to a new level. Opportunities for our men have grown tremendously as he finds his niche here in the hills of East Tennessee.

Jeff Weyant as our Maintenance man and everything else around here I believe is supernatural. The humblest man I know that has sacrificed his life for this ministry for over 15 years. Thank you Jeff for hearing God and being obedient.

Mike Maroney our newest staff has transferred here and taken over our transportation department making sure our vans and vehicles are save and dependable.


Thank you, Jesus, for putting us together to accomplish your work! Guide this staff in wisdom and love.


To God be the glory!

Upcoming Events!

Battle in the Saddle is approaching quickly! We are looking forward to year 9 of this event. It will once again be held in Memphis, TN at the Agricenter Showplace Arena. This is our largest fundraiser each year that helps to fund so many projects throughout Safe Harbor.

We would love to have you attend if you are able. Come out and watch cowgirls and cowboys from across the US compete!

If you are interested in sponsoring this event please get with our Reliable Coordinator, Lance Newcomb. His email is

Learn more at

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