Join us for worship and fellowship Sundays at 10 am!
Coffee fellowship immediately following the service
Upcoming Events
Pastor Monica attends First Call Conference at Lutheranch
2/5 - 2/8

2/9 @ 8:30 am

2/9 @ 9 am

Church Council Meeting
2/19 @ 7 pm

Bold Women Sunday

2/25 @ 6 pm
Service Opportunities
But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves .  ~James 1:22
Epiphany Community Garden

Collierville Food Pantry

Collierville Connected Resource Center

Chosen Vessel Ministries

Room In The Inn (RITI)

See upcoming events schedule
for specific happenings!
Reminder: No Confirmation Class This Sunday!
The Word This Sunday
February 10, 2019
Fifth Sunday After Epiphany
The fifth Sunday after Epiphany continues to highlight unlikely instruments and circumstances appointed to reveal the glory of the Lord. “Who will go for us?” queries the voice of the Lord. A man of unclean lips, a former persecutor of the church of God, and three fishermen who couldn’t catch a thing. More surprising still, perhaps, is the fact that we are also called.

Isaiah says, Here am I; send me

I will bow down toward your holy temple. (Ps. 138:2) 

I am the least of the apostles

Jesus calls the disciples to fish for people
Pastor Monica's 
60-Second Sermon
" If Jesus showed up at your workplace, asked you to drop everything and follow him, what would you do? Peter, James and John encounter Jesus in their place of work. Frustrated by their empty fishing nets, the men grumble until Jesus suggests they try again: when their haul of fish astonishes them, Peter begs for Jesus’ mercy. He's ashamed by his behavior after receiving such free abundance. Yet this is Jesus’ mission: to redeem the lost and the frustrated; to invite all people to taste God’s overflowing yield of mercy and love, available for all who trust in Christ and find the courage to “try again.” Jesus is the source of our courage, and he reminds us never to be afraid. When we trust in Jesus, we receive God’s overflowing goodness and unconditional grace, no matter how we’ve sinned: that’s a message to “catch people” with! (Luke 5:1-11)

Peace to all,   Pastor Monica
The Patriots may have won the real thing last Sunday, but at Epiphany Lutheran Church, the Los Angeles Rams were the winners (approx. $38 for the Rams and $15 for the Patriots!

Ultimately, though, Room in the Inn is the real winner - all funds collected will be used to pay for the food we serve at Room In The Inn!

Thanks to all who participated!
Prime Timers Fellowship
February 27 at 10 am

Join us for an interesting tour of the Cotton Museum followed by lunch at the Capriccio Grill in the Peabody Hotel. You can meet the group at the museum or meet at Holy Apostles at 9 am and carpool with others. Click here to sign up .

Contact Wendell & Diane Kruse for more information.
Clerical/Computer Work Needed

Epiphany member Meagan Crone is searching for freelance clerical or computer work she could do from home for short-term projects or on a long-term basis. Meagan is competent in Microsoft, Google and PhotoShop platforms, can code HTML and CSS, and is available immediately. If you or someone you know might be able to send work Meagan’s way, please contact her via e-mail
Our Worship Servant Sign-Ups for 2019 are now available. Please click here to view the online sign up sheet. It is very helpful if you can sign up as far in advance as possible. Please contact Carol Webster if you need assistance.
Epiphany Community Garden - Feeding God's People
Worship Servants

Sign up   here OR Sign up at church OR contact Carol Webster   to sign up