Join us for worship and fellowship Sundays at 10 am!
Coffee fellowship immediately following the service
Upcoming Events

Drive-Thru Ashes & Cuppa Joe to Go 6:30 - 8 am
Imposition of Ashes 12 noon
Worship Service 6 pm
Service Opportunities
But be doers of the word,
and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves .  ~James 1:22
Epiphany Community Garden

Collierville Food Pantry

Collierville Connected Resource Center

Chosen Vessel Ministries

Room In The Inn (RITI)

See upcoming events schedule
for specific happenings!
From Your Church Council

  • Beginning in March, we will only have coffee fellowship on the last Sunday of each month (and for special occasions such as new member receptions, baptisms, etc.)

  • To help welcome our visitors, Epiphany members are asked to reserve the last pew on the organ side of the Chapel. Also, please move to the middle of a pew to allow for late-comers and guests who may need to be seated.

  • Epiphany Emergency Assistance Policy, approved by Council February 19, 2019: To respect God’s people and show them hospitality while guarding the safety of our members and guests, Epiphany Lutheran Church will respond to requests for financial aid by non-members in a manner consistent with Kingsway Christian, on whose site we worship. These persons will be offered a $5.00 MATA bus pass, sufficient to transport him/her to a shelter from the Germantown area, along with a card displaying phone numbers for MIFA’s 24-Hour Hotline and the Room in the Inn shelter. A MATA bus stop is located near Schaeffer Chapel on Exeter Road. If the person does not have a phone, Epiphany’s pastor or a council member will offer to make those calls for him/her. At the recommendation of social service agencies, Epiphany members are strongly discouraged from distributing cash, gift cards or offering rides. If a person seeking aid becomes belligerent or disruptive, Epiphany will contact local authorities for assistance, as needed.
We give thanks for the Baptism of Elijah and Emmy Crone this past Sunday!
The Word This Sunday
March 3, 2019
Seventh Sunday After Epiphany
Witnesses to the glory of God in the face of Jesus will be unable to avoid reflecting that glory in the world. It was true for Moses. It was doubtless true for Peter, James, and John. We pray that it will be true of all of us who see the glory of the Lord in the word and in the supper and who are being “transformed into the same image” by the Spirit of God.

Coming down from Mount Sinai, Moses’ face shone

Proclaim the greatness of the Lord; worship upon God’s holy hill.  (Ps. 99:9)

With unveiled faces we see the Lord’s glory as we are transformed

Jesus is transfigured on the mountain
Pastor Monica's 
60-Second Sermon
" Jesus’ words “Do unto others” are often misinterpreted to justify violence, hatred and ‘an eye for an eye’ retribution in the face of humiliation. We must take care not to cut and paste Jesus’ words to suit our own purposes, but instead consider his whole message: “Do to others  as you would have them do to you .” We are to respect all human beings because we are all made in God’s image. When we can look at each other through Jesus’ eyes, we see a beloved child of God, and it becomes much easier to release our anger, let go of hatred, and forgive those who treat us unjustly. “Be merciful,” Jesus says, as God is merciful to us. Thanks be to God that Jesus the Christ models this mercy for us, and showers us in God’s unconditional love and grace, in holy baptism, forever." ( Luke 9:28-43a )

Peace to all,   Pastor Monica
Introduction to the Lenten Online Bible Study
Pastor Monica is conducting a 7-week online Lenten Bible study which will take a deeper look at a few of the Psalms that we read during the season of Lent from Ash Wednesday through Wednesday of Holy Week. Every session examines a different Psalm, taken from the Revised Common Lectionary for the previous Sunday. We will also be using the ELCA Lenten Devotions booklet, “ Lasting Hope ,” a booklet of daily devotions written by a variety of ELCA pastors that serves as a guide in our Lenten journey.

Each study session includes a reading of the Psalm, then we’ll learn what Martin Luther had to say about it. Pastor Monica will offer a few of her own thoughts for your consideration, and at the end of every lesson, she'll pose one or two key questions for you to reflect on. You will be able to post your comments to the YouTube page for each lesson.

The first lesson will be posted on March 6, Ash Wednesday.
Please sign up to serve for our special worship services
during Lent and Holy Week, beginning with Ash Wednesday.
Our Worship Servant Sign-Ups for 2019 are now available. Please click here to view the online sign up sheet. It is very helpful if you can sign up as far in advance as possible. Please contact Carol Webster if you need assistance.
Epiphany Community Garden - Feeding God's People
Worship Servants

Sign up   here OR Sign up at church OR contact Carol Webster   to sign up