~ MCC In Action ~
Mercy Clinic Services in Action
The Multicultural Center's Mercy Clinic continues to provide our Houston community with important and critical services needed to stay happy and healthy during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Since the Mercy Clinic has partnered with the Harris County Department of Health to provide free Coronavirus testing to the public in September, we've tested more than 60 people at our facility. And to ensure the continued wellness of our communities, the Mercy Clinic has extended COVID-19 testing through to the end of the year.
And in time for the upcoming flu season, the Mercy Clinic has teamed up with Americares/Walgreens Pharmacy to provide free flu shots this past Saturday and Sunday. Both days supplied our community with more than 35 vaccinations. Even our scouts took advantage of this great opportunity!
The Mercy Clinic continues to vow to offer our Houston community more and varied ways to remain healthy. Stay tuned for future plans to do just that!

There has never been a more pivotal time than now to cast your ballot!
The Multicultural Center strongly urges everyone to ensure you are prepared to exercise your right to vote in this critical General Election.
Below is important voter information to help you do just that.

  • Voter Resources: To register to vote, check voting status or to find out what's on the ballot in the General Elections, visit vote411.org. For all other voting information in Harris County, visit harrisvotes.com

  • Ballot By Mail: For all US voters 65 or older, voters going out-of-town during the election, or those who are sick or handicapped, please apply for Ballot by Mail NOW. You can download the application at harrisvotes.com

  • Election Workers Needed: There is a massive shortage of poll workers for this upcoming General Elections that must be filled. In the State of Texas, the minimum requirements to be eligible for appointment as an election worker/clerk are that the applicant must be a U.S citizen and a qualified voter of the county they reside in. THIS IS A PAID POSITION. In Harris County, you get paid $17/hour. You get paid for the training too. High school students 16 years of age and older may serve as election clerks in Texas elections. High School Election Clerks must attend training, are paid for their service, and receive an excused absence from school. For more information and application, here is the link: harrisvotes.com/ElectionWorkers

  • If you are in need for mail in ballots, but cannot travel to receive one for whatever reason, please contact Br. Mohammed Nasrullah at bigmomkn@yahoo.com, and he will deliver them to you personally.
The Multicultural Center is now an early voting location for the 2020 General Election
Beginning Tuesday, Oct 13th- Friday, Oct 30th
Join the Scouts!
Volunteers Wanted
If you're looking to burn some calories and increase your heart rate all while serving your community, WE WANT YOU!!!
The Multicultural Emergency Response Intervention Team (MERIT) is looking for strong and determined volunteers to pack food boxes, serve and distribute non-perishable foods donated by The Houston Food Bank to needy community members and their families.
Every Sunday
Packing 10AM-1PM
Distribution 1PM-3PM
Call Hamza at (832) 481-4004 for more info.
Friday Virtual Youth Night
The Multicultural Center Presents
Virtual Youth Night
Friday, October 2th
Every Friday Night
Virtual Only from 8:30PM to Isha
Topic will be a "Yusuf: The Treasurer of Egypt"
with Sh. Mushfiq Quabili
followed by a game of Kahoot
Prizes will be Amazon Gift Cards
1st Prize- $25
2nd Prize- $10
3rd Prize- $5
Tune in at zoom.us/j/3433041707
Password: akhlaq
MCC EQRA ARISE Virtual Youth Life Skills Course
Beginning October 31
MCC EQRA ARISE Virtual Youth Life Skills Course
Saturdays from 10AM-11:30AM
Classes begin OCTOBER 31st
Get your spot in Early Registration before it ends September 30th
MCC EQRA ARISE Instructor Focus:
Sr. Salma Elkaraksi
Word by Word presented by Sis. Mona Islam
Word by Word
Reading the Meaning of the Quran/ 1st Juz
Monday through Thursday
From 4:30pm to 5pm
Zoom Link: zoom.monaislam.com
MCC Arabic Class for Kids Lv.1
For More Info, Contact Sis. Lina at linaa.abuayyash78@yahoo.com
~ MCC Financial Service Center ~
MCC Financial Services Center:
Value Investing Using Islamic Principles
The MCC introduces our new program, the Financial Services Center, whose purpose is to prepare our community with the education, training and resources to sustain and build financial health. We're excited to bring to you our first webinar series will be done through Zoom, and in partnership with Amana Mutual Funds Trust. We encourage everyone to participate and learn techniques to grow your wealth!
Value Investing Using Islamic Principles
Wednesday, October 21st
Password: akhlaq
~ MCC Services~
The MCC would also like to send our most heartfelt thanks to Council Member Letitia Plummer for her help in facilitating the MCC as a COVID-19 testing site with the Harris County Department of Health.
Mercy Clinic Free COVID-19 Testing Site
The Mercy Clinic, in partnership with the Harris County Department of Health, has now become a testing site for the COVID-19 virus.
If you, or someone you know, would like to get tested, please visit us
Every Tuesday-Saturday
*Note: Results from COVID-19 testing typically take 5-7 business days.
The Multicultural Center is continuing our critical service of providing food for hungry families in our community.
Goods Drive-Thru
Every Sunday
From 1pm to 3pm
For more info, please call (832) 481-4004
The Mercy Clinic
The Mercy Center is NOW SEEING PATIENTS!
We are officially opening back up and starting operations
for health screenings.
Every Sunday from 10AM to 12PM
No Insurance or Appointment Needed!
If you have any questions, please call
1-(855) 916-3729 or 1-(855) 91MERCY

The Pearl Center Wants to Host Your Wedding
Book your Beautiful Wedding Today!
The Pearl Event Center is now open
Call us at (281) 241-7742 to book or schedule a visit today!