For clients and Elements community:
A healthy family… is a happy family
It's National Siblings day!
Show your Sibling some love and purchase a gift card to Elements.
Exciting News: Utha is now a senior trainer!
and open for sessions at the end of April.
Utha has passed the 10-year experience mark which moves her to a senior trainer.

A summary of what Utha has accomplished within these years.

Utha started teaching the GYROTONIC® method in 2011 after a dance injury put her in chronic back pain at the age of sixteen. In 2014 she became a GYROTONIC® Pre-trainer, and shortly after a GYROKINESIS® Pre-trainer which makes her qualified to teach teacher training courses. 
Her fascination with the human body inspired her focused pre-med studies in her BA from Harvard Extension. During this time she became increasingly interested in the fascia, the connective tissue system that winds throughout the body, communicating with every system it touches. In 2017 her desire for more hands-on knowledge led her to enroll in the Ashland Institute of Massage due to its therapeutic focus and training in myofascial release.

In her massage practice, Utha blends Swedish, myofascial release, and neuromuscular/deep-tissue therapies to unravel tension and facilitate healing, allowing clients to find a greater range of motion and empowering them to become more aware of and comfortable in their bodies. Her own struggle with chronic pain helps bring compassion and understanding to the table, meeting clients wherever they may be that day.

Even better news is that she will be in town from Tuesday, April 11 until Monday, April 24 offering private sessions.

Feel free to contact Utha at [email protected] or [email protected]
Group classes are even better! 
Paula and Catania are now Gyrotonic Level 2 certified.
Take your group class experience up a notch!
Join Catania's group class every Tuesday evening!
(6pm - 7pm)
Join Paula's group class every Thursday afternoon!
(11am - 12 nn)
Introducing Erika Leeds to the Elements Family for the next 10 weeks.
Erika taking level 2 Gyrotonic at Elements before
her clinical rotation begins.

Erika is a PT student, Certified Gyrotonic trainer (2014), and Pilates Trainer doing her full-time internship at Elements for 10 weeks.

Erika Graduated from Florida State University School of Dance in 2015. 

Please welcome her to Elements. 

  • GYROTONIC® Trainer
  • GYROKINESIS® Trainer
  • Comprehensive Pilates Instructor & Host Advisor/Trainee Advisor with The Pilates Center 
  • NCPT - Certified Instructor
For Trainers:
April Gyrokinesis month at Elements
Sign up for all three courses and save $225!

Take advantage of this offer now and don't miss out on this chance to up level your skills and knowledge for you and your clients.

GYROKINESIS® Final Cert with Miriam Barbosa
Complete your level-one training this April! 
Date: April 14-16, 2023
Course fee:$350
Studio fee: $225

Take it as an update or just for fun.
This course is the final step in becoming a GYROKINESIS® Trainer Level 1.

Register now! Slots are filling up!
Cardiovascular Breathing Course - Progression 1 & 2
Go deeper with the GYROTONIC®/GYROKINESIS® breathwork!
GYROKINESIS® Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 1 with Justine Bernard

Date: April 16-18, 2023
Course Fee: $550
Studio Fee: $225


**CVP 1 can be taken as Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis updates.
GYROKINESIS® Cardiovascular Breathing Course- Progression 2 with Miriam Honorio all the way from Germany! Take advantage of this rare opportunity.

Date: April 21-23
Course Fee: $550
Studio Fee: $225

  • Licensed GYROTONIC® Trainer or GYROKINESIS® Trainer.
  • CVP 1

**CVP 2 can be taken as Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis updates.
Preview: This summer @ Elements🌞
Teacher Trainings

GYROTONIC® Level 2, Program 2 Foundation Course with Tracy Reid >Course Fee: $550 USD >Studio Fee: $250 USD GYROTONIC® Pre and Post Natal Applications with Gina P. >Course Fee: $350 USD >Studio Fee: $200 USD Jumping-Stretching Board Course with...

Read more
For all:
Why Elements?
We are thrilled to share a testimonial from one of our beloved clients.
If you would like to have a similarly wonderful experience, book an appointment at Elements Fitness and Wellness Center now! Your body will thank you!
Please share your experience on google reviews so others can find us. Thank you!
Please Make this Possible!
A new group is starting now!
Mission Possible @ Beyond Elements: We are accepting donations to cover the royalties and additional expenses for these trainings please consider donating below.
Do you know or are you a woman of color who would find joy teaching the GYROTONIC® method? We have students from London to Tennessee, California to Virginia, please don't hesitate to ask for more info!

Here are the training dates:

  • Private session now through April
Sign up for 10 free private sessions ASAP! as part of the full program.

  • Pre-Training - April 27- May 2, 2023

  • GYROTONIC® foundation - August 3-18

Email [email protected] asap for more info or to let us know if you are interested. If you can't make the pre-training dates, please let us know so we may add another course and may be able to find another course near you.

If representation is important to you too, please make it sustainable and possible to continue. Beyond Elements could really use your help covering the costs of this program...
GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS® are registered trademarks of GYROTONIC® Sales Corp and are used with their permission.

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