The CISW Sunday School class is proud to announce the following students have been awarded our Scholarships for the fall of 2023:

Carter France

William Wedman

Salem Ponnuru

All three students will be attending the college of their choice in the fall. If you see them, offer them congratulations!

Registration for The Shine Lab is now open!! Follow these links to sign up as a participant or volunteer!!

This program will take place July 17th through 28th and will offer students a chance to learn leadership skills and explore their creativity. Embedded in this process are messages that each of us are created to be unique reflections of God and to share in God's creative work in the world.

Part 1 of the program is for students from 7th grade to new graduates. This runs 2 weeks where students will learn both leadership and creative arts skills using many fun improv-based activities. The second week, they will help lead the younger kids in part 2 of the program. Each student who completes this program will earn a financial stipend and a certificate of completion.

Part 2 of the program is for elementary school age students. They will come and learn creative arts skills and conclude the week with a mini-musical of Charlotte's Web on July 28th at 7:00. Families and church members are welcome to attend.

Join us for our new worship series starting July 16, called Jesus and Dolly. We'll explore the songs and faith of Dolly Parton.  

Our faith and wisdom are drawn from many sources – the sacred texts of the world’s great religions, poets, authors, and musicians like Dolly Parton. During July, we will reflect on the life and work of one of the greatest and most respected musical artists in history, Dolly Parton. A life not only filled with great music, but one lived with great authenticity.

Dolly’s fans span all spectrums: conservative and liberal, rural and urban. The universality of her appeal feels transgressive in this moment of cultural divisiveness. In this series we will explore Scriptures through the lens of some of Dolly Parton’s music.

FOGY's will meet at Back Bear Diner, 11981 S Strang Line Rd., Olathe, on July 11th at 11:00 a.m. Please RSVP Diana Owens no later than Monday, July 10.

The Midweek Bible Study group will be starting a new study on Tuesday, July 11.

Most of us know the Lord's Prayer by heart - but do we really appreciate the power of its words? Join the Midweek Bible group on Tuesday, July 11 as they embark on a 6-week study seeking a deeper understanding of the prayer. The study was written by Adam Hamilton. Cost is $15 for the book.

Contact John Hall if you have questions or are interested in the study.

Batter Up!

The Fellowship Team has arranged for AUMCers (and friends) to attend a Monarch’s baseball game on Friday, August 4 against the Winnipeg Goldeyes. The game starts at 7 PM. Tickets are $22.50 each. Contact Ann Hall or John Hall or the church office by July 21 if you would like to attend so we make sure we have enough tickets. 

John says: We are trying to arrange a base sliding clinic after the game.  As well as time with the Team’s Trainer. 🤕 But we make no promises on either count that will happen.

Aldersgate Main (913) 764-7560

[email protected]

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