Claude's Health Tips  
Issue-002 Sept Issue 

Central Obesity
Metabolic Syndrome?


This is Claude & Vicki Fullinfaw your friendly USANA Distributors, from Brisbane Australia.

This is our first newsletter since we have been over to visit USANA In Salt Lake City in August last month.

We had a blast especially as it was our very first time to visit the States and the USANA Complex. My word it sure is a huge sprawling complex over 350,000 hectares. If you have been to to the Philippines its twice the size of the Mall of Asia, considered to be the biggest mall in the Southern Hemisphere. Its big! You can look at some of the US pictures here CLICK HERE!


While I was in the US I noticed that the food portion sizes were twice the portion sizes that we get in Australia for the same money. This maybe great but its leaving us all very big and so today's message is about Metabolic Syndrome.


Today's email news is about keeping our  body healthy addressing what makes our insulin less sensitive and how to address it with diet and adding USANA Nutritionals and RESET weight management.  


We hope these emails will help in a little way to keep us all healthy long term. 


Warm Regards

Claude & Vicki
Where to buy USANA Products

PS: Now in case you do wish to be taken off this newsletter please click the UN-subscribe link on this page. We do not wish to send you information that you may not want.
Pear Shaped Body
We are what we eat!
So what is Metabolic Syndrome and Why its So Important know more about it! 


Metabolic Syndrome is the name given to a cluster of symptoms including belly fat, high blood cholesterol and high blood sugar. It affects more than one in four Australian adults (I am sure its the same stats in most countries)-The incidence is higher in people with diabetes. Yet the condition goes undiagnosed.

Do you have Metabolic Syndrome?

Metabolic Syndrome Explained

Also called Syndrome X (you will see books on this in the bookshops now), Metabolic Syndrome is a condition that's characterized by the production of large amounts of insulin which the body can't use properly. Insulin can't do its job of taking Glucose from the blood into the body cells so blood glucose levels rise and can be detected with a medical test, although you may not have any symptoms. The resulting high concentrations of blood glucose can damage blood vessels and delicate nerves.

Metabolic Syndrome is very common and becoming even more so. People from certain ethnic groups (such as indigenous Australians and people of the Pacific Island heritage and Asian decent) are affected most and its often seen in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

What are the symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome?

Central obesity: Fat is laid down around the abdomen rather than spread evenly around the body. This type of fat is metabolically active and triggers inflammation around the body.

Abnormal blood fat levels: This occurs when there are high levels of LDL-cholesterol and triglyccerides and low levels of a beneficial type of fat called HDL-cholesterol, which helps the body to get rid of excess cholesterol. This results in an increased likelihood of arteriosclerosis (fatty plaques) on the walls of the blood vessels.

High blood pressure (hypertension): As blood moves through your arteries, it puts pressure on the artery walls; this is your blood pressure. Hypertension happens when the blood moves through your arteries at a higher pressure than normal. This means that the heart has to work harder than normal, putting both the heart and the arteries at great risk of damage.

So if you have Central obesity (if you are carrying too much weight around the middle or are apple shaped) and you have two other conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes or raised blood fats, you have Metabolic Syndrome and are at an increased risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease, stroke and other problems relating to blood vessels.

Eating smart can help this condition:

Enjoy a diet that is rich in wholegrains, vegetables and fruits and cut down on the amount of sugary, fatty foods you consume.

Eating a diet rich in wholegrains is important because they are higher in fibre than their white carbohydrate counterparts and helps improve insulin sensitivity because the carbohydrates are broken down much more slowly giving the body the chance to tackle the sustained energy release.

The fibre also means that you consume fewer calories and eat more slowly (wholegrains require more chewing) which reduces your chances of overeating and eating too quickly.


Add USANA Nutrimeal to Your Day can help-  


Its can help you address your Blood Sugar levels and along with The Essentials give you better health! 


What Makes Nutrimeal Work?


Nutrimeal low GI Meal Replacement Shakes
NUTRIMEAL Low GI Shakes - Dutch Chocolate, French Vanilla & Wild Strawberry
Usana's Nutrimeal meal replacement drink comes in a variety of flavors and is a Low Glycemic, balanced meal-replacement drink that includes proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fibre, and many micronutrients.

RESETTM is a jump-start program to help you take positive steps toward reaching your health and weight-loss goals.

To learn more about RESET CLICK HERE 


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent and disease.

How To Save On Your Purchases

PS: If you are already a USANA Preferred Customer or Distributor you should skip this section as you already get this discount.

In case you purchased at RETAIL then follow these steps below:

If  you have purchased products through the Online Enrollment tab.

In case you want to buy the Nutrimeal or any other product please follow these simple steps:

 Option 1
  • Log on to my site by CLICKING HERE!
  • On the top Right of the page you will see "LOGIN" click that tab,
  • On the next page please in put your Usana Preferred Customer Id number and password   
  • You will then enter your customer page and can buy Usana products at 15% discount just like the last time you bought.
  • Then go to the next page and select your products, input your mailing details (these may be on file), pay by credit of choice and your products will be at your doorstep in 2 to 10 working days. The speed in delivery depends where you live from your capital city as well as if you have chosen Priority Mail. I prefer priority mail as I like getting my products as fast as possible.   

Option 2:


Follow these steps if you do not know your id number(forgotten it)

  • Email me with your full name and I can find it for you, or
  • Ring Usana office in your country and they will have your details on file. ( to look for the USANA contact numbers please go to and click on Locations on top right of the page. You will find all the important you need. 


BUY Products Online



Claude Fullinfaw
USANA Independent Distributor

Website Click here
US-Canada  Cp  323-325-2135
Australia  Mobile  0422-049-690
Philippines  09178007528

All other countries please contact us by email. 
In This Issue
Table of Contents
Reset Testimonials
Click Here for story!
  • What is Metabolic Syndrome?
  • What are the symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome?
  • How To Address it with diet?

How USANA Products can help you  

  • How Nutrimeal can help you, & 
  • How to buy USANA at 15% to 25% discount as Preferred Customers  

Next Week Issue...
  • What causes Metabolic Syndrome?
  • Signs of Metabolic Syndrome?
  • What is Insulin Resistance?  
Claude & Vicki
Claude & Vicki with Dr Dennis Waitley in Salt Lake City in Aug 2012
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