We are in-between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but many of us are in the land of in-between because of unmade decisions, broken relationships, or just choosing to wait. Pastor Mike reminded us last weekend that the land of in-between is just a season and we should use the time to rest, reflect and recharge.

Jonah said in the Bible when he was in the ultimate in-between place (the belly of a great fish), "While I was fainting away, I remembered the Lord, and my prayer came to You..." Remember the Lord in your time of waiting and prepare your heart to move into the bold next step God has for youCatch up on last weekend's message here. 

You can always find sermon notes for the coming weekend on the Real Life Church app or by Friday at DiscoverRealLife.net.
Volunteer at the OCC Processing Center
We will volunteer on Monday, December 6th at 6pm in Charlotte with Operation Christmas Child. There are 14 slots left. Click here to sign up and see more details.
Welcome, Brooke!
Brooke Blecher has joined Real Life Church staff as the Director of our Route 56 ministry. She will lead 5th and 6th graders each Sunday morning at 11:30 am. Brooke has attended Real Life Church for many years and volunteered with our children's ministries. Brooke and her husband, Adam, have a 10-week old baby, Oliver James.
Let's welcome Brooke and support her as she helps grow our Route 56 ministry!
Guys/Girls Night Out
Don't miss out on the last Guys and Girls Night Out events for the year next week. There will be different speakers and hosts and some special holiday games! Bring a friend for this unique opportunity with your church family.
Happy December 1st!

Wendy McSwain
Communications Director
DiscoverRealLife.net | 704-822-1933