Help Save Local Scouting
Protect the BSA Program While Supporting First Responders
Hi everyone!

This email is being sent to all Western Los Angeles County Council families.

COVID-19 has caused significant financial challenges for our local Council, impacting all levels of service, from administrative and office support, to our stores, and our camping and programming operations.

We are working hard to secure necessary funding, but we have roughly 24,000 "Camp Cards" that were unsold due to COVID disruptions back in March.
These camp cards retail for $5, and if you buy or sell them on behalf of a Scout Unit, the Scout/Unit receives 50% commission!

If you don't want them for yourself, then you can also donate and we will provide them to local First Responders.
Popcorn is the other annual fundraising campaign that our Council relies on. 30% commission returns to the local Scout unit when you purchase on Trails
The cards are valid until 12/31/2020, and feature valid savings at Smart & Final, Subway, Dave & Busters, and Carls Jr.

If every family bought 5 cards, our inventory will be gone and everyone could immediately access $35 in grocery savings, $30 in free Subway subs, and more!
Popcorn is a cornerstone of the annual Council Operating budget.

If every family buys $30 worth of popcorn (which qualifies for free shipping) or a "Hometown Heroes" donation, they will receive $9 back thanks to the 30% commission!
We ask each WLACC family to participate in both of these initiatives; your local unit and family will benefit, due to the commission structure in place, and the Council will be significantly helped in a time when we need your support more than ever.

Camp Cards retail for $5, with 50% commission to the Unit/Scout. Popcorn has a 30% flat Unit/Scout commission on all online direct sales.
  • If a family bought or sold 5 camp cards, the actual cost is $12.50 after the unit/Scout, they'd be spending $12.50 after commission
  • If a family sold or buys $30 of popcorn, they'd qualify for the free shipping, and the actual cost is $21 after the unit/Scout commission

We'd be asking a family for a $33.50 contribution, and they get direct value back ($35 in savings at Smart & Final, 5 free 6" Subway subs, and whatever Popcorn items they ordered!)

If all of our Scouts pitched in at that level, Scouting (split between local families, Scout units, and our Council) would receive $232,000.
Camp Cards
There are currently about 24,000 "Camp Cards" sitting in the Council office.

These unsold cards are a massive financial liability which we have just under 5 months to mitigate. The coupons on the cards are valid through December 31st.
  • Smart & Final has a "$5 off order of $25" coupon
  • Subway has a "buy one 6" get one free" coupon
  • One usage of either of those coupons fully reimburses the card cost

Cards retail at $5 apiece with 50% commission to selling Scouts/Units.

If every local Scouting family bought 5 cards for $12.50 (factoring in their commission), our Council would be in a significantly improved financial position.

If any of your Scouts are interested in selling cards as a fundraiser, they can request to 'check out' a number of cards with no upfront deposit, sell them at their own pace, and then turn in the commission due the Council.
  • Through this method, a Scout could earn free 2021 Summer Camp in addition to commission

Popcorn is the Council's keystone product sales initiative; we don't need people to fill their cabinets, but we DO need participation, as this fundraiser is a significant portion of the Council operating budget.

In order to qualify for free shipping, a person would need to purchase $30 of popcorn; with the 30% Scout commission, any Scout family who participates would get $9 back.

Trails End has a very easy-to-navigate website and Product Guide that a Scouter can easily set up an account on, even if their Scout Unit isn't formally signed up to sell.

To set up your Scout unit to sell, follow this link to register
Hometown Heroes
Both Camp Cards and Popcorn have ways to donate products to "Hometown Heroes", which refers to a donation category where your contribution goes directly to supporting local first responders.

On the Trails End website, it appears as a product option when you go to check out.

There are many ways to support Scouting for yourself, your Unit, and the local area. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions, and help us keep Scouting alive as we move forward together!
Jim Garrett | District Director
Western Los Angeles County Council
10131 National Blvd Ste A | Los Angeles, CA 90034
C 805.601.7085 | B 818.785.8700

“Shopping from home? Amazon has a program in which they will donate a portion of your purchase to support the Western Los Angeles County Council. Just use to search for and buy your items. Amazon will then send a percentage of your transaction amount to support WLACC. The Amazon smile program runs year-round so please make sure to use our special link for all of your purchases.”