Support Help Me Grow 
A Message from Richard Porth          
President/CEO of United Way of Connecticut  

Help Me Grow promotes developmental screening, early detection and connection to services for children from birth to 8 years old. Through the 2-1-1 Child Development Infoline, Help Me Grow serves as a safety net for children not eligible for other services, such as Birth to Three and Early Childhood Special Education. Help Me Grow serves approximately 10,000 families each year and assists parents directly by educating and empowering them with the tools to monitor their children's growth and development.

Among the cuts proposed in the Governor's recommended budget is the elimination of funding for Help Me Grow. Please join us in asking our Representatives and Senators in the Connecticut General Assembly to restore funding for Help Me Grow in the final state budget to support this critical service for young children and their families.
Visit http://advocacy.ctunitedway.org/ to learn more about Help Me Grow and voice your support and click HERE to download the Help Me Grow Fact Sheet.
Thank you.

Need A Ride?

United Way of Connecticut 2-1-1's comprehensive database of health and human services includes information on bus, rail and ride opportunities across the state of Connecticut. In 2016, 2-1-1 received more than 3,000 service requests for transportation assistance.
Visit the Transportation Page on the 211ct.org website to access transportation resources such as:
  • Local Bus and Rail Information
  • Disability Related Transportation
  • Family Prison Visitation Support
  • Medical Appointments Transportation
  • Senior Ride Programs
  • Ride Sharing Programs
United Way of Connecticut 2-1-1 is continuously striving to better meet the needs of Connecticut residents. If you are aware of transportation services that are not currently listed in our database please click HERE to let us know!

Achieve Your Personal Financial Goals
If your household income is between $20,000 and $111,000, United Way Volunteer Budget Coaching (VBC) is here for you!  Your personal, trained budget coach will work with you, one on one, to create a budget, pay bills on time and help you become more financially secure.

The program will focus on: 
  • Tracking expenses
  • Creating and sticking to a budget
  • Identifying ways to tackle expenses and prioritize spending
  • Making an action plan to pay bills on time, reduce debt and save
Volunteer Budget Coaching receives local support from: United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut, Connecticut Women's Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF), Prudential Foundation, and Women's Business Development Council (WBDC).

Click HERE to register and lean more!
Manchester Community College Regional Job and Career Fair

On March 31st, Manchester Community College will host their 29th annual Regional Job and Career Fair. The event will take place from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm and is free for jobseekers. Whether you're a newcomer to the job market or hoping to advance your current career, this career fair offers a great opportunity to connect with local employers.
More than 60 employers are expected to attend this event. Career opportunities include jobs in the areas of: management, professional, technical, medical, sales, and manufacturing. Employers will have the opportunity to recruit from more than 1,000 prospective job candidates with a range of educational backgrounds and work experience.
Manchester Community College is located at 60 Bidwell Street. Jobseekers do not need to preregister for this event. Employers interested in participating in the career fair can register online by visiting www.ctjobfairs.com or by contacting Julie Greene at JGreene@manchestercc.edu or (860) 512-3372.