The Island View
Monthly Newsletter
May 2018
Dear Shoals Community,

Uncovering meaningful connections between SML’s mission and people who value what we do is a magical thing. At a recent meeting with SML supporter Catherine Keenan, I discovered that we share not only a passion for the world’s oceans, but also a deep desire to inspire the next generation of marine scientists!
Catherine wants to help others see the key role that SML supporters play in making our programs accessible to more students. With a $5,000 lead gift, Catherine has established SML’s first UNH 603 Challenge “challenge” donation aimed at  doubling the number of donors  who give to SML during the June 3rd-8th online campaign (more 603 Challenge details below). 
I am so grateful that donor support allows us to cultivate the next generation of scientists, fund innovative research, and engage with the public to explore issues of ocean science and sustainability. Together, we are building knowledge about marine resources and more importantly, ensuring that there will be future scientists to keep advancing our understanding. Being a donor-supported organization means that SML is connected with a growing community of people who are passionate about the oceans, sustainability, education, and science. I believe this engagement leads to a life filled with meaning and impact for all of us. The oceans need passionate, well-informed people as advocates and stewards, and so does SML.

We are very grateful to Catherine and all SML supporters! Thank you for helping us rise to the challenge by doubling the number of SML donors during UNH’s 603 Challenge campaign . Together, we are investing in SML’s life changing experiences for our students and our community.
With deep appreciation and warm wishes,
Jennifer Seavey, Ph.D.
Kingsbury Executive Director
Shoals Marine Laboratory
The 603 Challenge
Mark your calendars for June 3rd, starting at 12pm. Gifts made to "Shoals Marine Laboratory" during the 603 Challenge will be matched (up to $150) by UNH, while matching funds last. This is a great opportunity to magnify the impact of your gift to Shoals! The campaign lasts until June 8th, but the matching funds run out quickly, so we recommend giving in the first few days.

Also, as mentioned above, SML will have its first-ever Catherine Keenan Challenge funds during this campaign. When SML receives 50 individual donations between June 3rd-8th, Catherine will add $5,000 to SML's gift total! We are so grateful for this support!

We hope that both the match money and challenge funds will inspire you to make a donation to SML during the 603 Challenge. Any amount (even $5) could go a long way towards helping us achieve our 603 Challenge goals!

W ant to participate? Click the button below to RSVP for the 603 Challenge and we'll email you a reminder and a link to give on June 3rd.
Why give? Funds raised during the 603 Challenge will directly support scholarships for SML students. The biggest hurdle for prospective students is the cost of taking a summer course at SML. Help make the SML experience possible for more deserving and aspiring young scientists!
For more information about the
603 Challenge, visit:
SML students shine at the Undergraduate Research Conference
At the end of April, several SML student-alumni participated in UNH's Undergraduate Research Conference, presenting posters from their summer research projects at Shoals. The conference featured Jess Ohrenberger (UNH '18) and her work examining the teeth of goosefish, Kadianne Tommasi (UNH '18) and her poster on Duck Island's seal colony, as well as Robert Lafreniere (UNH '19) and Dylan Cairns (UNH '20) with their poster based on SML's Coastal Habitat Field Research Methods course.

We are so impressed by the quality of the research these students conducted and their professionalism throughout the conference. Thank you to our students and alumni for representing SML on campus! Congratulations!
Introducing Dr. Gemma Clucas, 2018 Scientist-in-Residence Fellow
Last month, we introduced you to Louise Roberts, one of our two Scientist-in-Residence Fellows at SML this summer. Joining Louise in the 2018 SIRF program will be Gemma Clucas. Welcome Gemma!

Dr. Gemma Clucas is a molecular ecologist who uses genetics as a tool for conservation. For her Ph.D. at the University of Oxford, she studied connectivity among Antarctic penguin colonies and how penguins were affected by changing climates. During her postdoc at UNH she has been studying adaptations to saltmarshes in saltmarsh sparrows, as well as the population structure of cod in the Gulf of Maine to improve the management of the cod fishery.

At SML this summer, Gemma will be using molecular techniques to study the diets of common and roseate terns with the Tern Conservation Program. This research will tell us which prey species are important for these birds, and will also provide insights about changes that are occurring in the marine ecosystem, since changes in the abundance of forage fish will likely be reflected in tern diets. Until recently, it has been impossible to study the diets of adult terns while they are foraging at sea, but by sequencing the DNA in their poop (which is plentiful on Seavey Island!), Gemma will be able to identify the fish they have fed upon and study the relationship between diet and productivity of the tern colony.
Dr. Gemma Clucas, SIRF 2018
For more information about the Shoals Scientist-in-Residence Fellowship
for early career scientists,
please visit our website:
Must watch! Jon Witman's lab in recent CBS documentary
Dr. Jon Witman (Professor of Biology at Brown University) and his team in the Witman Lab were recently featured in a CBS documentary called "Adapt or Die", about climate change impacts in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. The documentary explores whether evolution can outrun climate change. What do you think? You'll have to watch to find out more!

Dr. Witman has been involved with the Shoals community for many years, mentoring undergraduate research on the island and serving as faculty for SML's Underwater Research course from 1985-1987.

Photos from the Witman Lab website.
Registration Open:
Alumni & Friends Weekend
Our annual SML Alumni & Friends Weekend will take place Friday, August 24 - Sunday, August 26, 2018 !

Join Shoalers across all five decades of SML courses and programs, including alumni, faculty, staff, researchers, community supporters, and friends. Enjoy a low-key weekend to relax and connect (or reconnect!) with others who care about SML as much as you do. Family members are welcome! Introduce your loved ones to the magic of Appledore, and show them the island and laboratories that have generated so many wonderful memories.
2018 Public Programs
Come experience SML's innovative public programming this summer! Each of our public programs is  all-inclusive , and their unique themes  reflect SML's mission to educate visitors about the island environment and sustainability. 
SeaSHOALS for families!
August 20 22 , 2018

This program sells out every year! (It's  that  awesome!) Adults and kids alike will trek around the island, wade through tidepools, use microscopes in the lab, visit the seal colony, play games, make arts and crafts, and more! This is the perfect marine science-themed getaway before the next school year begins. Come explore Appledore Island as a family! Best for ages 7-14, accompanied by adult(s).
Shoals History & Archaeology
August 20 – 23, 2018

Participate in an archaeological dig on Smuttynose Island with Dr. Nathan Hamilton and Dr. Robin Hadlock Seeley! Explore historic sites around Appledore and Star Islands as well. You'll discover first-hand how archaeological work in the Isles of Shoals is revealing valuable information about the ecology of the Gulf of Maine dating back hundreds of years. Prepare to roll up your sleeves and dig in – literally !
Welcome to our 2018 Island Staff!
Earlier this month, the 2018 SML Island Staff moved out to Appledore! It's been a busy couple of weeks on the island preparing for academic programs, research internships, and outreach events. Visit our SML Staff page to meet this year's crew!
Follow us on social media:
Shoals Marine Laboratory is a joint partnership between
Cornell University and the University of New Hampshire.