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MIT Sloan CIO Symposium - Inventing Your Future: Accelerating Success Through Technology, May 20, 2015

We Need Your Input:
Help Shape The Agenda 

for the 12th Annual MIT Sloan CIO Symposium

In this Issue...
  • Early Bird Registration is Open
  • Help Shape the Agenda
  • Davos Dispatches - The Second Machine Age
Register now and save!

Early Bird Registration for the MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is now open. Register now for significant savings!
Help Shape the Agenda!

Vote Thumbs Up

We have a great collection of topics to offer you this year but only one day to fit them all in. Your input is needed to help decide which ones will be general sessions and which ones will be break outs.  Tell us what panels are of most interest by voting for them now at All panels and descriptions along with voting information are on one, easy to scan page. I also welcome your direct feedback, just hit reply. 

Davos Dispatches - The Second Machine Age
By the time you read this,  Erik Brynjolffson will have already presented at the 2015 World Economic Forum in Davos. Erik is part of the session "Inclusive Growth in the Digital Age" on 21 January.

Prof. Brynjolffson is no stranger to Davos. Last year, his Presidential Briefing on The Second Machine Age was #1 on the Top Ten Videos of 2014 as ranked by the World Economic Forum. Read More �

Stay Tuned!

Over the next few months, I will be sharing with you more details about this year's Symposium and highlights from last year. I look forward to seeing you on May 20, 2015.


Early Bird Registration is now open; Register Now for Significant Savings!

Lindsey Anderson
 The MIT Sloan CIO Symposium is organized by:

MIT Initiative on the Digital EconomyMIT Sloan Boston Alumni AssociationMIT Center for Information Systems Research
MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy
MIT Sloan Boston Alumni Association
MIT Sloan Center for Information Systems Research

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