Dear TBC Supporters and Friends,

As I pen this letter my heart is bursting with profound gratitude. I get to lead Trinity Boston Connects (TBC), a dynamic organization whose staff in their various roles, recommit themselves daily to accomplish a bold vision – to make Boston a more equitable city. We want to make something happen in our city, in our lifetime.

Such an audacious vision for this city, with its storied past, requires an ever-increasing phalanx of donors, volunteers, and ambassadors. And most recently we have seen the power of our community. Like so many nonprofits with spring galas, we had to quickly pivot our 13th annual Bostonians for Youth gala from a planned in-person celebration in March to a virtual platform in October. We could not have predicted what would happen. With more than 700 registered guests, supporters, and sponsors we successfully exceeded our $400k goal – the first time in the 12-year history of the organization! This accomplishment propels Sheila Peterson and our Development & Communications team to double down on their efforts to meet our annual goal during a year still fraught with economic uncertainty and political upheaval.

We know that as donors you are savvier and rightfully more demanding of nonprofits in our city. More than ‘moving the needle’ we know that you want healing and societal change in Boston, in your lifetime. These past few months have shown us there is much work to be done – and done with an urgency that honors lives lost and galvanizes hearts and minds that are now open more than ever before.

TBC matters. Healing matters. Our work and our vision matter. Yet a vision and work without financial support cannot go very far. We invite you to invest in the full development of our young people of color as they grow into dynamic leaders that the City of Boston needs. By giving generously to our Annual Fund you will help us close this year in the strongest position possible, and in doing so, link arms with us to advance collectively toward a more just and equitable Boston.

Charmane Higgins
Executive Director, Trinity Boston Connects