Give Back and Feel Good
December 1st, 2015

Today is #GivingTuesday, a day to make the community a better place, not by spending money, but by donating time, talent or resources.

The Phoenixville Community Education Foundation has done wonderful things with your support.  By donating to us, you are:
  • providing books to kindergarteners
  • helping students become the first generation in their family to attend college
  • helping teachers bring innovative ideas to the classroom
  • providing supplies and resources to economically-disadvantaged students
  • keeping the arts and music alive in PASD
  • . . . and more!

Make a contribution today - you can even direct your gift to a specific program.

We also welcome gifts of time and talent!  If you are interested in volunteering for us please email us at

Give a gift in honor of a friend or teacher

The gift of education lasts longer than anything you buy in a store

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