-- Also, check out our series of nonviolence programs in Richmond.
Click here for quarterly  Peace & Justice Newsletter.
In This Issue
PJC Educational Programs & Events
Nonviolence: The Childrens March 
Friday March 15, 5:30-7:30pm at the Richmond Free Library, 
Enjoy a One Pot Meal at the library followed by a program for the whole family, ideal for age eight and older. Appropriate for all ages if they are with someone who can continue the 
conversation.  Participants will watch and discuss excerpts from Mighty Times: The Children's March, a film about the 1963 actions in Birmingham to learn about Kingian Nonviolence and the power of working together to take on big problems as a whole community. FREE

Talking with Kids About Racism Wednesdays March 20, 27, and April 3, 6:30-8:30pmat Lund, 50 Joy Drive, South Burlington. This discussion group, is designed for all concerned about the impact of racism and/or white privilege on our children. It is designed to help white people discuss these issues with children in a meaningful and age-appropriate way. It includes resources, discussion, and role playing. Fees vary no one turned away for lack of funds.  Register online. 

Wednesday, March 20, 12-1pm, PJC.  This space is held specifically to process how white supremacy culture is toxic to white people. The hope is that this work help white people engage in collective liberation, rather then white savior behavior. FREE.

Thursday, March 21, 6-8pm, at PJC. This program is led by people of color, for people of color. It is a monthly gathering for POC to come together to share their experiences and explore their identities. You do not have had to attend previous meetings in order to come. FREE.

Fair Trade vs Free Trade Saturday, March 23, 2-3pm at PJC. Learn how Free Trade policies & practices have paved the way for profit at the expense of people and the planet. Discover how the Fair Trade movement & principles counter these atrocities.FREE

Ed Everts Activist Award Celebration , Thursday, March 28, 6-9:30 at ECHO Center, Burlington. Join us to celebrate the work of both Robin Lloyd and Loving Day Vermont. Chili dinner, cash bar, silent auction, and dance party with DJ Craig Mitchell. Suggested donation $25. No one turned away for lack of funds.  Tickets available now online.
Sunday April 7, 10-5:00, Youth Activist Summit , Barre Civic Center. More details to come.
Sunday, May 5, 12-5:30, Social Justice Symposium and Block Party , Rutland High School. More details to come.
For more info on these events visit Upcoming Events or contact program@pjcvt.org
Quick Links
Activist Award Celebration

Celebrate the work of Robin Lloyd and Loving Day Vermont at the 9th annual Ed Everts Activist Award Celebration on March 28 at ECHO. Buy your tickets online or in store!

Silent auction, cash bar, chili dinner, and dance party with DJ Craig Mitchell.
Voices for Palestine
-by Kathy Shapiro, VTJP 
An atmosphere of hate and discrimination against oppressed minorities flourishes under the current administration. We've seen a 17% rise of hate crimes in 2017 according to the FBI, 59% of which were race-based, and 20.7% religion based (58.1% of these anti-Jewish). Perhaps it's because I am Jewish, but it seems to me that the subject of antisemitism dwarfs discussions about discrimination based on race, despite the numbers. Or maybe it's because I support justice for Palestinians, which has become almost synonymous with a new definition of antisemitism.

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Center Hours  
Monday-Friday: 10am-6pm
Store Hours
Monday-Saturday: 10am-6pm.
Sunday: 10am-5pm
Hours are subject to change. Call (802) 863-2345 x2 to confirm.
60 Lake Street, Suite 1C
Burlington's Waterfront.
(Next to Skinny Pancake) 
Flynn Vouchers
Pick up a voucher for this show at PJC and pay $2 cash at the door. For current PJC members and volunteers. For information on membership click here
. Limited supply!   
Storm Large- 
Saturday, March 9, 8pm. 
Pink Martini's not-so-secret weapon, Storm Large is a bawdy force of nature. Whether leading the beloved loungers in a swinging affair or building an army of devotees on CBS's Rock Star: Supernova, Storm stuns with her larger-than-life voice, silver screen charisma, and enduring cool. Recently, Storm and her band Le Bonheur released a record designed to capture their sublime-yet-subversive interpretations of the American Songbook. Her live show features these tortured and titillating love songs: beautiful and familiar, yet twisted... much like the lady herself.  
Friday, March 15, 8pm. 
Two of Québec's greatest traditional bands, Le Vent du Nord and De Temps Antan, combine forces for an evening of Celtic roots and vibrant Francophone culture. Since their 2002 inception, Le Vent du Nord has enjoyed meteoric success, receiving two Juno Awards for Best Roots/Traditional Album. Trio De Temps Antan uses Québec's vibrant living music tradition as a springboard for musical innovation, catapulting audiences headlong into the future of French-Canadian music and culture.  
March 5, 2019

Join us at the Richmond Free Library for a number of free programs about nonviolence inspired by the graphic novel series March by John Lewis. Reading the books are not required, but if you want to check them out before the event we have copies available in the Peace & Justice Store and in our community library!

Learning Nonviolence Series at the Richmond Free Library consists of:
From the Blog: Anne Braden Anti-Racist Training Part I Reflection

- Rachel Siegel PJC Executive Director

"The goal is not to be a better white person. The goal is to build the movements we need to create the world we want to live in."
I was fortunate to be selected for a four-month program called the Anne Braden Anti-Racist Training. The end of last month, I spent my first of three long weekends in Oakland with my cohort of 30 activists from around the county (plus one from Beirut).
The program is named for Anne Braden who was a white anti-racist activist in the South. I hadn't heard of her before but she is now one of my heroes. In "Finding the Other America," Braden said, "If we are serious about the challenge of the unfinished business of racism, we much start by realizing that... it is the basic contradiction in our entire history as a nation. The first European settlers who landed on these shores saw themselves as creating a great new experiment in democratic government. Yet they were enslaving a whole population of human beings, Africans, and committing genocide against the indigenous peoples of North America."  

Interracial Processing Project
White people need to be engaged in racial justice work with one another, but meaningful growth cannot be made while only existing in a bubble that, whether knowingly or unknowingly, reinforces white fragility and white supremacy. As a way to remedy that many white people and institutions ask people of color to be a part of these spaces to teach and hold white people accountable, but they expect them to do it for free.
Interracial Processing Project is a community project started by Jas Wheeler and Mercedes Mack, two POC who, like many others, are asked to put their emotional and financial well-beings to the side in order to help white people understand their own racism. This project aims to monetize this work and to "create the model of what equitable interracial exchange can and should look like under white supremacy." We highly recommend that you visit ProcessingProject.com to learn more and take advantage of this incredible service.  
Community Calendar
This is a parti al listing. See more in our public  calendar .

March 5, Tuesday
  • 5-9pm Turning Point Center Benefit Dinner. The Great Northern Restaurant, Burlington.
  • 6-9pm Reclaiming Our Ancestors: The First 12,000 Yrs of Abenaki History. Ethan Allen Homestead Museum, Burlington.
  • 6-8pm 350VT meeting. 179 South Winooski Ave, Suite 201, Burlington.
  • 6-8pm Save Our Skies. Burlington Co-housing, Burlington. Every Tuesday.
March 6, Wed
  • 6-8pm RAD Organizing Team Meeting. 423 Main St, Bennington.
  • 6-8pm Families United. The Root Social Justice Center, Brattleboro.
March 7, Thursday
March 8, Friday
March 9, Saturday
  • 10am-12pm Caroline Fund Pro Se Legal Clinic. Lawline of Vermont, Burlington. Every Saturday.
March 10, Sunday
March 11, Monday
  • 6-7:30pm VTJP meeting at PJC, Burlington.
  • 7-8:30pm 350VT meeting. 179 S Winooski Ave, #201, Burlington.
March 12, Tuesday
March 13, Wednesday
March 14, Thursday
March 16, Saturday
  • 10am-12pm Champlain Valley Amnesty International monthly meeting. Brownell Library, Essex Junction.
  • 10am-12pm Will Miller Green Mountain Veterans For Peace, Chapter 57 monthly meeting. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier.
March 17, Sunday
  • 7-8:30pm Central VT Climate Action meeting. UU Church, Montpelier.
March 18, Monday
  • 5:30-8pm Youth 4 Change. The Root Social Justice Center, Brattleboro.

Please email us events for our google calendar and enews
PJC Store
Action Highlight: Waiting Period for Gun Purchase Bill
The next two weeks will be crucial to passing a waiting period bill for gun purchases in Vermont!  
What can you do to help pass this common sense policy that can make all the difference to someone in crisis? Here are some things that Gunsense Vermont is asking you to do: 
  1. Call and email your Senators while they are at home this week for Town Meeting and ask them to vote YES on S.22. and YES on S.72 which would strengthen the "red flag" law that was passed last year. Find your Senators' contact info here.
  2. When you contact your Senators, please ask them to vote NO on the bills that would overturn or amend some of the laws that were passed last year concerning magazine capacity. We will not move backward.
  3. Pledge to come to the PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, March 12 at VT Technical College, Judd Hall, in Randolph to show your support for waiting periods.
Peace & Justice Center | 802-863-2345 | info@pjcvt.org | http://www.pjcvt.org
60 Lake St, Ste 1C
Burlington, VT 05401