Lake Samish Clean up: September 10th
See above for more information! Come play with us!
Mukilteo Geodome: October 7th
Very popular dive site for training dives and crabbing! The geodome offers a place where juvenile wolf eels, octos, diving cormorants, and many other kinds of marine life can be spotted. Easy access from the beach to the water. Don't miss out!
Redondo Beach: November 5th
At least 2 dives in one. This site features one deep line and one shallow line. Multiple structures of interest that sea life grows on and around. Stairs lead to a sandy beach and a short swim out. Lots of creatures to see and a very popular site for night dives.
Alki Beach, Cove 2: December 2nd
This is one of the most popular dive sites in Seattle and an all–around great dive park. It is protected from major currents and has lots of life in shallow water. There are many features to explore while underwater including boats, pilings, and boulder piles that house a lot of diverse marine life. Not a dive to miss!
What is the deal with your Group Dives, you say?
They are the perfect opportunity for you to get out at least once a month and ...., wait for it, GO DIVING! Whoop Whoop!! What a deal, it is ONLY $5 cash to get your name in the loop and planned into the group. Knowing who is coming to our event helps with the logistics for everyone. The event will be canceled by the Wednesday before if there is a lack of interest. Our group leaders do not get paid for their time. They are there to help with the dive site briefings, pairing you up, and coming up with a good dive plan. If they do an amazing job, please give them a bit extra $ for their time, and good humor.
Interesting fact: throughout the years of our group dives. People have "found" each other. Meaning you will likely find yourself, someone, to go diving, more than once a month.