Special| April 2022
You are invited to join our campaign to Abolish Slavery, no exceptions!
Attend the initial training for our 7-month campaign
to pass Prop 2

VIA Staff have been conducting Educational Workshops to discuss the legacy of slavery in our country and state and to explain the opportunity we have in Vermont to abolish slavery without exception in our November election. If you haven't been able to attend one of these presentations in person, please take a look here.

Now we're ready to prepare for the work of a campaign to ensure Vermonters not only pass the Abolish Slavery Amendment to our Constitution (Prop 2), but also to address the legacy of systemic racism in many forms that slavery has left us. And we want you to join us in that campaign!

On Wednesday, May 4th 7-8:30 PM and Saturday, May 7th 10-11:30 AM, we will provide an initial training for the campaign. The same training will be offered on these two different days, so just choose one to attend on Zoom. 

In the training, we will go over the timeline of the campaign, explain tools to organize and turn out voters, and offer practical advice on how to talk with your friends, neighbors and family about Prop 2.

The campaign will be structured so that you can choose the elements you want to volunteer for during the time periods you want to work. We also welcome you to invite any friends, relatives, or neighbors you think would like to join this campaign whether they want to become long-term members of VIA or not.

If you wish to join us, please pre register by following these links:

Any questions? Contact Debbie by email or at (802) 310-4625.