Each year as we go out into the community to talk about United Way, I am amazed by the volunteers, donors and non-profits across Clallam County. With you, we are able to fulfill the United Way’s mission of strengthening our community, by helping people live safe, healthy, and productive lives.
With you, we are able to support programs in education that encourage academic achievement. We have increased economic mobility - helping everyone achieve greater financial stability. We promote good health by partnering with others to maximize physical and mental health and well-being across all of Clallam County.
In order to ensure we have the greatest impact in our community, we gathered input from across Clallam County to create the following funding priorities for 2019: In education, a focus on employment - ensuring lifelong learning to maintain a strong workforce, for financial stability, an emphasis on safe and stable housing - focusing on families and individuals achieving permanent and self-sufficient living situations, and for health, a focus on strong and secure families so that are healthy and supported from the start.
Help us reach our 2019 campaign goal, donate by clicking