Volume 7,| November, 2018


Spark Contemporary Art Center
1001 East Fayette Street
Syracuse, New York


Bring your friends and relatives with you!

Share it on your facebook pages, at your place of business, and, word-of-mouth wherever and whenever you can. It is so important that we get customers there to make this event successful and expand our growing list of persons-with-interest!

The opportunity to see and purchase original art--at an incredibly reasonable price--is rare, indeed! Here we all have such an opportunity. Each piece, roughly 10X10, can be purchased for only $50!

Refreshments (Oh, those doughnuts!), a cash-bar, delightful music, a beautiful venue, and another opportunity to help the cause of hope: What more could one wish for?
Well, how about this!

Tim's beautiful stained glass window will be raffled off during this event. You don't want to miss your chance to support his artistry, our cause, and the possibility of taking this amazing piece home! Tickets can be purchased at the event and at GoFundMe. (See below!)
And while we have this chance, before the event, we'd like to express our gratitude to our sponsors:

Glazed and Confused (Thank you, AGAIN, Paulie!)
Brooklyn Brewery (thank you Mary Wiles)
Beak & Skiff Apple Orchards (thank you Eddie Brennan)
Tops Friendly Markets

Without your support this event simply could not take place!

  • HEART4ART ALERT: Unfortunately one of our musicians for this event had to pull out. If you know or can think of anyone who might be able to replace this person PLEASE let Darlene know.

  • Art contributions for Heart4Art can still be brought in. Again, if you know artists or can think of venues where artists might be found as possible contributors please feel free to pursue these possibilities on behalf of R2R.

  • Darlene was interviewed by Maria Maldonado Lewis on, I Know I Can Radio, on October 25th. This interview is posted on our facebook page and can be seen there. It is wonderful to see Tommy and his mother, Caroline, share their story. Lovely to see Michael Tooley's father there as well with Michael's little nephew. It is a wonderful reminder to us all of the hope and healing of "one life at a time".

  • The second meeting of the Board of Directors postponed and rescheduled.
Date and Time : November 27th, 2018 5:00 p.m.
Place: CNY Philanthropy Center, 431 E. Fayette Street, Syracuse

  • Next Volunteer Meeting:
  • Date and Time: November 14th, 7-8:30 p.m.
  • Place: Fleet Feet, 5800 Bridge Street (SEE BELOW)

  • Don't forget the Meditation Group! (Open to the Public)
  • Introduction to Meditation for Beginners. We meet at Jamesville Community Library 7-8 pm Monday nights.

  • And, of course, our T-SHIRTS! Volunteers, you'll want to wear yours to our events, right? New long-sleeved soon available!
  • If you would like to order one (several?) please contact Darlene at endydarlene@gmail.com.





Thanks so much to all of you who helped us to spread the word, volunteered for or attended our concert last October 13th!

The evening struck a perfect balance between powerful music of extraordinary virtuosity and the cause of treatment, love, and hope that is R2R.

And the refreshments were sumptuous!

We had $2,300 in donations alone! Ticket sales, raffle tickets, refreshments, and donations brought the grand total to $6,100.
As we begin to look toward our new year, our calendar of events is fairly sketchy. However, certain dates are already set, even as the details surrounding those dates are not. Please keep your eye on future issues of the newsletter to stay abreast of our planning BUT do save these dates TODAY !

  • Volunteer dinner, January 10th, 2019

  • Family Recovery Program January 12th, 2019. Darlene adds that she has been working very hard on this, having discovered that only Tully Hill has a family program in the area. She is applying for a grant through the New York State Health Foundation to sponsor monthly Family Recovery Programs in order to meet the overwhelming needs of our community. Again, people with ideas about the content of the program or resources we might use are encouraged to email her through the website.
  • Due to unforeseen conflicts in scheduling our second meeting of the Board had to be postponed It has been rescheduled for November 27th. The main item on the agenda for this meeting is the question of by laws for the Board. Barry Weiss has taken the lead on these matters and has already facilitated our work by submitting his considerations for our study prior to our meeting. We have several paradigms of such by-laws with which to work and it will be our challenge to determine which set best fits R2R.

Perhaps you have already seen Catie O'Toole's piece in the Syracuse Post Standard about the life-saving opportunities of NARCAN training. You also may recall that Kevin Donovan, mentioned in the article, gave a wonderful talk to our group at the September Butterfly Celebration. Kevin is the Overdose Prevention Coordinator at ACR HEALTH. Of course, our Volunteer and Board member, Alexa Punch, is the Director of Drug User Health at ACR.) O'Toole's article is an opportunity for many of us to learn more of these matters. Check it out!(Call-to-Action) . Beyond this, persons are encouraged to find out about the Narcan program and so much more that ACR is doing locally and state-wide at their web site (HERE) For a most powerful ACR Narcan testimonial click (HERE) . Kevin and Alexa are both extraordinary resources to us all and offer their email addresses should persons wish to reach out to them:   KDonovan@ACRHEalth.org and APunch@ACRHealth.org
Fourth A ddiction Video Resource

The fourth in the series produced by the Addiction Policy Forum. These animated shorts address various themes in addiction and addiction treatment. We would encourage folks to take a look and let us know what you think.

Also, the Addiction Policy Forum offers a website from which an extraordinary amount of important information about opioid addiction can be gleaned. For persons seeking an "informative and accessible" source of information on virtually any aspect of addiction and treatment this is a perfect venue. To visit this website click here .
The October Volunteer Meeting took place on the 18 th , 2018 a First Baptist Church of Manlius.
The meeting was keynoted by a visit and presentation by Justin Endy. A mixture of personal reflection, expressions of gratitude, and thoughts about how we might work with our recipients on projects going forward, the group was deeply moved by his words and more than a little impressed with the person he has become. THANK YOU JUSTIN!
Afterward we reflected on what we learned from the experience of our first benefit concert, thought through our plans for our next event, Heart4Art , and took up a variety of other considerations as we look to the future of our organization.
The evening closed with a series of skits put together by Barbra Brace that suggested strategies for how we volunteers can continue to stay pro-active regarding our work with R2R. BRAVO BARB!

  • PLEASE NOTE: from here on out our Volunteer Meetings are scheduled at a set time in the month, every month, and at a set place. Each newsletter will post the actual date, time and place, but this pattern will not change.

  • THE REGULAR DATE: The second Wednesday of each month. This means that our next meeting is NOVEMBER 14TH, 2018.
  • THE REGULAR TIME: 7:00pm-8:30pm
  • THE REGULAR PLACE: FLEET FEET, 5800 BRIDGE STREET (Look for their Community Room in the rear near the restrooms)


  • Special thanks to Barbara Brace, Ed Gabriel, and, of course, the Flowers for their extraordinary efforts in putting together our recent benefit Concert.

  • As always, persons are encouraged to spread the word and invite others into the midst of our volunteer group! It is impossible to overstate how much work these events involve and the numbers of persons it takes to put them on. More is indeed better!
Creative Fundraising Ideas

Watch for this space in the forthcoming newsletters. Each month we will be highlighting novel and creative modes of fundraising brought to us from our own people. And, of course, if you have thoughts of such please let us know. We are always on the lookout and always grateful!
New GoFundMe campaign

Now it's even easier to donate to help save lives. Just click on the Go Fund Me words below. Be sure to share the link with all your friends and contacts! Our goal is to raise $25,000, enough to pay for 90 days of treatment, 90 days of sober living, and 90 days of sober coaching, plus airfare, prescriptions, etc. for one person. That's six months of care, after which recipients are working and self-supporting. We've raised $400 so far!!

As a special offer Darlene promises a raffle ticket for Tim's stainless window for anyone who contributes $10 at our GoFundMe site.

Donate Your Bottles & Cans
Don't forger! Drop off your bags of deposit bottles/cans (with Road2RecoveryCNY written on the side) at:

F-M Returnables at 202 West Seneca Street in Manlius.
Central City Bottle Redemption, 224 Chapel Drive, Syracuse (Fairmount), NY 13219

Every dollar helps us send people to lifesaving treatment!
Road2RecoveryCNY | 315-692-4391 | r2rcnyde@gmail.com| road2recoverycny.com