
Community and Business Partners

Looking for information to share about My Alfond Grant with your employees and/or the families you serve? Read on for information and resources for those you work with who may have a child with an Alfond Grant.

What's New

ASF has recently launched an Alfond Grant Ambassador Program. Alfond Grant Ambassadors engage in outreach within their own communities, share information about the Alfond Grant, show families how to do things like check their grant value, verify contact information, and encouraging families to save for education after high school.

Alfond Grant Ambassadors receive training and technical support from ASF and are compensated for their time.

If you would like additional information about the Alfond Grant Ambassadors Program, please reach out to us at


News to Note

Educate Maine recently released the 2021 edition of their annual Education Indicators for Maine report. This annual report measures access, participation, and attainment through the educational pipeline in Maine from early childhood through postsecondary education.

This year the report includes a variety of additional indicators reflecting student well-being, access to technology, and adult education. The impact of the pandemic has started to be reflected in the data. You can now view the report in an interactive online format

Read the Report

Outdoor Activities for Late Winter Fun!


Even though the first day of spring will soon be within sight, kids from across Maine are taking advantage of everything the last few weeks of winter have to offer – from skiing to sledding to snowball fights. Fresh air and outdoor activities are important for kids’ health, wellbeing, and development – not only does getting outdoors relieve stress (important in these pandemic times), but playing outside can nurture kids’ imaginations and even support their immune systems. But sometimes getting them outdoors is easier said than done. If you’re looking for some easy and fun outdoor activities, we’re sharing some favorites below. And don’t forget, when it’s time to come indoors and warm up, these 5 fun snow day craft projects will keep your kiddos entertained!

Outdoor Activities

Become a Partner Today!

When Mr. Alfond started the Alfond Grant and the Alfond Scholarship Foundation, he envisioned other leaders in Maine joining in to help.

Business and community programs have a role to play in the future success of this program and the state.

Join us in giving Maine children a head start on a bright future!

For more information on how you can partner with us, contact Kate Leveille at

Learn More

Get to Know our Partners

At Hussey Seating, information about the Alfond Grant is provided to employees annually. They also go the extra step and for any employee who has a new baby. Those employees will receive an initial contribution to their college savings account from Hussey to help encourage additional saving for college!

What a great way to encourage savings and show appreciation to their employees!