"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3-4
You are on our minds - a message from the HCW Director
Regarding the COVID-19 Pandemic - I hope that you are blessed with enough resources to be able to accomplish all that you need to do while staying safe at home. If you must go out, I hope that you will be able to be safe there. At HCW, we are at home, but still working with partners across the United States and throughout the world.

We know the problems for children living in overwhelming adversity and extreme poverty are likely to worsen as the virus reaches their communities. In Sierra Leone, they have already been through one devastating epidemic. We are not abandoning them at this tough time. We are monitoring the situation closely and staying in daily contact with our partners.

However, we are acutely aware of how the pandemic is affecting family members and friends here at home. As we all go about trying to figure out how to cope with change in every aspect of life, we at Helping Children Worldwide wanted you to know your personal well being is on our minds. We love you and we are praying for you. Thank you for standing with us to help vulnerable children and families, and may God bless you and keep you.

In the hands of God, Melody Curtiss, Executive Director
CRC alum named lead doctor at Mercy Hospital
Mercy Hospital is pleased to welcome Dr. Aruna Stevens to the staff. Aruna is an original alumnus of the Child Reintegration Centre residential program who was rescued from the Bo street as a small child in the wake of the Sierra Leone civil war. Aruna graduated from the University of Sierra Leone College of Medical and Allied Health Sciences and completed his housemanship (residency) at the University of Sierra Leone Teaching Hospital Complex.  
Dr. Aruna Stevens, above right, with Jinnah Lahai, Mercy Hospital Administrator. Read about Aruna's inspiring journey from street child to doctor in our upcoming Annual Report and Impact Statement.
Calling all Partner Church pastors and representatives!
You are invited to a Partner Church Summit Zoom call with our Executive Director, Melody Curtiss, on Sunday, March 29 at 2 PM. Helping Children Worldwide is closely monitoring the effects of coronavirus across the world and at this point, we are pleased to inform you Sierra Leone is still free from the virus. The children, families, and communities we support are all safe, and our staff on the ground will continue reinforcing the best safety practices. 

At this Sunday's virtual summit, we want to engage our partner church representatives on how we can support your ministry for vulnerable children and families. Please join us for a collaborative and inspirational hour of fellowship as we walk through this time together.   
Partner Church Virtual Summit:
Mar 29, 2020 at 2 PM ET
Please use this link to register and join the Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 307 691 826 
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Meeting ID: 307 691 826 
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
News from our partners in Sierra Leone
Street children in Bo rescued by the CRC

While the Child Reintegration Centre continues to provide vital education support, medical access, and family mentoring to nearly 600 children and youth and their families, the busy staff is also rescuing unaccompanied children from the streets...

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CRC student named senior prefect of school

Hannah Smith has been named Senior Prefect of Methodist Girls High School in Bo. We are so proud of this Child Reintegration Centre student and how she has overcome insurmountable obstacles in her young life.

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The Child Reintegration Centre is turning 20, join us to honor them
Since 2000, the CRC has rescued hundreds of children from desperate situations, reunited families torn apart by poverty, and transformed the community through faith, dedication, and love.

As COVID-19 eventually reaches the communities we serve in Sierra Leone, the CRC needs our partnership and support more than ever. To honor 20 years of partnership with the CRC, our goal is to raise $20,000 to help them reach the most vulnerable children and families.
Our goal:
  • To rescue 20 street children and reintegrate them with caring families (there are an estimated 6,500 street children in Bo.)

  • To provide skills training to 20 vulnerable CRC families so they can become self-sustaining.
"The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad." Psalm 126:3
We still have openings for the 2020 mission teams to serve at the Child Reintegration Centre and Mercy Hospital. Attend an interest meeting to learn more, or visit us online: www.helpingchildrenworldwide.org/mission-trips . If you have concerns about the status of an upcoming trip, please call Linda Reinhard at 703-793-9521 or email [email protected] .


  • July 18 - Aug 1, 2020 - Application deadline passed, contact HCW
  • Oct 17 - Oct 31, 2020 - Interest meeting Sun, April 26, 2020 @ 2PM
  • Dec 26, 2020 - Jan 3, 2021 - Interest meeting Sun, June 28, 2020 @ 2PM
Like these volunteers, you can join a team for the unforgettable experience of serving at the Child Rescue Centre and Mercy Hospital in Sierra Leone. Learn more about HCW mission trips or apply online .
SPONSORS NEEDED: The Child Reintegration Centre has welcomed new students like Grace Gifty (pictured at left) and they would love to have a sponsor! Sponsorship makes it possible for the CRC to provide school fees, uniforms, education materials, books, tutoring, and family mentoring for nearly 600 children and youth from extremely vulnerable backgrounds. Click on the green button if you would like to sponsor one of these deserving students and help a vulnerable family break the bonds of poverty.
"We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield.

In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.

Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone."

Psalm 3:20-22
Learn how the Child Reintegration Centre and Mercy Hospital are transforming lives in Sierra Leone: www.helpingchildrenworldwide.org .
Helping Children Worldwide is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
www.helpingchildrenworldwide.org | EIN 76-0729857 | CFC #44370
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